Given a stack which can keep M numbers at most. Push N numbers in the order of 1, 2, 3, ..., N and pop randomly. You are supposed to tell if a given sequence of numbers is a possible pop sequence of the stack. For example, if M is 5 and N is 7, we can obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 from the stack, but not 3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 6, 4.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains 3 numbers (all no more than 1000): M (the maximum capacity of the stack), N (the length of push sequence), and K (the number of pop sequences to be checked). Then K lines follow, each contains a pop sequence of N numbers. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space.
Output Specification:
For each pop sequence, print in one line "YES" if it is indeed a possible pop sequence of the stack, or "NO" if not.
Sample Input:
5 7 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 2 1 7 5 6 4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5 6 4 3 7 2 1
1 7 6 5 4 3 2
Sample Output:
这个题的关键是每次pop出来的数与之前pop出来的一个数的关系,比如说:pop出来的是2,那么下一个pop出来的数只能是1到6之间的一个数。那这样就简单了,设置两个指针left和right,一开始left = 1,right = N。之后每读一个数,判断它是不是left与right之间的数,不是直接输出NO,是的话就对指针left和right进行调整,right++,而对left = t-1。但要注意可能出现pop 3后又pop 4的情况(这时left就不能=4-1了),就需要设置一个vector<int>sig进行指示。
using namespace std;
int main() {
int M, N, K;
scanf("%d %d %d", &M, &N, &K);
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
vector<int>sig(N + 1, 1);
int left = 1, right = M, bingo = 1, t;
string s;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
scanf("%d", &t);
sig[t] = 0;
if (t<left || t>right) {
bingo = 0;
getline(cin, s);
}else {
while (t>=0&&!sig[t]) t--;
left = t;
if (bingo) printf("YES\n");
return 0;