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翻译 Nature—翻译:沉睡的苍蝇和气候焦虑

Sleeping flies and climate change anxiety — the week in info-graphicsThe kids are not OKClimate change is causing distress, anger and other negative emotions in children and young people worldwide, according to a survey of thousands of 16-25-year-olds. T

2021-10-07 15:54:31 250

原创 IELTS writing 范文精度

evaluate v.评价;评估 evaluate an employee’s ability 评价一个员工的能力so as to phrase. 为的是;以便 (不能用于句首,in order to 可以用于句首)whereas conj. 然而;鉴于 (whereas = however ; whereby由此= therefore)practice n. 练习;实践;惯常做法 v. 练习;从事;习惯做give rise to phrase. 引...

2020-11-11 19:14:28 212

原创 5000词学英语——DAY10

Pubications from this period are not covered by copyright protecction.从这个时期起的出版不受版权保护。I didn’t like to talk about my private life.我不喜欢谈论我的私生活。This will create nwe job opportunities for local residents.这将为当地的居民创造新的工作机会。Payment is due on the 1st of Oct

2020-07-11 10:27:36 157

原创 5000词学英语——DAY9

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!享受你剩余的周末时光。The light value vary due to ambient light from sources.光线值的改变是由于周围其他的光源。I love the sound of rain.我喜欢下雨的声音。The parking lot is open to residents and visitors.这个停车场同时对居民和访客开放。The issue got a lot of attention f

2020-07-10 20:16:09 115

翻译 TED原文翻译——Why domestic violence victims don‘t leave

I’m here today to talk about a disturbing question, which has an equally disturbing answer. My topic is the secrets of domestic violence, and the question I’m going to tackle is the one question everyone always asks: why does she study? why would anyone st

2020-07-10 17:44:21 1824

原创 5000词学英语——DAY8

In addition to traditional media, a librarian also deals with digitized content.除了传统的媒介之外,图书馆里也需要处理数字化的内容。I run every morning —it’s part of my training programme.我每天早晨跑步,这是我健身计划的一部分。Teaching is hard work.教书是一件辛苦的工作。Are you taking notes?你在做笔记吗?It i

2020-07-08 21:26:30 179

原创 5000词学英语——DAY7

I‘ll meet you at half past five.我们五点办见。My office is just above yours.我的办公室在你楼上。The temperature is below zero.现在气温在零度以下。I’m not there yet, but I’m on my way.我还没到,但我在路上。I started my current job in 2008.我2008年开始从事我现在的工作。His name means “rock” in Fren

2020-07-08 01:06:27 792

原创 5000词学英语——DAY6

We all make mistake–we are only human.我们都会犯错——我们只是凡人。I like your new post about food.我喜欢你新发表的文章。Plastic products have a negative and longterm impact on the environment.塑料产品对环境带来的负面和长期的影响。We’ll only be away for a week.我们只离开一个星期。They have about three

2020-07-06 00:40:42 182

原创 5000词学英语——DAY5

The government halted demonstrations at foreign embassies to avoid internal stife.为了避免内部的冲突,政府取消了针对外国使馆的示威活动。I had to use a cane for several weeks to take pressure off injured leg.我不得不用拐杖走路数周,以减轻受伤的腿的压力。The light values will vary due to ambient light

2020-07-04 13:28:44 206

原创 5000词学英语——DAY4

The olive tree traditionally represents peace.橄榄树传统上象征着和平。Compare the molecular structure of the two substances.比较两种物质的分子结构。We thought you might want to know the programme for tomorrow.我们在想你应该想知道明天的节目。You always have my love and support.你永远有我的爱与支持。

2020-07-03 23:49:14 207

原创 5000词学英语——DAY3

The essence of the matter wasn’t addressed in the brainstorming session.问题的本质在头脑风暴环节并未得到处理。She goes to church for community and fellowship.她去教堂参加集会和团契。The question is beyond the scope of the present article.这个问题已经超出了本文的范围。She illustrated her point wi

2020-07-03 00:44:27 865

原创 5000词学英语——DAY2

He was instrumental in helping them reach a compromise.他在帮他们达成妥协方面起了作用。You have the right to an attorney.你有权找一个律师。Jefferson drafted the declaration proclaiming the independence of the colonies.Jefferson起草了宣言,宣布殖民地的独立。The climb to the summit is challe

2020-07-02 01:26:35 191

原创 5000词学英语——DAY1

5000词学英语——DAY1The online course is meant for intermediate and advanced developers.在线课程是针对中高级的开发者。This workshop was interesting.这个工作坊很有趣。I always keep some money in reserve, just in case.我都会留点钱备用,以防万一。The stem of the broccoli plant is edible and very

2020-06-30 01:47:36 196



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