刚好需要这个过程, 在网上找了几个, 感觉都差一些, 其SQL都特别长. 而且我特别需要用到聚类索引, 自己写了个, 这是程序开发使用到的版本.
o.name tablename, c.name fieldname, t.name fieldtype,
) fieldlen, c.Scale,c.length,
c.colid fieldorder, c.isnullable,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik, sysobjects oo
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and i.name = oo.name and oo.xtype = ' PK ' -- 主键
and o.id = i.id
) then 1 else 0 end isPrimaryKey,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and o.id = i.id and i.indid = 1 -- 聚类索引
) then 1 else 0 end isClusterKey,
columnproperty ( c.id, c.name, ' IsIdentity ' ) IsIdentity,
isnull (m. text , '' ) defaultvalue
from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, systypes t, syscomments m
where o.xtype = ' U '
and o.id = c.id
and c.xtype = t.xtype
and c.cdefault *= m.id
order by o.name, c.colid
c.colid fieldorder, c.isnullable,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik, sysobjects oo
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and i.name = oo.name and oo.xtype = ' PK ' -- 主键
and o.id = i.id
) then 1 else 0 end isPrimaryKey,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and o.id = i.id and i.indid = 1 -- 聚类索引
) then 1 else 0 end isClusterKey,
columnproperty ( c.id, c.name, ' IsIdentity ' ) IsIdentity,
isnull (m. text , '' ) defaultvalue
from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, systypes t, syscomments m
where o.xtype = ' U '
and o.id = c.id
and c.xtype = t.xtype
and c.cdefault *= m.id
order by o.name, c.colid
程序使用到的版本是否用0/1表示, 如果用在文档整理, 难看得要命, 优化了个文档版本的,在查询分析器找出来还是蛮好看的.
c.colid 顺序,
c.name 字段名,
t.name 字段类型,
columnproperty (c.id,c.name, ' PRECISION ' ) 字段长度,
isnull (c.Scale, '' ) 小数位,
c.length 占用字节,
case when c.isnullable = 1 then ' √ ' else '' end 可为空,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik, sysobjects oo
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and i.name = oo.name and oo.xtype = ' PK ' -- 主键
and o.id = i.id
) then ' √ ' else '' end 主键,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and o.id = i.id and i.indid = 1 -- 聚类索引
) then ' √ ' else '' end 聚类索引,
case when columnproperty ( c.id, c.name, ' IsIdentity ' ) = 1 then ' √ ' else '' end 自增长,
isnull (m. text , '' ) 默认值
from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, systypes t, syscomments m
where o.xtype = ' U '
and o.id = c.id
and c.xtype = t.xtype
and c.cdefault *= m.id
order by o.name, c.colid
c.colid 顺序,
c.name 字段名,
t.name 字段类型,
columnproperty (c.id,c.name, ' PRECISION ' ) 字段长度,
isnull (c.Scale, '' ) 小数位,
c.length 占用字节,
case when c.isnullable = 1 then ' √ ' else '' end 可为空,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik, sysobjects oo
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and i.name = oo.name and oo.xtype = ' PK ' -- 主键
and o.id = i.id
) then ' √ ' else '' end 主键,
case when c.colid in ( select ik.colid
from sysindexes i, Sysindexkeys ik
where i.id = ik.id and i.indid = ik.indid
and o.id = i.id and i.indid = 1 -- 聚类索引
) then ' √ ' else '' end 聚类索引,
case when columnproperty ( c.id, c.name, ' IsIdentity ' ) = 1 then ' √ ' else '' end 自增长,
isnull (m. text , '' ) 默认值
from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, systypes t, syscomments m
where o.xtype = ' U '
and o.id = c.id
and c.xtype = t.xtype
and c.cdefault *= m.id
order by o.name, c.colid