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原创 Ruby on Rails testing using rspec

Testing# Gemfilegroup :development, :test do gem 1 gem 2 gem 3endgroup :development do gem 4 gem 5 gem 6end# spec folder# rails_helper.rb# spec_helper.rb# model folder# name_spec.rb# features folder# names_spec.rb# in m

2020-11-15 02:10:06 164

原创 Java subtype, extension, and inheritance

InterfaceInterface separates the specification of an object from its implementationEach class is a subtype of any interfaces it implements.public interface Displaceable { public int getX (); public int getY (); public void move(int dx, int dy);}

2020-11-14 03:16:08 214

原创 Java ASM Example

2020-11-14 03:14:31 217

原创 Java ASM 简介

Java ASMFeatures of Java Abstract Stack MachinesWorkspacekeeps trach of expression or command that the computer is currently simplying.Stack: static memory allocation stored in RAM in a contiguous blockAlmost everything including variables stored

2020-11-14 01:25:00 209

原创 LaTex Citation And Footnote 引文和脚注

LaTex: Citation and FootnoteCreating a .bib fileUsing bibtex generator onlineInline citation \cite{label}.\bibliography{location&nameWithout.bib}\bibliographystyle{ieeeetr}Autogenerate footnotes\documentclass{article}\usepackage[backend=bibt

2020-11-14 00:09:00 1689

原创 Java Resizable Array Demo

Resizable ArraysInvariant0 <= extent <= buffer.lengthif extent = 0 then all of the elements of the ResArray are 0.if extent > 0 then buffer[extent - 1] is the last non-zero value in the ResArray.Interfacepublic class ResArray { privat

2020-11-14 00:04:04 125

原创 Core Java Basics

Java Interfacepublic interface Displaceable { public int getX (); public int getY (); public void move(int dx, int dy);}public class Point implements Displaceable { private int x, y; public Point(int x0, int y0) { x = x0; y = y0; }

2020-11-14 00:02:22 104

原创 Ruby Or Equal Operator: ||=

Conditional Assignment Operatora ||= nil # => nila ||= 0 # => 0a ||= 2 # => 0If a is undefined or false, the assign b to a, otherwise do nothing

2020-11-13 12:42:56 103

原创 Ruby on Rails: Nested Resources Demo

rails new nestedResourcesDemorails g scaffold User username:string passwrod_hash:stringrails g scaffold Post user:references title:string content:text# user.rbhas_many :post# post.rbbelongs_to :userrails db migraterails c@user = User.create

2020-11-13 12:38:43 116

原创 Ruby on Rails: Form and Authentication 表以及用户登陆与退出

fieldsWith URL:<%= form_with url: '/login' do |form| %> <%= form.label :email %> <%= form.

2020-11-13 12:37:07 150

原创 Rails server error: server is already running

server is already running.Solution: kill the serverkill -9 $(lsof -i tcp:3000 -t)

2020-11-11 22:38:58 285

原创 Ruby on Rails: database relations and common errors 数据库关系建立以及常见问题

One-to-many and Many-to-many relationshipsrails g scaffold Department code:string name:stringrails g scaffold Course department:references code:integer title:string description:textrails db:migraterails g scaffold User first_name:string last_name:st

2020-11-11 10:33:52 157

原创 Ruby: Scaffold Generator, AREL, Validation, One-to-many, Many-to-many

Scaffold GeneratorIt generates:Model/migrationcontoller file and implementationthe entire view folderall restful routesrails new blogDemonstrationcd blogDemonstration/rails g scaffold Post title:string content:textrails d scaffold Post# in

2020-10-26 05:49:34 140

原创 Ruby on Rails Blog Project 创建博客网站项目

Blog projectSet up projectrails new Blog --db=postgresqlcd Blograils s -b localhost:3000Home Pageget '/pages', to: 'pages#home' in routes.rbCreate pages_controller.rb in controllers folderclass PagesController < ApplicationControl

2020-10-18 12:31:00 173

原创 Bootstrap v5 Button 带有图标的按键

Button IconFontawesome<!-- google fonts --><script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/1d9373cc66.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><button type="button" class="btn btn-dark btn-lg"> <i class="fab fa-apple"></i>

2020-10-18 11:19:27 730

原创 Bootstrap v5 Grid Design and Container 布局设计

Grid Layout SystemTotal columns for single row is 12. col-6 is 50%.sm not specified will automatically to be col-sm-12<div class="container"> <section id="layout 1"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm

2020-10-18 11:18:14 179

原创 Bootstrap v5 Navigation Bar 导航栏

Bootstrp 5CSS<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/5.0.0-alpha2/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-DhY6onE6f3zzKbjUPRc2hOzGAdEf4/Dz+WJwBvEYL/lkkIsI3ihufq9hk9K4lVoK" crossorigin="anonymous">Navigation Bar

