:= 海象运算符
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def isBalanced(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> bool:
if self.get_height(root) != -1:
return True
return False
def get_height(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
# Base Case
if not root:
return 0
# 左
if (left_height := self.get_height(root.left)) == -1:
return -1
# 右
if (right_height := self.get_height(root.right)) == -1:
return -1
# 中
if abs(left_height - right_height) > 1:
return -1
return 1 + max(left_height, right_height)
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def binaryTreePaths(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[str]:
result = []
path = []
if not root:
return result
self.traversal(root, path, result)
return result
def traversal(self, cur, path, result):
path.append(cur.val) # 中
if not cur.left and not cur.right: # 到达叶子节点
sPath = '->'.join(map(str, path))
if cur.left: # 左
self.traversal(cur.left, path, result)
path.pop() # 回溯
if cur.right: # 右
self.traversal(cur.right, path, result)
path.pop() # 回溯
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def sumOfLeftLeaves(self, root):
if root is None:
return 0
if root.left is None and root.right is None:
return 0
leftValue = self.sumOfLeftLeaves(root.left) # 左
if root.left and not root.left.left and not root.left.right: # 左子树是左叶子的情况
leftValue = root.left.val
rightValue = self.sumOfLeftLeaves(root.right) # 右
sum_val = leftValue + rightValue # 中
return sum_val