我写的第一个LaTeX文档:Me Into LaTeX

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/title{Me Into /LaTeX}
/author{Utensil/thanks{Thanks to the reader.}}
This chapter will not be enumerated. //






/section{Spaces and Reserved Symbols}

It does not matter whether you enter one or several spaces after a

An empty line starts a new paragraph.

These symbols have to be slashed: /# /$ /% /^{} /& /_ /{ /} /~{}

But if we slash $/backslash$ will get an // line break,it's the same
as the
/newline $/backslash$newline.

/LaTeX{} will ignore the spaces after an order.



We can tell /LaTeX/ how to hyphenate,for example,this long long word: su/-per/-cal/-%

We can tell /LaTeX/ not to hyphenate,for example,this long long
word: /mbox{supercalifragilisticexpialidocious}.

This will cause an ``underfull hbox''.

If we lower the quality demand,/LaTeX/ will do it like this:/sloppy

That's horrible,isn't it?So we have to resume it./fussy

We can draw a quad around the

/section{Special Symbols}


`another sth'





sth/~ sth







na/"/i ve


sm/o rrebr/o d


Sch/"onbrunner Schlo/ss{} Stra/ss e

/`o{} /'o{} /^o{} /~o{}  /=o{}  /.o{} /"o{}

/c c /u o /v o /H o /c o  /d o /b o /t oo

/oe{} /OE{} /ae{} /AE{} /aa{} /AA{}

 /o{} /O{} /l{} /L{} /i{} /j{}
!`{} ?`


Mr.~Smith was happy to see her.

I like BASIC/@. What about you?









10pt[ 11pt,12pt/ldots]

letterpaper [

fleqn: Left align the math formulas.

leqno: Put the serial number of math formulas on its left.

titlepage, notitlepage

onecolumn, twocolumn

twoside, oneside

openright, openany: Where the new chapter starts.









/section{Cross Reference}
/label{Cross Reference} See section /ref{Cross Reference} on page
/pageref{Cross Reference}.

See the footnote/footnote{We don't need to say anything here.}.

You can use /underline{$/backslash$underline},but
/emph{$/backslash$emph} is recommended.

/textit{You can also /emph{emphasize} text if it is set in italics,}
/textsf{in a /emph{sans-serif} font,} /texttt{or in
/emph{typewriter} style.}

/section{Text Fonts}

/textsf{Sans Serif}



/textbf{Bold Face}




/textsc{Small Caps}

/section{Text Size}











/normalsize{} %To Recover.

/section{New Command}

It's not recommended to set a font or a size for some texts
directly,you should pack it in a style and apply the style to all
the texts for which you want to set the font and the size.

to pack styles or other commands.//

to repack it.//

For example://


/Ltt{Large Typewriter}


/Ltt{Huge Sans Serif}

/chapter{Useful Environments}
Default Style:
/item Apple
/item Pear
/item Banana
Customized Style/footnote{But it looks stupid.}:
/item[*] Eye
/item[*] Nose
/item[*] Ear

/item Point
/item Line
/item Polygon

I prefer calling it definitions.
/item[erkl/" aren]German word,meaning ``explain''.
/item[kl/" aren]German word,meaning ``clear''.


This text is// left-aligned. /LaTeX{} is not trying to// make each
line the same length.

This text is// left-aligned. /LaTeX{} is not trying to// make each
line the same length.

In the tremendous sea of faces.//
We met,gathered then seperated.//
I hope our friendship will go beyond time and space.//
Wish you
happiness and merriment.

In /emph{The Winter's Tale},Shakespear said:
I should leave grazing,were I of your flock,and only live by gazing.
Quoting paragraphs:
This fertile and sheltered tract of country, in which the fields are
never brown and the springs never dry, is bounded on the south by
the bold chalk ridge/ldots

The district is of historic, no less than of topographical interest.
The Vale was known in former times as the Forest of White Hart, from
a curious legend of King Henry III's reign/ldots

The forests have departed, but some old customs of their shades
remain. Many, however, linger only in a metamorphosed or disguised
form. /ldots

It's used for quoting poems.

I've Got A Pain In My Sawdust

w. Henry Edward Warner m. Herman Avery Wade


I've got a pain in my sawdust, //
That's what's the matter with me;//
Something is wrong with my little inside,//
I'm just as sick as can be.

Don't let me faint, //
someone get me a fan,//
Someone else run for the medicine man,//
Ev'ryone hurry as fast as you can,//
I've got a pain in my sawdust.


Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll,//
For they cut all her stitches away,//
And looked for the seat of the terrible ache;//
``T'was a delicate task", they all say,

For none of the surgeons had ever before//
Performed on a dolly's inside,//
They tried to restuff her but didn't know how,//
And this was her wail as she died;//
I've got a pain/ldots

/section{Just Show It In The Way That It's Typed}
Use the pair of
/verb|                  /end{verbatim}|
                             /verb| Contents that you want them to be
                             shown in the way it's typed |

      Actually,| pair can be replaced by any symbol pair
                                  like + # @ &
                     expect * and space,

     I guess it's prepared for CODES.


Now it's time to create tables.

/verb|/begin{Tabular}{|/emph{Table Style}/verb|}|

/emph{Table Contents}


/subsection{Table Style}
/emph{Table Style}/ is not responsible for the creation of horizonal
lines in the table,that's the responsibility of /emph{Table
/item[l,r,c] creates a row that is left-aligned,right-aligned or

/item[p/{/emph{width}/}] creates a row by the given width.

/item[$|$] creates a vertical line to separate rows.

/item[@/{/emph{symbol}/}]separate rows with the symbol

/subsection{Table Contents}
/item[/&] jump to the next row.

/item[$/backslash/backslash$] jump to the next line.

/item[$/backslash$hline] creates a horizonal line through all rows.

/item[$/backslash$cline/{/emph{i}-/emph{j}/}] creates a horizonal line from row /emph{i} to row /emph{j}.

An ordinary table://

7C0 & hexadecimal //
3700 & octal // /cline{2-2}
11111000000 & binary //
/hline /hline
1984 & decimal //

Using /verb|@{}|/ to coordinate the radix point://

/begin{tabular}{c r @{.} l}
Pi expression &
/multicolumn{2}{c}{Value} //
$/pi$ & 3&1416 //
$/pi^{/pi}$ & 36&46 //
$(/pi^{/pi})^{/pi}$ & 80662&7 //

/section{Where To Put It?Float It!}
/verb|begin{figure}[|/emph{placement specifier}]


/verb|begin{table}[|/emph{placement specifier}]
/begin{tabular}{c @{} c}

placement specifier & where to put it//


h & put it on the current page. //

t & put it on the top of a page.//

b & put it on the bottom of a page.//

p & put it on an individual page.//

! & place it rigidly as placement specifier requested.//



Figure~/ref{Empty} is an example of Pop-Art.
/makebox[/textwidth]{/framebox[5cm]{/rule{0pt}{5cm}}} /caption{Five
by Five in Centimetres.} /label{Empty}

/section{Protect Fragile Commands/protect/footnote{For example,protecting my footnote.}}
Without /verb|/protect|,I can't even put a footnote for the title of
a section.

/chapter{Math Formulas}
Yeah!Eventually we've reached the most powerful function and also
the most exciting part of /LaTeX---Math formulas!We might use the
AMS-/LaTeX/ or other macros.
/section{Math Modes}
/subsection{Math Formulas In Paragraphs}

There are three choice:



/verb|/(| /emph{Formula} /verb|/)|

/subsection{Math Formulas In Display Mode}
The formula will stand alone,and will not be enumerated.


/verb|/[| /emph{Formula} /verb|/]|

/subsection{Math Formulas In Equation Mode}
The formula will stand alone,and will be enumerated.If we use
/verb|/begin{equation*}|,the equations will not be enumerated.


Formulas in paragraph,$/lim_{n /to /infty} /sum_{k=1}^n
/frac{1}{k^2} = /frac{/pi^2}{6}$.

Formulas in display mode:

/lim_{n /to /infty} /sum_{k=1}^n /frac{1}{k^2} = /frac{/pi^2}{6}

Formulas in equation mode/footnote{With Package /emph{amsfonts}/ or
/emph{amssymb},we can have the blackboard bold font for sets.}:

/forall x /in /mathbb{R}: /qquad x^{2} /geq 0

Every letter in math mode will be treated as a variable,except when
it's in /verb|/textrm{}|/ or /verb|/mathrm{}|:

x^{2} /geq 0/qquad /textrm{for all }x/in/mathbb{R}

The difference between /verb|/mathrm{}|/ and /verb|/textrm{}|/ as
follows/footnote{If Package /emph{amsmath} is used,there will be no

2^{/textrm{nd}} /quad 2^{/mathrm{nd}}

See Section /ref{Align}/ on Page /pageref{Align} to learn to deal
with equations.

/section{Math Spacing}
/begin{tabular}{c @{/quad} l}

pt & point,$/frac{1}{72.27}$/ inch.

bp & Adobe big point,$/frac{1}{72}$/ inch.

pc & pica,12pt

mm & millimeter

cm & centimeter

in & inch,25.4mm

em & similar to the width of M.

ex & similar to the height of x.