2020-10-18 11:17:31 731

原创 网站设计常用工具

Design toolsDesign ideas:​ Dribbble.com​ Design-pattern.comDesign:​ Balsamic.cloud​ Sneakpeekit.comFonts:​ Google fontsAdd fontgo to Google fontsAuto-generated:<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:wght@100&fami

2020-10-18 11:16:03 254 1

原创 Ruby: Arel and Forms

Data typesstringtextintegerfloatdecimaldatetimetimestamptimedatebooleanreferencesSQL -> ORM -> Arel# Common commandsUser.where(name: 'Simon')User.find_by(name: 'Simon')User.limit(2)User.order(id: :desc)# Chaining commandsPost.wh

2020-10-17 22:47:29 113

原创 Kaggle IBM员工离职预测:决策树和逻辑回归

2020-10-15 23:02:00 1133

原创 Ruby: Rails basic structure creation and debugging Rails项目的编写与调试

RailsFundamental Rail Commands:rails new PROJECT_NAME # creat eall filesrails s -b # boots up server, listen for request on port 3000Route -> Controller -> Viewdefine routeshandler methods in controllerwrite view templates in the

2020-10-11 02:48:25 132

原创 LaTexTableOfContent 编写LaTex目录

LaTex: Table of ContentUsing section heading to create table of content\tableofcontents\newpageList of figures and tables\begin{appendix} \listoffigures \listoftables\end{appendix}Set the depth of table of content by using\setcounter{tocdepth

2020-10-11 01:20:48 3701

原创 Ruby: Rails structure and naming convention Rails结构与命名规则

Content:LogicIntroductionConventionsRuby on Rails Logic*Browser* <--request/response--> *Server* --request_info--> *Routing* ^ | | Params + Methods | | HTML + Assets V

2020-10-10 23:03:38 139

原创 LaTex: Table And List 图表与列表

LaTex: Table and ListTable\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \caption{Your first table.} \label{tab:table1} \begin{tabular}{l|c|r} % <-- Alignments: 1st column left, 2nd middle and 3rd right, with

2020-10-04 02:51:51 314

原创 Network Layers 网络层介绍

Network4 networking layerslink layer: physical mediadirection connections between machinespacket-basedinternet layerwho do I want to talk to?Internet Protocol (IP) addressIPv4 (32-bit) and IPv6 (128-bit)how do I get messages to/from them

2020-10-04 02:49:39 349

原创 LaTex: Figures 插入图像

LaTex: FiguresImages in LaTex\documentclass{article}\usepackage{graphicx}\begin{document}\begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{boat.jpg} \caption{A boat.} \label{fig:boat1}\end{figure}Figure \ref{fig:boat1} shows a boat.\end{

2020-10-04 02:48:11 1024

原创 LaTex: Math Symbols and Formula 数学符号与公式

LaTex: MathInline mathusing dollar signThis formula $f(x) = x^2$ is an example.Equation and Align EnvironmentAlign environemnt will align equations at &.Linebreaker is required.AlignAlign* provide line numbers\tag for inline explanation\docu

2020-09-25 08:08:57 695

原创 Unix Basic Command Line Unix 基础命令

Basic Command LineManipulate files foldersCommand line -> running a shele (bash, zsh…)Graphical interfacesclearls #print out contents of the current directoryls directoryls -l #long format: more information of contentspwd #print direct

2020-09-25 08:07:07 229

原创 Revision Control: Git 版本控制

Revision Controlgit version controlKeep track of change of codeCentralizedSubversion - svnDecentralizedRepository on central serverGit:Files can be:Untracked: outside gitStaged: add to git, only pushing cleaned neccessary changes.Unstaged

2020-09-25 08:05:56 152

原创 LaTex Introduction 基础介绍

LaTex: IntroSimple ExampleInstructions: “\commandname{option}”\documentclass{article}\begin{document} Hello World!\end{document}An environment is simply an area of your document where certain typesetting rules apply.Documentclass: article, book…

2020-09-20 23:24:38 1054

原创 Ruby: Object-Oriented-Programming 面向对象编程

OOPTable of contentsClass declarationInstance variables and methodsConstructor method initializeInstance variables and Instance MethodsReader/Writer methodsOther instance mtehodsClass variables and Class methodsPrivate methodsDescribing metho

2020-09-20 23:20:23 142

原创 Ruby: Basic Syntax 基础语法

Ruby BasicsRuby is strongly typed and dynamically typedirb # run in command lineibj = object.newobj.classobj.class.superclassobj.methodsfoo = 5# Print string# "#{var}"p "Hello, #{foo}!"# Orp 'Hello, ' + foo.to_s + '!'def obj:talk(message,

2020-09-20 21:55:26 142

原创 HTML&CSS Basics 网站构建基础

HTML<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <!--essential information--> <title> title </title> </head> <body style="background-color: purple"> <h1>Section 1</h1> <h2>Sec

2020-08-31 17:41:11 139





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