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原创 C#解析错误代码至错误提示字符串


2016-04-14 14:57:19 1646

原创 为指定网络接口关闭DHCP

修改/etc/dhcpcd.conf,添加如下内容:interface ethXstatic ip_address= routers=其中ethX为需要关闭DHCP功能的接口名称。具体细节可查看dhcpcd的帮助文档(man dhcpcd.conf)

2016-04-13 17:27:17 2452

原创 在AWS RDS(Oracle)上执行数据导入

操作纲要生成导出数据。 传输导出数据至AWS RDS。 远程登录至AWS RDS并执行数据导入操作。操作步骤 1:获取操作权限操作步骤 1.1 [可选步骤] 创建数据导出目录:为了方便管理,可将数据导出目录指定到特定文件夹,如:D:\dump_dir.创建导出目录:create or replace directory DUMP_DIR as 'D:\dump_dir';确认创建是否成功:s

2016-03-16 22:47:40 2985

原创 BitLocker使用: 不重启,关闭已解锁加密驱动器。

工具介绍:manage-bde.exe BitLocker 驱动器加密:,CLI(Command Line Interface)配置工具。常用参数:-lock 阻止访问 BitLocker 加密的数据。-unlock 允许访问 BitLocker 加密的数据。详细参数查看:-Help 或 -h 显示完整帮助。示例: “-ParameterSet -h” 如:manage-

2016-03-10 16:05:24 9610

原创 AWS S3 resource访问:使用 S3 URI 地址格式

需要使用 AWS CLI工具访问。

2016-03-09 23:59:53 5744

原创 C#: WMI 获取远程 Windows 主机信息

起步文档:WMI 基本介绍WMI调用基本步骤一个简单的远程访问例子:(参考自MSDN: How To: Connect to a Remote Computer)using System;using System.Management;namespace TestCaseProj{ public class WMI_Validate { public static

2016-03-06 02:39:29 4530

原创 Windows下确定使用某端口的程序名

主要思路是使用netstat输出端口号对应的pid及程序名,再使用其他程序解析输出。使用grep+tlist过滤(使用grep需安装cygwin)netstat -ano|grep -ine "port_number" #Get pid.tlist /fi "pid eq pid_number" #Get process name.使用gawk过滤(需安装cygwin)netstat -anbo

2016-03-05 01:09:23 1046

原创 tty、pty、pts含义

tty: tty一词源于Teletypes,是终端设备的统称。pty: pseudo-tty(虚拟终端)。pts/ptmx: 都为pty实现方法。 pts: pseudo-terminal slave ptmx: pseudo-terminal master

2016-02-22 16:36:07 979

原创 [Sed] 使用替换结果作为命令执行

关键点: 使用sed 的e选项示例: sed -nr ‘s/([^ ]+) (.*)/echo “\1” \2\n/ep’ input注意s/…../…./ep中的e选项,此句将以input文件内容作为输入,然后进行内容提取(s/([^ ]+) (.*)/),最后将提取内容作为echo命令的参数并执行命令(e选项),最后将结果输出(p选项)。Ref: [1] http://unix.sta

2016-02-22 16:20:17 1492

原创 【Ubuntu】单无线网卡创建无线热点共享网络连接

Main Tools:iw : A new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices. hostapd : A user space software access point capable of turning normal network interface cards into access points

2016-02-19 15:34:33 1496

原创 IC老化问题

一般来说,IC (Intergrated Circuit) 老化由以下四种效应之一造成: - EM (electron migration,电子迁移) - TDDB (time dependent dielectric breakdown,与时间相关电介质击穿) - NBTI (negative-bias temperature instability,负偏置温度不稳定性) - HCI (hot car

2016-01-27 16:54:34 8078

原创 Convert int/long to hex string.

We can do this by the setNum function of QString.int decimal = 10000;QString hexadecimal;hexadecimal.setNum(decimal,16);ref: 1. https://forum.qt.io/topic/28890/convert-from-int-to-hex/4

2016-01-06 01:13:19 821

原创 Mingw GCC pack Struct.

U need wrap the code with #pragma pack(push,x)...#pragma pack(pop)Such as:#pragma pack(push,1)struct S { ... };#pragma pack(pop)ref: 1. https://forum.qt.io/topic/34592/cannot-run-app-in-windows-bu

2016-01-06 01:10:56 578

原创 ExtJS 4.0 panel居中

var viewPort = new Ext.Viewport({ renderTo:'body', layout: { align: 'middle', pack: 'center', type: 'hbox' }, items:[new Ext.Panel({ title: 'hi',

2015-12-08 22:09:12 1523

原创 移动止损(Trailing Stop)

Trailing Stops on Mt trail your stop by a fixed amount of points (0.1 pip). Also, the trailing stop will only activate after it has moved in your favor by the number of points set for the trailing stop

2015-11-13 13:04:55 3638

原创 [MQL5] Modules of Trade Signals

在有多个信号的情况下,最终的信号值SfinalS_{final}使用如下公式计算:Sfinal=∑Ni=1Si∗WiNS_{final}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N S_i*W_i}{N}SiS_i:第ii个信号输出的信号值。对于多头信号(Long Position),SiS_i为正值;对于空头信号(Short Position),SiS_i为负值。 WiW_i:第ii个信号的权重。

