U3D低边模型 POLYGON - Apocalypse Pack

POLYGON Apocalypse 资源包

这一资源包中包含超过 1800 个精细的预制件。


◼ Key Features ◼
- 所有建筑物都有可进入的内部结构!
- 模块化的地堡系统!
- 模块化的隔离墙!
- 可添加到我们原有车辆上的车辆装甲附件!
- 可以添加到你死亡机器上的车载武器!
- 模块化枪支系统 - 创建数以千计的定制枪支!
- 包含大量演示场景 - (角色姿势仅供参考)

◼ Assets ◼
角色 (x30)
- 摩托男、商务男、酷女、酷男、男罪犯、亚裔女、感性女、危险品男、无家可归男。男岛民。女机械师、女书呆子、修女、女病人、男记者、朋克女、男防暴警察、侦察女兵、男警长、女士兵、男士兵、女少年、男少年、女服务员、流浪男、女丧尸 x2、男丧尸 x2。

角色附件 (x86)
- 护甲、背包、胡须、头发、头饰、武器配件等。

车辆 (x17)
- 救护车、军用卡车、大货车(带有多个拖车)、越野车、露营车、中型车、旅行车、高尔夫球车、改装车、冰淇淋车、助力车、摩托车 x2、肌肉车、采访车、监狱巴士、皮卡。

车辆附件 (x88)
- 保险杠、装甲板、灯、扰流板、天线、凸刺、排障器、饰品等

带有内部结构的完整建筑物 (x30)
- 公寓、汽车维修店、咖啡厅、教堂、商务楼(小型、中型、大型)、小饭馆、房屋 x3、烧毁的房屋、厂房(小型、中型、大型)、灯塔、市场(中型、大型)、汽车旅馆、商店(小型 x3、中型 x2、大型 x2)、房屋拖车 x2、仓库 x2。

模块化建筑物(x150 件)
- 天花板、栅栏、地板、墙壁、屋顶、地堡、装卸台、管道、人行道、楼梯、梯子、横梁、门、遮阳篷/雨蓬、标志、座位等。

其他结构 (x24)
- 桥梁、冷却塔/烟囱 x3、集装箱门吊、起重机、停机坪、军事/检疫帐篷(有受损形态)x11、游泳池、铁塔 x2、无线电塔、水箱、水塔。

环境(x240 件)
- 道路、人行道、隧道、公路、草地、灌木丛、树木、瓦砾、岩石、排水渠等。

道具 (x671)
- 路障/障碍物、板条箱、家具、广告牌/标牌、残破/燃烧的车辆、栅栏、建筑材料、照明灯/灯具、电线杆、核武器、仪器、垃圾/垃圾桶、凸刺/碎片/防御工事、露营装备、商店装潢等

物品 (x93)
- 瓶子、弹药、饮料、罐头、露营装备、食品、箱包、药品等。

完整武器 (x86)
- 火箭发射器、加特林机枪、射钉枪、矛枪、球棒、刀片、斧头、棍棒、简易武器、电锯/园艺工具、手榴弹、燃烧弹、钉子炸弹、路边炸弹、高射机枪、鱼叉、火箭弹、锯子等

模块化武器(x184 件)
- 完全模块化的武器零件,包括枪托、枪管、提手、枪身、弹匣、消音器、瞄准镜/瞄具、刺刀等

特效 (x28)
- 灰烬、血迹、子弹壳、灰尘(内部和风)、火焰 x3、火焰喷射器、苍蝇、雾 x2、弹痕、泥浆、核武器 x2、花粉、辐射(一般、大、小)、雨水和雨溅、道路光晕、烟(黑、大、小)、火花、车轮泥迹。

◼ Compatibility ◼
- 适用于 Unity 2017.1 及更高版本
- Support Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here for Custom Shaders
- 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画)