/begin{tabular}{c @{/quad} l}

/verb|/,| & $/frac{3}{18}$/ quads.

/verb|/:| & $/frac{4}{18}$/ quads.

/verb|/;| & $/frac{5}{18}$/ quads.

/verb|/!| & $-/frac{3}{18}$/ quads.

/verb|/quad|/ & 1 quad,similar to the width of M.

/verb|/qquad|/ & 2 quads.


/verb|/phantom|/ reserves room for something that exists but not to
be displayed.

See examples://

/begin{tabular}{c @{/quad} l}

${}^{12}_{6}/textrm{C}$ & /verb|{}^{12}_{6}/textrm{C}|

${}^{12}_{/phantom{0}6}/textrm{C}$ & /verb|{}^{12}_{/phantom{0}6}/textrm{C}|

$/Gamma_{ij}^{k}$ & /verb|/Gamma_{ij}^{k}|

$/Gamma_{ij}^{/phantom{ij}k}$ & /verb|/Gamma_{ij}^{/phantom{ij}k}|


See Section /ref{Sup and Sub} on Page /pageref{Sup and Sub} to learn
/emph{Superscript and Subscript}.

/section{Math Sizing}
/subsection{Setting Size}

/subsection{Pairing size}


/hline /verb|/Bigg(/bigg(/Big(/big(/big)/Big)/bigg)/Bigg)|//











/hline/verb|1 + ( /frac{1}{ 1-x^{2} } ) ^3|//


/[1 + ( /frac{1}{ 1-x^{2} } ) ^3/]

Use the /verb|/left| and /verb|/right| pairs to determine the
correct sizes of symbols.


/hline/verb|1 + /left( /frac{1}{ 1-x^{2} } /right) ^3|//


/[1 + /left( /frac{1}{ 1-x^{2} } /right) ^3/]

If there is nothing on the right side,use ``/verb|/right.|''.


/verb|y = /left/{| //
/verb|           /begin{array}{ l l }|//
/verb|                a   &  x /leq -5|//
/verb|                b+x &  -5 < x < 7|//
/verb|                l   &  x /geq 7|//
/verb|           /end{array}|//
/verb|    /right.|//

/[y = /left/{ /begin{array}{ll}
a & x /leq -5
b+x & -5 < x < 7/
l & x /geq 7
/end{array} /right./]//

See Section /ref{Array} on Page /pageref{Array} to learn Environment

/subsection{Bold Fonts}
/begin{tabular}{c @{/quad} c}

/verb|$/mu, M$| & $/mu, M$

/verb|$/mathbf{/mu},/mathbf{M}$| & $/mathbf{/mu},/mathbf{M}$

/verb|/mbox{/boldmath $/mu, M$}| & /mbox{/boldmath $/mu, M$}


/verb|/boldmath| must be used outside the math mode,or in the
/verb|/mbox{}| in the math mode.
/section{Math Fonts}
/begin{tabular}{l @{/quad} c }

/verb|/mathrm{ABCdef}| & $/mathrm{ABCdef}$

/verb|/mathit{ABCdef}| & $/mathit{ABCdef}$

/verb|/mathnormal{ABCdef}| & $/mathnormal{ABCdef}$

/verb|/mathcal{ABC}| & $/mathcal{ABC}$

/verb|/mathfrak{ABCdef}| & $/mathfrak{ABCdef}$

/verb|/mathbb{ABC}| & $/mathbb{ABC}$

/verb|/mathtt{ABCdef}| & $/mathtt{ABCdef}$

/verb|/mathsf{ABCdef}| & $/mathsf{ABCdef}$

/verb|/mathbf{ABCdef}| & $/mathbf{ABCdef}$

The command /verb|/mathfrak{ABCdef}|/ requires Package
/section{Frequently Used Symbols}
Observe carefully,then you will see that /verb|/ldots| generates lower dots than /verb|/cdots|.//

/begin{tabular}{l @{/quad} c}

/verb|/ldots| & $/ldots$

/verb|/cdot| & $/cdot$

/verb|/cdots| & $/cdots$

/verb|/vdots| & $/vdots$

/verb|/ddots| & $/ddots$


See a practical example in Section /ref{Array} on Page

/subsection{Superscript and Subscript}/label{Sup and Sub}
/begin{tabular}{l @{/quad} c}

/verb|a_1| & $a_1$

/verb|x^2| & $x^2$

/verb|a_{ij}| & $a_{ij}$

/verb|x^{y^z}| & $x^{y^z}$

/verb|e^{x^2} /neq {e^x}^2| & $e^{x^2} /neq {e^x}^2$

/verb|{}^{12}_{/phantom{0}6}/mathrm{C}| &


/^/ or /_/ might tinily changes its position and meaning,for
example,see Section /ref{+*} on Page /pageref{+*},they turn out to
be upper and lower limits.

