Python自学 day03 ---Python基础


转载自大佬:双斜杠少年 --> python 语法学习小结


# <editor-fold desc="一维列表基本操作">
# list

# a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# a.append(0)       # list后面累加
# a.insert(0, 111)      # list在指定位置插值
# a.remove(2)           # 除去第一次出现的指定值
# print(a[1])             # 打印指定位置值
# print(a[-1])            # -1为最后一位的索引
# print(a[0:3])           # 打印指定位数的列表
# print(a[-3:])           # 后三位到最后
# print(a.index(3))        # 打印值的索引
# print(a.count(2))       # 出现值的次数
# a.sort(reverse=True)                    #不传参数默认->升序 reverse=True->降序
# print(a)                                # 排序后会代替之前的list
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="多维列表的建立 更多请学习numpy">
# 多维列表
# a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# muti_dim_a = [[1, 2, 3],            # 逗号不能少!
#              [2, 3, 4],
#              [3, 4, 5]]
# print(a[1])
# print(muti_dim_a[0][1])
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="字典">
# 字典 没有顺序的容器
# a_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4]
# d = {'apple': 1, 'pear': 2, 'orange': 3}
# d2 = {1: 'a', 'c': 'b'}
# 一个key对应一个值
# print(d['apple'])
# print(a_list[0])

# del d['pear']                   # 删除一个元素
# print(d)

# d['b'] = 20                     # 增加元素
# print(d)

# d3 = {'apple': [1, 2, 3], 'pear': {1: 3, 3: 'a'}, 'orange': 3}      # 字典中的数据可以是任意类型 包括函数
# print(d3['pear'][1])
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="导入模块">
# 载入模块
# import time as t                   # 1.自定义模块名 + as xxx
# print(t.localtime())

# from time import time,localtime     # 2.取time中部分功能

# print(localtime())
# print(time())

# from time import *                # 3.取time中所有功能

# print(localtime())
# print(time())
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="自定义模块">
# 自己的模块(脚本)
# 1.确保自己写的模块(脚本) 和当前文件在同一目录下
# 2.import my 自定义
# 3.调用方法
# else 把my.py放到python/lib目录(python默认外部模块)下,可以直接调用
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="continue 和 break">
# continue 和 break
# a = True
# while a:
#    b = input('type something')
#    if b == '1':
#        break           # 跳出循环
#    else:
#        continue        # 跳出当前,仍在循环里
#    print('仍在循环里')
# print('终止')
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="try">
# try
# try:
#     file = open('eeee', 'r')
# except Exception as e:
#     print('没有文件命名为eeee')
#     response = input('你想重新输入文件名吗?')
#     if response == 'y':
#         file = open('eeee', 'w')
#     else:
#        pass
# else:
#     file = open('eeee', 'w')
#     file.write('ssss')
# file.close()
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="zip,map,lambda">
# map,zip,lambda
# a = [1, 2, 3]                 # zip
# b = [4, 5, 6]
# zip(a, b)
# list(zip(a, b))
# for i, j in zip(a, b):
#     print(i/2, j/2)

# list(zip(a, a, b))

# fun2 = lambda x,y: x+y          # lambda
# print(fun2(2,3))

# def fun1(x,y):               # map
#     return (x+y)
# print(list(map(fun1, [1], [2])))
# print(list(map(fun1,[1,3], [2,5])))
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="copy,deepcopy">
# copy,deepcopy
# import copy
# a = [1, 2, 3]
# b = a                               # 索引 绑定在同一位置 改a,b也变
# print(id(a))
# print(id(b))

# c = copy.copy(a)                    # copy 不会同时改变
# print(id(a) == id(c))

# a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
# d = copy.copy(a)
# print(id(a) == id(d))               # 只是一层不会同时改变
# print(id(a[2]) == id(d[2]))        # 深层次的还是会同时改变
# e = copy.deepcopy(a)                # 完全的copy,任何东西都不会重复
# print(id(e[2]) == id(a[2]))
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="pickle 存放数据, with">
# pickle 存放数据,with
# import pickle