刚买的资源包 价值 $299.99 ,需要的朋友赶快下载吧 (友情提醒,仅供学习研究,商业用途移步AssetStore购买) OVER 1,800 Detailed prefabs are included with this pack. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. - All Buildings have enterable Interiors! - Modular Bunker System! - Modular Quarantine Wall! - Vehicle Armor Attachments to add to our previous vehicles! - Vehicle weapons to attach to your death machines! - Modular Gun System - Create thousands of custom guns! Includes a MASSIVE demo scene - (Character poses indicative only) Key Features: Characters (x30) Biker Male, Business Male, Cool Female, Cool Male, Criminal Male, Eastern Female, Emo Female, Hazmat Male, Homeless Male. Islander Male. Mechanic Female, Nerd Female, Nun Female, Patient Female, Press Male, Punk Female, Riot Cop Male, Scout Female, Sheriff Male, Soldier Female, Soldier Male, Teen Female, Teen Male, Waitress Female, Wanderer Male, Zombie Female x2, Zombie Male x2. Character Attachments (x86) Armors, Backpacks, Beards, Hair, Headgear, Weapon Accessories, etc. Vehicles (x17) Ambulance, Army Truck, Big Rig (with multiple trailers), Buggy, Camper, Medium Car, Caravan, Golf Cart, Hot Rod, Ice Cream Van, Moped, Motorbike x2, Muscle Car, News Van, Prison Bus, Ute. Vehicle Attachments (x88) Bumpers, Armour Plating, Lights, Spoilers, Aerials, Spikes, Cowcatchers, Adornments, etc Complete Buildings, with interiors (x30) Apartment, Auto Repair, Cafe, Church, Commercial (small, medium, large), Diner, House x3, Burnt House, Industrial (small, medium, large), Lighthouse, Market (medium, large), Motel, Shop (small x3, medium x2, large x2), House Trailer x2, Warehouse x2. Modular Buildings (x150 Pieces) Ceilings, Fences, Floors, Walls, Roofs, Bunker Pieces, Loading Docks, Pipes, Walkways, Stairs, Ladders, Beams, Doors, Awnings/Tarps, Signs, Seating etc. Additional Structures (x24) Bridge, Cooling Towers/Smoke Stacks x3, Container Bridge, Crane, Helipad, Military/Quarantine Tents (with damaged versions) x11, Pool, Pylon x2, Radio Tower, Water Tank, Water Tower. Environment (x240 Pieces) Roads, Sidewalks, Tunnels, Highways, Grasses, Bushes, Trees, Rubble, Rocks, Storm Canals, etc. Props (x671) Barricades/Barriers, Crates, Furniture, Billboards/Signs, Wrecked/Burnt Vehicles, Fences, Building Materials, Lamps/Lights, Power Poles, Nuke, Instruments, Rubbish/Trash, Spikes/Shards/Defenses, Camping Equipment, Shop Dressing, etc. Items (x93) Bottles, Ammo, Drinks, Cans, Camping Equipment, Food, Bags, Meds, etc. Complete Weapons (x86) AR’s, SMG’s LMG’s, Pistols, Shotguns, Rocket Launcher, Minigun, Nail Gun, Spear Gun, Bats, Blades, Axes, clubs, improvised weapons, Chainsaws/Garden tools, Grenade, Molotov, Nail Bomb, IEDs, AA gun, Harpoons, Rockets, Saws etc. Modular Weapons (x184 Pieces) Fully modular weapon parts including Stocks, Barrels, Handles, Bodies, Magazines, Suppressors, Scopes/Sights, Bayonets, etc FX (x28) Ash, Blood Splat, Bullet Shells, Dust (interior and wind), Fire x3, Flame Thrower, Flies, Fog x2, Gunshot, Mud, Nuke x2, Pollen, Radioactive (Flat, Large, Small), Rain and Rain Splashes, Road Flare, Smoke (Black, Large, Small), Sparks, Wheel Mud. - Heaps of awesome content included (see the layout screenshots for more details) - Character setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
