2.6 预测标签

在之前的章节中,我们详细地介绍了BiLSTM-CRF模型和CRF损失函数的细节,大家可以采用开源工具(Keras, Chainer, TensorFlow等)完成自己的BiLSTM-CRF模型。模型搭建过程中,非常重要的是反向传播的实现,不要担心,这些框架在训练过程中可以自动的完成反向传播(即,计算梯度、更新模型参数)。而且,有一些框架已经完成的CRF层,此时,添加CRF层就只是一行代码的工作量了。


依然,假设我们有只有3个单词组成的一句话: x = [ w 0 , w 1 , w 2 ] \mathbf{x} = [w_0, w_1, w_2] x=[w0,w1,w2]


l 1 \mathbf{l_1} l1 l 2 \mathbf{l_2} l2
w 0 \mathbf{w_0} w0 x 01 x_{01} x01 x 02 x_{02} x02
w 1 \mathbf{w_1} w1 x 11 x_{11} x11 x 12 x_{12} x12
w 2 \mathbf{w_2} w2 x 21 x_{21} x21 x 22 x_{22} x22

x i j x_{ij} xij表示单词 w i w_i wi 被标记为 l j l_j lj的得分。

l 1 \mathbf{l_1} l1 l 2 \mathbf{l_2} l2
l 1 \mathbf{l_1} l1 t 11 t_{11} t11 t 12 t_{12} t12
l 2 \mathbf{l_2} l2 t 21 t_{21} t21 t 22 t_{22} t22

t i j t_{ij} tij从标签 i i i到标签 j j j的转移得分。



  • w 0 w_0 w0
  • w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1
  • w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1 w 2 w_2 w2

这里,会有两个变量obs 和 previous,previous表示前面所有步骤的结果,obs表示当前单词的信息。

a l p h a 0 \mathbf{alpha_0} alpha0记录最高历史得分, a l p h a 1 \mathbf{alpha_1} alpha1 对应着相应的索引,这两个变量的细节之后会慢慢讲解。现在,请看下图:当一条小狗前往森林时,会在沿途做一些“标记”,上述两个变量就可以看作这些“标记”,这些“标记”的作用就是帮助狗狗返回。

w 0 w_0 w0:

o b s = [ x 01 , x 02 ] obs = [x_{01}, x_{02}] obs=[x01,x02]
p r e v i o u s = N o n e previous = None previous=None

开始,我们先观察单词 w 0 w_0 w0,目前给 w 0 w_0 w0标记的最好标签是显而易见的。
假如: o b s = [ x 01 = 0.2 , x 02 = 0.8 ] obs = [x_{01}=0.2, x_{02}=0.8] obs=[x01=0.2,x02=0.8],则 w 0 w_0 w0的最好标签就是 l 2 l_2 l2

w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1:

o b s = [ x 11 , x 12 ] obs = [x_{11}, x_{12}] obs=[x11,x12]
p r e v i o u s = [ x 01 , x 02 ] previous = [x_{01}, x_{02}] previous=[x01,x02]

p r e v i o u s = ( p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] ) = ( x 01 x 01 x 02 x 02 ) previous=\left( \begin{matrix} previous[0] &previous[0] \\previous[1]&previous[1]\end{matrix}\right)=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{01} &x_{01} \\x_{02}&x_{02}\end{matrix}\right) previous=(previous[0]previous[1]previous[0]previous[1])=(x01x02x01x02)
o b s = ( o b s [ 0 ] o b s [ 1 ] o b s [ 0 ] o b s [ 1 ] ) = ( x 11 x 12 x 11 x 12 ) obs=\left( \begin{matrix} obs[0] &obs[1] \\obs[0]&obs[1]\end{matrix}\right)=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{11} &x_{12} \\x_{11}&x_{12}\end{matrix}\right) obs=(obs[0]obs[0]obs[1]obs[1])=(x11x11x12x12)
3)将 previous obs和转移得分相加:
s c o r e s = ( x 01 x 01 x 02 x 02 ) + ( x 11 x 12 x 11 x 12 ) + ( t 11 t 12 t 21 t 22 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{01} &x_{01} \\x_{02}&x_{02}\end{matrix}\right)+\left( \begin{matrix} x_{11} &x_{12} \\x_{11}&x_{12}\end{matrix}\right)+\left( \begin{matrix} t_{11} &t_{12} \\t_{21}&t_{22}\end{matrix}\right) scores=(x01x02x01x02)+(x11x11x12x12)+(t11t21t12t22)
s c o r e s = ( x 01 + x 11 + t 11 x 01 + x 12 + t 12 x 02 + x 11 + t 21 x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11} &x_{01} +x_{12}+t_{12}\\x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}&x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}\end{matrix}\right) scores=(x01+x11+t11x02+x11+t21x01+x12+t12x02+x12+t22)

