Android-Creating an Input Method(IME)

An input method editor (IME) is a user control that enables users to enter text. Android provides an extensible input-method framework that allows applications to provide users alternative input methods, such as on-screen keyboards or even speech input. 

》IME,InputMethodServiceIf you haven't worked with IMEs before, you should read the introductory article Onscreen Input Methods first. Also, the SoftKeyboard sample app included in the SDK contains sample code that you can modify to start building your own IME.

defines metadata for the IME:

<!-- Declares the input method service -->
    <service android:name="FastInputIME"
            <action android:name="android.view.InputMethod" />
        <meta-data android:name=""
android:resource="@xml/method" />

this activity is the main entry point for the IME application:

    <!-- Optional: an activity for controlling the IME settings -->
    <activity android:name="FastInputIMESettings"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
Classes specific to IMEs are found in the  android.inputmethodservice  and  android.view.inputmethod packages. The  KeyEvent  class is important for handling keyboard characters.

The following classes are also important:BaseInputConnectionKeyboardView

When the IME is displayed for the first time, the system calls the onCreateInputView() callback. 

In the IME lifecycle, the system calls onCreateCandidatesView() when it's ready to display the candidates view.

》 Handling multiple screen sizes

The UI for your IME must be able to scale for different screen sizes, and it also must handle both landscape and portrait orientations. In non-fullscreen IME mode, leave sufficient space for the application to show the text field and any associated context, so that no more than half the screen is occupied by the IME. In fullscreen IME mode this is not an issue.

Handling different input types

Android text fields allow you to set a specific input type, such as free-form text, numbers, URLs, email addresses, and search strings. When you implement a new IME, you need to detect the input type of each field and provide the appropriate interface for it. However, you don't have to set up your IME to check that the user entered text valid for the input type; that's the responsibility of the application that owns the text field.

Caution: In your own IME, make sure you handle text correctly when you send it to a password field. Hide the password in your UI both in the input view and in the candidates view. Also remember that you shouldn't store passwords on a device. To learn more, see the Designing for Security guide.

InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();

    ic.deleteSurroundingText(4, 0);

    ic.commitText("Hello", 1);

    ic.commitText("!", 1);
Even though the input method window doesn't have explicit focus, it receives hardware key events first and can choose to consume them or forward them along to the application.

Subtypes allow the IME to expose multiple input modes and languages supported by an IME. A subtype can represent:

  • A locale such as en_US or fr_FR
  • An input mode such as voice, keyboard, or handwriting
  • Other input styles, forms, or properties specific to the IME, such as 10-key or qwerty keyboard layouts.

The following snippet defines an IME with two subtypes: a keyboard subtype for the US English locale, and another keyboard subtype for the French language locale for France:

<input-method xmlns:android=""
    <subtype android:name="@string/display_name_english_keyboard_ime"
    <subtype android:name="@string/display_name_french_keyboard_ime"
    <subtype android:name="@string/display_name_german_keyboard_ime"

Doing so greatly improves the keyboard's usability, and can help avoid user frustration. To enable such switching, perform the following steps:

  1. Declare supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod = "true" in the input method's XML resource files. Your declaration should look similar to the following snippet:
    <input-method xmlns:android=""
  2. Call the shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod() method.
  3. If the method returns true, display a switching key.
  4. When the user taps the switching key, call switchToNextInputMethod(), passing false to the second parameter. A value of false tells the system to treat all subtypes equally, regardless of what IME they belong to. Specifying true requires the system to cycle through subtypes in the current IME.

Caution: Prior to Android 5.0 (API level 21), switchToNextInputMethod() is not aware of thesupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod attribute. If the user switches into an IME without a switching key, he or she may get stuck in that IME, unable to switch out of it easily.

》 Here are some other things to consider as you're implementing your IME:

  • Provide a way for users to set options directly from the IME's UI.
  • Because multiple IMEs may be installed on the device, provide a way for the user to switch to a different IME directly from the input method UI.
  • Bring up the IME's UI quickly. Preload or load on demand any large resources so that users see the IME as soon as they tap on a text field. Cache resources and views for subsequent invocations of the input method.
  • Conversely, you should release large memory allocations soon after the input method window is hidden, so that applications can have sufficient memory to run. Consider using a delayed message to release resources if the IME is in a hidden state for a few seconds.
  • Make sure that users can enter as many characters as possible for the language or locale associated with the IME. Remember that users may use punctuation in passwords or user names, so your IME has to provide many different characters to allow users to enter a password and get access to the device.





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