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原创 hdu6081--度度熊的王国战略(百度之星资格赛)

Problem Description度度熊国王率领着喵哈哈族的勇士,准备进攻哗啦啦族。哗啦啦族是一个强悍的民族,里面有充满智慧的谋士,拥有无穷力量的战士。所以这一场战争,将会十分艰难。为了更好的进攻哗啦啦族,度度熊决定首先应该从内部瓦解哗啦啦族。第一步就是应该使得哗啦啦族内部不能同心齐力,需要内部有间隙。哗啦啦族一共有n个将领,他们一共有m个强关系,摧

2017-08-17 19:10:55 436

原创 hdu6130--Kolakoski

Problem DescriptionThis is Kolakosiki sequence:1,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1……. This sequence consists of 1 and 2, and its first term equals 1. Besides, if you see adjacent and e

2017-08-15 14:00:00 365

原创 hdu6124--Euler theorem

Problem DescriptionHazelFan is given two positive integersa,b, and he wants to calculate amodb. But now he forgets the value of b and only remember the value of a, please tell him the numb

2017-08-15 13:54:44 362

原创 吃豆豆--Java小游戏


2017-08-14 20:45:04 5236 7

原创 hdu6106--Classes

Problem DescriptionThe school set up three elective courses, assuming that these courses are A, B, C. N classes of students enrolled in these courses.Now the school wants to count the number of st

2017-08-14 19:27:36 394

原创 hdu6098--Inversion

Problem DescriptionGive an array A, the index starts from 1.Now we want to know Bi=maxi∤jAj , i≥2.InputThe first line of the input gives the number of test cases T; T test cases follow.Eac

2017-08-14 18:40:26 412

原创 数论---荣斥定理

在计数时,必须注意没有重复,没有遗漏,为了使重叠部分不被重复计算,人们研究出一种新的计数方法,即:先不考虑重叠部分情况,把包含某内容中的所有对象数目先计算出来,然后把重复计算的数目排斥出去,使得计数结果既没有遗漏,有没有重复。即荣斥定理,也叫荣斥原理。公式比如在下图中对于m=3的情况,右式可化为 = {[(A+B - A∩B)+C - B∩C

2017-08-01 10:31:28 1829

原创 hdu6047--Maximum Sequence

Problem DescriptionSteph is extremely obsessed with “sequence problems” that are usually seen on magazines: Given the sequence 11, 23, 30, 35, what is the next number? Steph always finds them too ea

2017-07-28 21:40:06 654 2

原创 hdu6055--Regular polygon

Problem DescriptionOn a two-dimensional plane, give you n integer points. Your task is to figure out how many different regular polygon these points can make.InputThe input file consists of seve

2017-07-28 11:04:00 373

原创 hdu6034--Balala Power!

Problem DescriptionTalented Mr.Tang has n strings consisting of only lower case characters. He wants to charge them with Balala Power (he could change each character ranged froma to z in

2017-07-27 20:30:44 493

原创 hdu6033--Add More Zero

Problem DescriptionThere is a youngster known for amateur propositions concerning several mathematical hard problems.Nowadays, he is preparing a thought-provoking problem on a specific type of s

2017-07-26 11:46:54 317

原创 hdu6043--KazaQ's Socks

Problem DescriptionKazaQ wears socks everyday.At the beginning, he has n pairs of socks numbered from 1 to n in his closets. Every morning, he puts on a pair of socks which has the sma

2017-07-26 11:02:40 446

原创 acm省赛--D sum of power快速幂

Problem DescriptionCalculate  mod (1000000000+7) for givenn,m.InputInput contains two integers n,m(1≤n≤1000,0≤m≤10).OutputOutput the answer in a single line.Example Input

2017-07-25 11:12:48 359

原创 acm省赛题--J company

Problem DescriptionThere are n kinds of goods in the company, with each of them has a inventory of and direct unit benefit. Now you find due to price changes, for any goods sold on dayi, if

2017-07-24 20:26:10 656

原创 acm省赛K题--01背包

DescriptionLYD loves codeforces since there are many Russian contests. In an contest lasting forT minutes there are n problems, and for the ith problem you can getai−di∗ti points, where ai ind

2017-07-24 19:41:36 394

原创 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator高效贪心算法

DescriptionThe game “The Pilots Brothers: following the stripy elephant” has a quest where a player needs to open a refrigerator.There are 16 handles on the refrigerator door. Every handle can b

2017-02-08 21:02:24 504

原创 Filp Game

Description  Flip game is played on a rectangular 4x4 field with two-sided pieces placed on each of its 16 squares. One side of each piece is white and the other one is black and each piece is lying

2017-02-07 20:54:54 441

原创 bookshelf-01背包问题

desriptionFarmer John recently bought another bookshelf for the cow library, but the shelf is getting filled up quite quickly, and now the only available space is at the top.FJ has N cows

2017-02-06 19:20:19 349

原创 饭卡-背包问题

description  电子科大本部食堂的饭卡有一种很诡异的设计,即在购买之前判断余额。如果购买一个商品之前,卡上的剩余金额大于或等于5元,就一定可以购买成功(即使购买后卡上余额为负),否则无法购买(即使金额足够)。所以大家都希望尽量使卡上的余额最少。 某天,食堂中有n种菜出售,每种菜可购买一次。已知每种菜的价格以及卡上的余额,问最少可使卡上的余额为多少。 Input多组

2017-02-06 18:48:13 501

原创 kmp.gcd.快速幂.判断素数模板

1.kmp模板void getfill(string s)  {      memset(f,0,sizeof(f));  //根据其前一个字母得到      for(int i=1;i    {          int j=f[i];          while(j && s[i]!=s[j])              j=f[j];

2017-01-28 12:41:13 261

原创 SDNU1185统计数字

Description某次科研调查时得到了n个自然数,每个数均不超过1500000000(1.5*109)。已知不相同的数不超过10000个,现在需要统计这些自然数各自出现的次数,并按照自然数从小到大的顺序输出统计结果。Input输入包含n+1行;第一行是整数n,表示自然数的个数,1第2~n+1每行一个自然数,每个数均不超过1 500 000 000

2017-01-24 18:13:23 515

原创 map基本用法

最近在学习map映照容器,感觉真心好用头文件:#include定义:map v;(支持int,string,bool,char,float,double)插入元素:v[5]='A'; v[8]='B';删除元素:v.erase(5);清空容器:v.clear();向前遍历元素:map::iterator it;for(it=v.begin();it!

2017-01-24 18:01:12 316



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