p r e v i o u s = [ m a x ( s c o r e s [ 00 ] , s c o r e s [ 10 ] ) , m a x ( s c o r e s [ 01 ] , s c o r e s [ 11 ] ) ] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])]


s c o r e s = ( x 01 + x 11 + t 11 x 01 + x 12 + t 12 x 02 + x 11 + t 21 x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) = ( 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11} &x_{01} +x_{12}+t_{12}\\x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}&x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}\end{matrix}\right)=\left( \begin{matrix} 0.2&0.3\\0.5&0.4\end{matrix}\right) scores=(x01+x11+t11x02+x11+t21x01+x12+t12x02+x12+t22)=(

p r e v i o u s = [ m a x ( s c o r e s [ 00 ] , s c o r e s [ 10 ] ) , m a x ( s c o r e s [ 01 ] , s c o r e s [ 11 ] ) ] = [ 0.5 , 0.4 ] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])]=[0.5,0.4] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])]=[0.5,0.4]

在语料库中有两个标签 l a b e l 1 ( l 1 ) label1(l_1) label1(l1) and l a b e l 2 ( l 2 ) label2(l_2) label2(l2),这两个标签的索引分别是0和1。
p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] previous[0] previous[0]是以第0个标签 l a b e l 1 ( l 1 ) label1(l_1) label1(l1) 结束时路径的最大得分; p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] previous[1] previous[1]是以第1个标签 l a b e l 2 ( l 2 ) label2(l_2) label2(l2)结束时路径的最大得分,在每次迭代中,变量 p r e v i o u s previous previous 存储了以每个标签结束时路径的最大得分,即,在每次迭代中,我们仅保留到每个标签的最好信息 p r e v i o u s = [ m a x ( s c o r e s [ 00 ] , s c o r e s [ 10 ] ) , m a x ( s c o r e s [ 01 ] , s c o r e s [ 11 ] ) ] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])],较少得分的路径信息直接丢弃。
同时,我们设置两个变量来存储历史信息(得分和索引): a l p h a 0 alpha_0 alpha0 and a l p h a 1 alpha_1 alpha1
这次迭代中,我们将最好的得分存储到 a l p h a 0 alpha_0 alpha0。为了方便观察,我们将每个标签的最好得分加下划线:
s c o r e s = ( x 01 + x 11 + t 11 x 01 + x 12 + t 12 x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ‾ x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ‾ ) = ( 0.2 0.3 0.5 ‾ 0.4 ‾ ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11} &x_{01} +x_{12}+t_{12}\\\underline{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}}&\underline{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}}\end{matrix}\right)=\left( \begin{matrix} 0.2&0.3\\\underline{0.5}&\underline{0.4}\end{matrix}\right) scores=(x01+x11+t11x02+x11+t21x01+x12+t12x02+x12+t22)=(
a l p h a 0 = [ ( s c o r e s [ 10 ] , s c o r e s [ 11 ] ) ] = [ ( 0.5 , 0.4 ) ] alpha_0=[(scores[10],scores[11])]=[(0.5,0.4)] alpha0=[(scores[10],scores[11])]=[(0.5,0.4)]
同时相应的列索引将保存到 a l p h a 1 alpha_1 alpha1:
a l p h a 1 = [ ( C o l u m n I n d e x ( s c o r e s [ 10 ] ) , C o l u m n I n d e x ( s c o r e s [ 11 ] ) ) ] = [ ( 1 , 1 ) ] alpha_1=[(ColumnIndex(scores[10]),ColumnIndex(scores[11]))]=[(1,1)] alpha1=[(ColumnIndex(scores[10]),ColumnIndex(scores[11]))]=[(1,1)]
如上所述, l 1 l_1 l1 的索引是0, l 2 l_2 l2的索引是1,所以, ( 1 , 1 ) = ( l 2 , l 2 ) (1,1)=(l_2,l_2) (1,1)=(l2,l2)表明:对于当前单词 w i w_i wi和标签 l ( i ) l^{(i)} l(i)
( 1 , 1 ) (1,1) (1,1)
= ( l 2 , l 2 ) =(l_2,l_2) =(l2,l2)
= = =(we can get the maximum score 0.5 when the path is l ( i − 1 ) = l 2 ‾ \underline{l^{(i-1)}=l_2} l(i1)=l2 l ( i ) = l 1 ‾ \underline{l^{(i)}=l_1} l(i)=l1) ,
we can get the maximum score 0.4 when the path is l ( i − 1 ) = l 2 ‾ \underline{l^{(i-1)}=l_2} l(i1)=l2 l ( i ) = l 2 ‾ \underline{l^{(i)}=l_2} l(i)=l2)

l ( i − 1 ) l^{(i-1)} l(i1)是前个单词 w i − 1 w_{i-1} wi1的标签。

w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1 w 2 w_2 w2:

o b s = [ x 21 , x 22 ] obs = [x_{21}, x_{22}] obs=[x21,x22]
p r e v i o u s = [ 0.5 , 0.4 ] previous = [0.5, 0.4] previous=[0.5,0.4]
p r e v i o u s = ( p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] ) = ( 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 ) previous=\left( \begin{matrix} previous[0]&previous[0]\\previous[1]&previous[1]\end{matrix}\right)=\left( \begin{matrix} 0.5&0.5\\0.4&0.4\end{matrix}\right) previous=(previous[0]previous[1]previous[0]previous[1])=(
o b s = ( o b s [ 0 ] o b s [ 1 ] o b s [ 0 ] o b s [ 1 ] ) = ( x 21 x 22 x 21 x 22 ) obs=\left( \begin{matrix} obs[0]&obs[1]\\obs[0]&obs[1]\end{matrix}\right)=\left( \begin{matrix} x_{21}&x_{22}\\x_{21}&x_{22}\end{matrix}\right) obs=(obs[0]obs[0]obs[1]obs[1])=(x21x21x22x22)


s c o r e s = ( 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 ) + ( x 21 x 22 x 21 x 22 ) + ( t 11 t 12 t 21 t 22 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} 0.5&0.5\\0.4&0.4\end{matrix}\right)+\left( \begin{matrix} x_{21}&x_{22}\\x_{21}&x_{22}\end{matrix}\right)+\left( \begin{matrix} t_{11}&t_{12}\\t_{21}&t_{22}\end{matrix}\right) scores=(


s c o r e s = ( 0.5 + x 21 + t 11 x 0 . 5 + x 22 + t 12 0.4 + x 21 + t 21 0.4 + x 22 + t 22 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} 0.5+x_{21}+t_{11} &x_0.5+x_{22}+t_{12}\\0.4+x_{21}+t_{21}&0.4+x_{22}+t_{22}\end{matrix}\right) scores=(0.5+x21+t110.4+x21+t21x0.5+x22+t120.4+x22+t22)

p r e v i o u s = [ m a x ( s c o r e s [ 00 ] , s c o r e s [ 10 ] ) , m a x ( s c o r e s [ 01 ] , s c o r e s [ 11 ] ) ] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])] previous=[max(scores[00],scores[10]),max(scores[01],scores[11])]
s c o r e s = ( 0.6 0.9 ‾ 0.8 ‾ 0.7 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix} 0.6&\underline{0.9}\\\underline{0.8}&0.7\end{matrix}\right) scores=(

s c o r e s = [ 0.8 , 0.9 ] scores=[0.8,0.9] scores=[0.8,0.9]
同时,每个标签的最大得分和索引添加到相应的 a l p h a 0 alpha_0 alpha0 a l p h a 1 alpha_1 alpha1
a l p h a 0 = [ ( 0.5 , 0.4 ) , ( s c o r e s [ 10 ] , s c o r e s [ 01 ] ) ‾ ] alpha_0=[(0.5,0.4),\underline{(scores[10],scores[01])}] alpha0=[(0.5,0.4),(scores[10],scores[01])]
= [ ( 0.5 , 0.4 ) , ( 0.8 , 0.9 ) ‾ ] =[(0.5,0.4),\underline{(0.8,0.9)}] =[(0.5,0.4),(0.8,0.9)]
a l p h a 1 = [ ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 0 ) ‾ ] alpha_1=[(1,1),\underline{(1,0)}] alpha1=[(1,1),(1,0)]

这是最后一步了,这该步骤中, a l p h a 0 alpha_0 alpha0 a l p h a 1 alpha_1 alpha1将用来寻找具有最高得分的路径,这一步从后向前做。

w 1 w_1 w1 w 2 w_2 w2:
首先,查看 a l p h a 0 alpha_0 alpha0 a l p h a 1 alpha_1 alpha1的最后元素: ( 0.8 , 0.9 ) (0.8,0.9) (0.8,0.9) ( 1 , 0 ) (1,0) (1,0). 0.9 是当标签为 l 2 l_2 l2时我们获取到的最高路径得分, l 2 l_2 l2 的索引是1, therefore check the value of ( 1 , 0 ) [ 1 ] = 0 (1,0)[1]=0 (1,0)[1]=0. The index “0” means the previous label is l 1 l_1 l1(the index of l 1 l_1 l1 is 0). So we can get the best path of w 1 w_1 w1 w 2 w_2 w2: is l 1 l_1 l1 l 2 l_2 l2.

w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1:
我们继续向前移动,获取 a l p h a 1 alpha_1 alpha1的元素:(1,1),上述中我们知道, w 1 w_1 w1的标签是 l 1 l_1 l1(索引是0),因此我们检查(1,1)[0]=1,因此,我们可以获取这部分的最佳路径( w 0 − > w 1 w_0->w_1 w0>w1): l 2 − > l 1 l_2->l_1 l2>l1
至此,我们已经获得了最佳路径 l 2 l_2 l2 l 1 l_1 l1 l 2 l_2 l2


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