# a_dict = {'da': 111, 2: [23, 1, 4], '23': {1: 2, 'd': 'sad'}}

# file = open('pickle_example.pickle', 'wb')
# pickle.dump(a_dict, file)               # 将dict装在到file里

# file = open('pickle_example.pickle', 'rb')
# a_dict1 = pickle.load(file)             # 读取pickle中的数据
# file.close()
# print(a_dict1)

# with open('pickle_example.pickle', 'rb') as file:   # 用with会自动关闭file
#     a_dict1 = pickle.load(file)
# print(a_dict1)
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="set功能">
# set功能
# char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd']
# print(set(char_list))       # 把不同的(不重复的)找出来,但不排序
# sentence = 'Welcome Back to This Tutorial'
# print(set(sentence))          # 把不同的(不重复的)找出来,但不排序
# unique_char = set(char_list)
# unique_char.add('x')          # 加单个值
# unique_char.clear()             # 清空
# print(unique_char.remove('a'))      # 减掉单个值(不存在时会报错)
# print(unique_char.discard('y'))       # 减掉单个值(不存在时不会报错)
# print(unique_char)
# set1 = unique_char
# set2 = {'a', 'e', 'i'}
# print(set1.difference(set2))        # set1里面有,set2里面没有的东西
# print(set1.intersection(set2))      # set1里面有,set2里面也有的东西
# </editor-fold>

# <editor-fold desc="正则">
# 正则re
# import re           # 导入模块

# 简单Python匹配
# pattern1 = "cat"
# pattern2 = "bird"
# string = "dog runs to cat"
# print(pattern1 in string)
# print(pattern2 in string)

# 简单正则使用
# pattern1 = "cat"
# pattern2 = "bird"
# string = "dog runs to cat"
# print(, string))
# print(, string))

# 匹配多种可能 使用[]
# ptn = r"r[au]n"           # 匹配run 或者ran -》 r[au]n
# print(, "dog runs to cat"))
# print("r[0-9a-z]n", "dog rans to cat"))

# 特殊种类匹配
# print("r\dn", "run r4n"))        # \d数字
# print("r\Dn", "run r4n"))        # \D字母

# •	\d : 任何数字
# •	\D : 不是数字
# •	\s : 任何 white space, 如 [\t\n\r\f\v]
# •	\S : 不是 white space
# •	\w : 任何大小写字母, 数字和 “” [a-zA-Z0-9]
# •	\W : 不是 \w
# •	\b : 空白字符 (只在某个字的开头或结尾)
# •	\B : 空白字符 (不在某个字的开头或结尾)
# •	\\ : 匹配 \
# •	. : 匹配任何字符 (除了 \n)
# •	^ : 匹配开头
# •	$ : 匹配结尾
# •	? : 前面的字符可有可无

# 多行匹配
# string = """
# dogs runs to cat
# I run to dog
# """
# print("^I", string, flags=re.M))       # re.M 多行

# 重复匹配
# 如果我们想让某个规律被重复使用, 在正则里面也是可以实现的, 而且实现的方式还有很多. 具体可以分为这三种:
# •	* : 重复零次或多次
# •	+ : 重复一次或多次
# •	{n, m} : 重复 n 至 m 次
# •	{n} : 重复 n 次

# group
# match ="(\d+), Date: (.+)", "ID: 021523, Date: Feb/12/2017")
# print(                   # 021523, Date: Feb/12/2017
# print(                  # 021523
# print(                  # Date: Feb/12/2017
# match ="(?P<id>\d+), Date: (?P<date>.+)", "ID: 021523, Date: Feb/12/2017")
# print('id'))                # 021523
# print('date'))              # Date: Feb/12/2017

# # findall 寻找所有匹配
# print(re.findall(r"r[ua]n", "run ran ren"))    # ['run', 'ran']
# # | : or
# print(re.findall(r"(run|ran)", "run ran ren")) # ['run', 'ran']

# sub 替换
# print(re.sub(r"r[au]ns", "catches", "dog runs to cat"))     # dog catches to cat

# split 分裂
# print(re.split(r"[,;\.]", "a;b,c.d;e"))             # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

# compile 编译出来再匹配
# compiled_re = re.compile(r"r[ua]n")
# print("dog ran to cat"))  # <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(4, 7), match='ran'>
# </editor-fold>


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