POLYGON – Office Pack – Out now! Synty Studios Presents – An Epic Low Poly asset pack of zombie characters to create an apocalypse themed polygonal style game. (Includes a custom shader to allow for changing the blood color and transparency) Key Features – Zombie Characters (x50) – Bellboy Male 01, Biker Male 01, Bio Hazard Suit Male 01, Bride Female 01, Business Female 01, Businessman Male 01, Business Shirt Male 01, Cheerleader Female 01, Clown Male 01, Coat Female 01, Daughter Female 01, Diver Male 01, Fast food worker Male 01, Father Male 01, Father Male 02, Firefighter Male 01, Footballer Male 01, Gamer-girl Female 01, Gangster Male 01, Hipster Female 01, Hipster Male 01, Hobo Male 01, Hoodie Male 01, Hot Dog Suit Male 01, Jacket Female 01, Jacket Male 01, Jock Male 01, Military Male 01, Mother Female 01, Mother Male 01, Paramedic Female 01, Patient Female 01, Police Female 01, Police Male 01, Prisoner Male 01, Punk Female 01, Punk Male 01, Riot Cop Male 01, Road worker Male 01, School Boy Male 01, School Girl Female 01, Shopkeeper Female 01, Shopkeeper Male 01, Son Male 01, Summer Girl Female 01, Tourist Male 01, Underwear Female 01, Underwear Male 01. (with Alternative colors) Props – Axe 01, Bar 01, Bar 02, Cleaver 01, Knife 01, Scissors 01. Zombie gibs – Male Head 01, Female Head 01, Upper Arm 01, Lower Arm 01, Upper Leg 01, Lower Leg 01. – Heaps of awesome content included (see the layout screenshots for more details) Compatibility – Works in Unity 2017.4 and above – Support Universal Render Pipeline (URP) – URP Guide Here for Custom Shaders – Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack) Works well with our MASSIVE Apocalypse Pack POLYGONApocalypse Pack Follow us for updates and news Web | Facebook | Discord | Email Check out our other Assets POLYGON3D Asset Series Mini – 3D Asset Series Simple – 3D Asset Series
好的,让我们来创建一个用 TypeScript 编写的 Zombie Apocalypse 游戏。 首先,我们需要定义一些游戏中会用到的类型。例如,我们需要定义一个 `Player` 类型来代表游戏中的玩家: ```typescript interface Player { name: string; health: number; attack: number; defense: number; } ``` 接下来,我们需要定义一个 `Zombie` 类型来代表游戏中的僵尸: ```typescript interface Zombie { health: number; attack: number; defense: number; } ``` 然后,我们需要定义一个 `Game` 类来管理游戏状态和逻辑: ```typescript class Game { private player: Player; private zombies: Zombie[]; constructor(player: Player, zombies: Zombie[]) { this.player = player; this.zombies = zombies; } play() { while (this.player.health > 0 && this.zombies.length > 0) { const zombie = this.zombies[0]; const playerDamage = this.player.attack - zombie.defense; const zombieDamage = zombie.attack - this.player.defense; if (playerDamage > 0) { zombie.health -= playerDamage; } if (zombie.health <= 0) { this.zombies.shift(); } if (zombieDamage > 0) { this.player.health -= zombieDamage; } } if (this.player.health > 0) { console.log('You win!'); } else { console.log('You lose!'); } } } ``` 最后,我们可以创建一个游戏实例并开始游戏: ```typescript const player: Player = { name: 'John', health: 100, attack: 10, defense: 5, }; const zombies: Zombie[] = [ { health: 20, attack: 5, defense: 2 }, { health: 30, attack: 7, defense: 3 }, { health: 40, attack: 10, defense: 4 }, ]; const game = new Game(player, zombies); game.play(); ``` 这就是用 TypeScript 编写的 Zombie Apocalypse 游戏。当然,你可以根据自己的喜好和需求对代码进行修改和扩展。




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