2015-11-06 20:04:13 628

原创 How to Take Ownership of a File/Folder Using Command-Line in Windows 7 or newer version System

takeown && icacls Taking ownership of a foldertakeown /f <foldername> /r /d yThen assign the Administrators group Full Control Permissions for the folder:icacls <foldername> /grant administrators:F /TT

2015-09-26 21:40:18 615

原创 浏览器I/O读写测试:Chrome vs. 360急速浏览器


2015-09-24 17:16:38 1743

原创 Zinnia Installation

Important: Zinnia 0.15 only works with django 1.7 Use v0.14.3 instead.After upgrading to django 1.8 I’m recieving the error during migration:ProgrammingError: relation "django_content_type" alr

2015-09-19 01:17:19 639

原创 XX下载器分析过程


2015-07-13 14:03:00 2318

原创 图像分割性能评价


2015-07-09 20:45:11 12085 3

原创 Latex: Expression under summation on multiple lines

PurposeDescribe the sum symbol like this

2015-07-09 17:37:38 1089

原创 [Resolved] 偏导问题


2015-07-08 19:09:36 882

原创 How to write conditional equations

How to write conditional equations

2015-07-08 13:52:01 820

原创 Math summation symbol in LaTeX

There are two styles of displaying the summation symbol.

2015-07-08 13:44:07 1688

原创 How to Copy and Paste in the Ubuntu Gnome Terminal

How to Copy:Select the content in terminal use your mouse , and then use Ctrl + Shift + C to copy the content.How to Paste:Use Ctrl + Shift + V to paste the content.

2015-07-05 16:51:08 1370

原创 Cross compile linux kernel

The only difference with normal compile is we should set **ARCH** and **CROSS_COMPILE** environment variables.

2015-07-03 20:40:13 820

原创 Cross compile perl

Alex Suykov had do some work for this purpose, and my compile script is based on her patch.

2015-07-03 17:19:43 1712

原创 Building modules for a precompiled kernel

When we inserting a module into linux kernel, the linux (almost) always check the **vermagic** info of module, if it does not match kernel's, inserting process fails.

2015-07-03 16:42:21 966

原创 Configure the modules to be find by modprobe

sudo ln -s /path/to/module.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`sudo depmod -a #depmod will output a dependency list suitable for the modprobe utility.sudo modprobe module

2015-07-03 13:28:13 834

原创 Display certain line(s) from a text file in Linux.

Purpose:display certain line or lines from a text file, such as : Display the 1000th1000th line from file message.logor Display the lines between 1000 and 1020 from file message.log

2015-07-03 11:45:13 1102

原创 Linux内核编译测试

内核编译:Step 1:配置内核编译选项。make menuconfigOptional Step :排除编译结果文件(.o)等之间的依赖性。make mrproperOptional Step:清除历史编译结果。make cleanStep 2:编译内核。make bzImage #编译内核make modules #编译各内核模块,如驱动等。make modules_install #将编译好的

2015-07-03 10:41:49 1158

原创 Cross compiling coreutils and generate the manpages

When we cross compiling coreutils, there is an problem of generating man pages, because the source script use the binaries generated by make process to produce man pages, but the cross compiled binarie

2015-07-02 17:28:17 913

原创 VIM code complete: YouCompleteMe

Excellent plugin !! : YouCompleteMe (YCM)

2015-07-02 00:14:36 1110

原创 GCC compile debug: print include files and compile stage info.

GCC compile debug: print include files and compile stage info.

2015-07-01 23:52:10 989

原创 Cannot build gcc-4.4.3: fenv_t has not been declared

Version info:crosstoll-ng : 1.21.0 want to build native gcc 4.4.3Error:Fail in stage: cc_for_host . Error info: fenv_t has not been declared.Cause:BUG of gcc-4.4.3 source code .Solution:Modify file

2015-07-01 22:40:43 2438

原创 ct-ng error: undefined reference to `ppl_finalize'

Version info:crosstoll-ng : 1.21.0 want to build native gcc 4.4.3Error:Fail in stage: cc_core_pass_1 . Error info: undefined reference to `ppl_finalize’.Cause:BUG of gcc-4.4.3 source code .Solution:P

2015-07-01 11:42:13 1047

原创 Cross Compiling Python for Embedded Linux

We need a patch to enable the original source to support cross compile. Suppose we are cross compile Python-2.7.3 for arm, we should do below steps to get the target binary file:Step 1: build host pyt

2015-06-28 13:07:26 1798

原创 Glibc configure error: The arm is not supported.

Support for compiling GLIBC for ARM GNU/Linux (arm-none-linux-gnueabi) is provided by the ports add-on.For example, the ports add-on of glibc-2.12.2.tar.xzisglibc-ports-2.12.2.tar.gzYou need to downlo

2015-06-28 01:45:50 2230 1

原创 Glibc configure problem: fails sanity check.

Cause: [Just guess] This error may be caused by header files.Solution:Unset all relative enviroment variable:unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH LIBRARY_PATH CPATH C_INCLUDE_PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH

2015-06-28 01:34:02 761

vim7 中文手册

vim7中文手册 pdf版


vim7 win

vim7 for windows



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