/subsection{Square Root}
/begin{tabular}{l @{/quad} c}

/verb|/sqrt{a}| & $/sqrt{a}$

/verb|/sqrt[n]{a}| & $/sqrt[n]{a}$

/verb|/surd| & $/surd$

/verb|/sqrt{ x^{2}+/sqrt{y} }| & $/sqrt{ x^{2}+/sqrt{y} }$


/subsection{Line and Brace}

/begin{tabular}{l @{/quad} c}

/verb|/overline{m+n}| & $/overline{m+n}$

/verb|/underline{m+n}| & $/underline{m+n}$

/verb|/underbrace{ a+b+/cdots+z }_{26}| & $/underbrace{ a+b+/cdots+z

/verb|/overbrace{ a+b+/cdots+z }^{26}| & $/overbrace{ a+b+/cdots+z }^{26}$



/begin{tabular}{l @{/quad} c}

/verb|/vec a| & $/vec a$

/verb|/overrightarrow{AB}| & $/overrightarrow{AB}$

/verb|/overleftarrow{AB}| & $/overleftarrow{AB}$


/begin{array}{l c}
/verb|1/2| & 1/2
/verb|3/frac{1}{2}| & 3/frac{1}{2}


/verb|y^{}_{/mathrm{A}}= /displaystyle/frac| //
/verb|    p^*_{/mathrm{A}} x^{}_{/mathrm{A}}| //
/verb|}| //
/verb|{| //
/verb|    p^*_{/mathrm{A}} x^{}_{/mathrm{A}}| //
/verb|+| //
/verb|    p^*_{/mathrm{B}}(1-x^{}_{/mathrm{A}})| //
/verb|}| //

y^{}_{/mathrm{A}}= /displaystyle/frac
    p^*_{/mathrm{A}} x^{}_{/mathrm{A}}
    p^*_{/mathrm{A}} x^{}_{/mathrm{A}}

/begin{tabular}{|l| }
/verb|N_{/mathrm{OG}}= /frac| //
/verb|{| //
/verb|    y^{}_1 - y^{}_2| //
/verb|}| //
/verb|{| //
/verb|    /displaystyle/frac| //
/verb|    {| //
/verb|        (y^{}_1 - y^*_1) - (y^{}_2 - y^*_2)| //
/verb|    }| //
/verb|    {| //
/verb|        /ln/frac{y^{}_1 - y^*_1}{y^{}_2 - y^*_2}| //
/verb|    }| //
/verb|}| //

N_{/mathrm{OG}}= /frac
    y^{}_1 - y^{}_2
        (y^{}_1 - y^*_1) - (y^{}_2 - y^*_2)
        /ln/frac{y^{}_1 - y^*_1}{y^{}_2 - y^*_2}
/subsection{Binomial Coefficients And Customized Fraction}
Without Package /emph{amsmath},we can only use

/verb|{n /choose m}|/ or/ /verb|{x /atop y+2}| to generate the
binomial coefficients or similar structures:
{n /choose m} /qquad {x /atop y+2}

With Package /emph{amsmath},we can use /verb|/binom{n}{m}|/ to
generate binomial coefficients:


But the most powerful part is the command
/verb|/genfrac{}{}{}{}{}{}|,it has six

Argument 5 and 6 are the numerator and the denominator.

Argument 1 and 2 are the left delimiter and the right delimiter.`.'/
means there are no delimiter.

Argument 3 is the thickness of the line between the numerator and
the denominator,set it to 0pt to make it invisible.

Argument 4 is the size of the numerator and the
denominator.displaystyle = 0, textstyle = 1, scriptstyle = 2,
scriptscriptstyle = 3.//

The Command /verb|/genfrac{(}{)}{0pt}{}{n}{m}|/ works exactly the
same as /verb|/binom{n}{m}|.

/subsection{Sum,Product And Calculus}/label{+*}











/verb|/idotsint_{/mathbb{R^{/mathrm n}}}|:

/[/idotsint_{/mathbb{R^{/mathrm n}}}/]

/section{Math Array}
/verb|/mathbf{X} = /left( /begin{array}{ccc}|//
/verb|x_{11} & x_{12} & /ldots

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