[MSRA040809023]MSRA - Web Search & Data Mining - Researcher

[MSRA040809023]MSRA - Web Search & Data Mining - Researcher At All Levels

部门(Department):Web Search & Data Mining
组织(Organization):Microsoft Research Asia
招聘日期(Date):available until occupied

Microsoft Research Asia is looking for top talents in the area of Web search and mining. We are currently conducting research in the following areas: text and data mining, Web information extraction, Web structured data record extraction, new models and ranking algorithms for search, deep Web crawling and search, large-scale text classification and clustering, Web modeling, large-scale link and graph analysis, community mining and search, object-level Web search, mobile search, and media search.

Our goal is to bring the current Web search to the next level by applying data mining, machine learning, and knowledge discovery techniques to information analysis, organization, retrieval, and visualization. For example, we are working on techniques to datamine deep Web structure to enable one-stop search of multiple online databases as well as extract page layout structure to improve link analysis and relevance ranking.

We are also developing new classification and clustering techniques that are capable of handling data at Web scale and quickly adapting to new topics to cope with the dynamic nature of the Web. In contrast with the current Web search methods that essentially do document-level ranking and retrieval, we are exploring a new paradigm to enable Web search at the object level. To achieve this goal, we need to automatically discover important sub-topic structure for a query to better organize the search result, and then identify the trend and bring knowledge and intelligence to the users. We are also working on fundamental problems such as understanding the evolution of the Web and being able to model it.

Mobile search is a new domain that we are interested in. Currently our main focus is to enable information adaptation and ubiquitous access on mobile devices and also look into new user scenarios to bridge physical world search to digital world search. For media search, in additional to content-based retrieval, we are also interested in analyzing the multi-typed interrelationship between media objects and other Web content such as text, hyperlinks, deep Web structure, and user interactions for better semantic understanding and indexing of media objects.

Requirements / Skills:
People with broad knowledge and expertise in many different areas of computer science and mathematics, including distributed systems, operating systems, data mining, information retrieval, machine learning, performance optimization, algorithms, user interface design, statistical inference and information theory, and related areas.
• People with world-class programming skills.
• People with excellent communication and organizational skills.
• People who are passionate about their work and are great colleagues.
• People with diverse interests and skills.

Positions are open for candidates at all levels, including Software Development Engineer, Assistant Researcher, Associate Researcher, Researcher, Project Leader and Research Manager. We particularly encourage applications from senior candidates with comprehensive knowledge of Web search.


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