











China is promoting the " Belt and Road " to drive the common development and common prosperity of many countries and China. China ' s Belt and Road initiative has also brought good opportunities for cooperation and development to countries around China. It also provides high-quality opportunities and platforms for China-Russia economic development and cooperation. Driven by the Chinese and Russian governments, bilateral trade between China and Russia has also been growing rapidly in recent years. Russia is a friendly ally and one of China 's most important exporters. Similarly, domestic companies have the output of products and the operation of companies in Russia, so how products are well protected becomes an important issue. If they want their own brands to obtain legal protection in Russia, it is particularly important to apply for trademarks in Russia. Next we talk about the trademark application.

Know these questions before the Russian trademark :


( 1 ) Trademarks applied in accordance with formal laws can be protected by the laws of the Russian Federation through trademark international organizations that Russia has joined.

2. Russian trademarks are classified by international classification of goods and services into the registration of goods, services and collective trademarks.

3.Russia ' s accession to international treaties and organizations include : ' Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property ', ' Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks ', ' International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration ', ' Trademark Registration Treaty ' and the World Intellectual Property Organization.

The whole process of applying for trademark in Russia needs to go through these stages :


First of all, we should prepare materials to submit the trademark and materials. After submission of the application, the Trademark Office will examine the form of the trademark and preliminarily examine whether all the materials applied for the trademark meet the requirements. After the formal review, the Trademark Office will conduct a substantive review of the trademark. At this stage, the Trademark Office will review the whole and details of the trademark one by one according to the provisions of the trademark law. If the review is not passed, the application review can be carried out. If the review is passed, your trademark will be reviewed and announced. If the whole process is very smooth without rejecting the objection, the whole process of trademark application will take about 14 – 16 months.


What issues need special attention in the process of Russian trademark application ?


After the Russian trademark application is submitted, the Trademark Intellectual Property Office will conduct a formal review of your application documents and the applicant ' s subject qualification. The subject of the Russian trademark applicant must be a legal person or individual business, not a natural person. The formal review process will take about 1-2 months. After the formal review, the Trademark Office will issue the acceptance notice of the application which meets the requirements. Substantive examination of the trademark after the issuance of the acceptance of the trademark application.

The trademark substantive review time is about 12 months. This phase mainly checks whether the trademark applied meets the requirements of laws and regulations, including the review of relative and absolute reasons. The results of the substantive review are in two cases : if the substantive review is successfully passed, the Trademark Office will issue you the trademark approval application decision and announcement ; if after the substantive examination, the application of the trademark has not passed the examination, or the application of the trademark has been applied by someone or similar trademark has been applied, these circumstances will not pass, the Trademark Office will issue the trademark application rejection notice. The trademark applicant may submit a review of the trademark application within 6 months from the date of receipt of the rejection notice. After the trademark application passed all the examination, the Trademark Office will issue you a successful trademark application certificate. After the trademark application is successful, the Trademark Office will immediately publish an official announcement. Within five years from the date of the announcement, others can raise objections to this trademark. Russia ' s trademark application will comply with the " registration before announcement " system, that is, to adopt objections after. If there is any objection to the trademark you apply for, the trademark can only be submitted after being approved for registration.


Russian trademark application needs to prepare the application form, applicant name, address, trademark and its description, international classification of trademark ; if you apply for a collective trademark, you also need to refer to the collective trademark use rules. If this rule is not submitted, it may be made up within 2 months of the date of receipt of the application by the Intellectual Property Office. Attention should be paid to the trademark application and its attachments if other language, the language should be translated into Russian using Russian translation.






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