
How Dropboxsecurely stores your passwords

Devdatta Akhawe, September 21, 2016


It’s universally acknowledged that it’s a bad idea to storeplain-text passwords. If a database containing plain-text passwords iscompromised, user accounts are in immediate danger. For this reason, as earlyas 1976, the industry standardized on storing passwords using secure, one-wayhashing mechanisms (starting with Unix Crypt). Unfortunately, while thisprevents the direct reading of passwords in case of a compromise, all hashingmechanisms necessarily allow attackers to brute force the hash offline, bygoing through lists of possible passwords, hashing them, and comparing theresult. In this context, secure hashing functions like SHA have a critical flawfor password hashing: they are designed to be fast. A modern commodity CPU cangenerate millions of SHA256 hashes per second. Specialized GPU clusters allowfor calculating hashes at a rate of billions per second.

我们都知道不应该明文存储密码。如果存有明文密码的数据库被攻击,用户账户将会立刻陷入危险。早在1976年,工业界就开始使用单向hash函数来存储密码(从Unix Ctypt开始)。不幸的是, 尽管攻击者无法直接获取密码了,他们还是可以通过计算常见密码的hash和你的密码进行比对,从而获取密码。有了这种手段,类似SHA的加密算法就有了致命的缺点:这些算法设计的初衷就是计算快。民用GPU可以每秒计算出上百万个SHA256值,而专业的GPU可以每秒计算出上亿条hash。


Over the years, we’ve quietly upgraded our passwordhashing approach multiple times in an ongoing effort to stay ahead of the badguys. In this post, we want to share more details of our current passwordstorage mechanism and our reasoning behind it. Our password storage schemerelies on three different layers of cryptographic protections, as the figurebelow illustrates. For ease of elucidation, in the figure and below we omit anymention of binary encoding (base64).


Multiple layers of protection for passwords



We rely on bcrypt asour core hashing algorithm with a per-user salt and an encryption key (or globalpepper), stored separately. Our approach differs from basicbcrypt in a few significant ways.




First, the plaintext password is transformed into a hashvalue using SHA512. This addresses two particular issues withbcrypt. Some implementations of bcrypt truncate the input to 72 bytes, whichreduces the entropy of the passwords. Other implementations don’t truncate theinput and are therefore vulnerable to DoS attacks becausethey allow the input of arbitrarily long passwords. By applying SHA, we canquickly convert really long passwords into a fixed length 512 bit value,solving both problems.



Next, this SHA512 hash is hashed again using bcrypt witha cost of 10, and a unique, per-user salt. Unlikecryptographic hash functions like SHA, bcrypt is designed to be slow andhard to speed up via custom hardware and GPUs. A work factor of 10 translatesinto roughly 100ms for all these steps on our servers.



Finally,the resulting bcrypt hash is encrypted with AES256 using a secret key (common to allhashes) that we refer to as a pepper. The pepper is a defense in depth measure.The pepper value is stored separately in a manner that makes it difficult todiscover by an attacker (i.e. not in a database table). As a result, if onlythe password storage is compromised, the password hashes are encrypted and ofno use to an attacker.


Why not use {scrypt, argon2} over bcrypt?


We considered using scrypt, but we hadmore experience using bcrypt. The debate over which algorithm is better isstill open, and most security experts agree that scrypt and bcrypt providesimilar protections.



We’re considering argon2 for our next upgrade: when we movedto our current scheme, argon2 hadn’t (yet) won the Password Hashing Competition.Additionally, while we believe argon2 is a fantastic password hashing function,we like that bcrypt has been around since 1999 without any significantvulnerabilities found.



Why is the global pepper used for encryptioninstead of hashing?

Recall that the global pepper is a defense in depthmeasure and we store it separately. But storing it separately also means thatwe have to include the possibility of the pepper (and not the password hashes)being compromised. If we use the global pepper for hashing, we can’t easilyrotate it. Instead, using it for encryption gives us similar security but withthe added ability to rotate. The input to this encryption function israndomized, but we also include a random initialization vector (IV).



Going forward, we’re considering storing the globalpepper in a hardware security module (HSM). At our scale, this is anundertaking with considerable complexity, but would significantly reduce thechances of a pepper compromise. We also plan to increase our bcrypt strength inour next update.



Moving forward


We believe this use of SHA512, plus bcrypt, andAES256 is currently among the strongest and most future-proof methods toprotect passwords. At the same time, we know that attackers are continuouslyevolving—and our defenses will too. Our password hashing procedure is just oneof many measures we use to secure Dropbox. We’ve deployed additional safeguardsagainst online brute-force attacks like rate-limiting password attempts,captchas, and a range of abuse mitigations. Like the diagram above, there aremany layers to maintaining robust security, and we’re actively investing in allof them. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

我们相信通过对SHA512,bcrypt和AES256的综合使用构建了当前最强的密码存储机制。攻击者的手段在不断进化——我们的防御也是如此。对密码的hash过程只是Dropbox的诸多安全手段之一。我们已经开发出了额外的手段来防御暴力攻击手段,比如限制流量,captchas等等. 正如此前展示的那样,我们有多层的系统来提供稳定的系统,并且我们正在深入研究。我们也很希望知道你们的想法。





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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钱包余额 0


