
Combinatorial Mathematics
(TsinghuaX: 60240013x)

Inclusion-Exclusion Theorem And Pigeonhole Principle

  • Calculate the number of permutations of a,b,c,d,e,f,g which don’t contain ace and df .

  • Calculate the number of n-strings with alphabet {a,b,c,d} such that a,b,c show up at least once.

Euler Function Φ(n) is the number of integers which is smaller than n and relatively prime to n.



Pigeonhole Principle
If there’re n1 pigeonholes, n pigeons, there’s at least one pigeonhole which has at least 2 pigeons.

  • We know n+1 positive integers, all of them are 2n , prove that at least 2 of them are relatively prime.

    Take n boxes, put 1 and 2 in the first one, 3 and 4 in the second one, 5 and 6 in the third one, so forth, 2n1 and 2n in the nth one.
    Now we take n+1 numbers from n boxes, so at least one box would be emptied. So there must be a pair of adjacent numbers 40 among these n+1 ones, and they are relatively prime.

  • Take any n+1 integers from 1 to 2n, among them there’s at least one pair such that one is the multiple of the other.

    Assume the n+1 numbers are a1,a2,,an+1 . Dividing 2’s until all of them becomes odd numbers. Then it construct a sequence r1,r2,,rn+1 .
    These n+1 numbers are still in [1,2n] and they are all odd. While there are only n odd numbers in [1,2n].
    So there must be ri=rj=r , then ai=2kir , aj=2kjr
    If ai>aj , ai is a multiple of aj .

  • Assume a1,a2,,a100 is a sequence consists of 1 and 2. And any subsequence of 10 consecutive in it has a sum that is 16 :
    ai+ai+1++ai+1916,1i91 .
    So h and k such that k>h and ah+ah+1++ak=39

    Let Sj=ji=1ai , j=1,2,,100
    S1S2S100 ,
    According to assumption, ai+ai+1++ai+1916,1i91 .
    We have S10010×16=160 .
    Create sequence S1,S2,,S100,S1+39,S2+39,,S100+39 with 200 terms.
    The largest term S100+39160+39=199 .
    By pigeonhole principle, there must be two equal terms.
    Assume Sk=Sh+39 , k>h
    So SkSh=39 , which is, ah+ah+1+ak=39 .

Pigeonhole Principle (2)
If there’re n pigeonholes, kn+1 pigeons, there is at least 1 pigeonhole which has k+1 pigeons.

Chinese Remainder Theorem
m and n are relatively prime, for any nonnegative interger a and b (a<m,b<n) , there must a positive interger x which makes the equations solvable.


Chinese Remainder Theorem, RT

Ramsey Problem
There must be 3 mutual friends or 3 mutual strangers among 6 people.

Ramsey Number

Erdős asks us to imagine an alien force, vastly more powerful than us, landing on Earth and demanding the value of R(5, 5) or they will destroy our planet. In that case, he claims, we should marshal all our computers and all our mathematicians and attempt to find the value. But suppose, instead, that they ask for R(6, 6). In that case, he believes, we should attempt to destroy the aliens.
— — Joel Spencer


Turnable World

Classify the arithmetical operation, learn to classify according to the degree of difficulty, but not according to their external characteristics, this is what I understand for the mathematicians’ task in the future, and this is the way I wish to go.
— — Evariste Galois

A given Set G and the binary operation of G, satisfy the following condition is called group.

  • Closure
  • Associativity
  • Identity
  • Inverse

  • G={0,1,2,,n1} with the operation of the addition of mod n is group

  • All rigid items rotation in two dimensional Euclidean space.
  • finite group
  • infinte group
  • the order of group
  • subgroup
  • commutative group (Abelian group)
  • Unique Identity

  • Cancellation Law stands
    ab=acb=c , ba=cab=c
  • Unique Inverse element
  • (ab....c)1=c1b1a1
  • G is limited, aG, then exist the smallest positive integer r , that ar=e and a1=ar1 .
    Let |G|=g , then a,a2,,ag,ag+1G .
    From the pigeonhole principle, there will be the identical items.
    Set am=al , 1m<lg+1 , e=alm , 1lmg
    Let lm=r . Then there is ar=ar1a=e , which is a1=ar1 .
    Since there is a positive integer r that ar=e, among which we could find the smallest, assume to be r . r is known as the order of a .
    It can be seen that H={a,a2,,ar1,ar=e}.
    Under its inherited operations is also a group.

Permutation Group

Permute: 11 mapping on set [1,n] is called as n -order permutation.
Represented as(1a12a2nan), a1a2an is one of the arrangements in [1, n].

Permutation does not satisfy Commutative Law

  • Rotation group of Equilateral triangle
Cycle, Odd Cycle and Even Cycle
  • (a1,a2,am)=(a1a2a2a3am1amama1) known as cycle representation of permutation.
  • If p=(a1a2an) , then pn=(1)(2)(n)=e .
  • Any permutation can be represented into the product of numerous disjointed cycles.

Conjugate Class
Normally, it can make any permutation p in Sn decomposed into numerous disjointed cycles composition.
Among k1+k2++kl=n , set the number of occurrence of k order cycle as c_k, use (k)ck to represent, then the permutation format of Sn is


  • Any cycle can be represented by the product of swaps.
    Set (12n1)=(12)(13)(1n1) .
    (12n1) (1n)=(122334n11) (1n22334n1n1)=
    (122334n11nn) (22334n11nn1)=
  • The decomposition of each permutation is not unique.

Odd Permutation and Even Permutation
If a permutation can be decomposed as the product of odd number of position swapping, then it is odd permutation. If it can be decomposed as the product of even number of position swapping, it is even permutation.

  • Klotski of Number

is odd permutation.Start from the 0 over the right bottom corner back to bottom corner, in the horizontal direction, the vertical direction have done even-numbered times of change. An odd permutation does not equal to an even permutation.

Euler’s polyhedron formula
From Euler’s polyhedron formula: There are 5 types of regular convex polyhedron, which are: Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron, Hexahedron (Cube) and Dodecahedron.
The sum value of any convex polyhedron vertices v and number of faces f is 2 more than the edge number e, which is v+fe=2 . This is Euler’s polyhedron formula.

Mutual Dual Polyhedron
A polyhedron and those polyhedron which used its various surface center as top, is known as Mutual Dual Polyhedron.

Burnside Lemma

The Coloring Problem of Equivalence Class

Set G as the permutation group of [1,n]. G is one of the subgroup of Sn. k[1,n] , all the permutations which caused k element remained unchanged will compose a stabilizer of k, noted as Zk .
For Example, G=e,(12),(34),(12)(34)
Permutation group G ’s k fixed displacement class Zk is G ’s subgroup.

Orbit-stabilizer theorem
Set G as the permutation group of [1,n] , Ek is [1,n] under G ’s effect contains k’s equivalence class, Zk is k stablizer.
There is |Ek||Zk|=|G|.

Burnside Lemma
Set G=a1,a2,ag is the permutation group of the target group [1,n] . Each permutation is written into the product of disjointed cycles. c1(ak) is number of the elements which are not changed by permutation ak , which is the number of cycles with the length of 1 . G decomposes [1,n] into l number of equivalence classes that,


Gossip of Group


埃瓦里斯特·伽罗瓦(Évariste Galois,1811年10月25日-1832年5月31日),法国数学家,与尼尔斯·阿贝尔并称为现代群论的创始人。在一次几近自杀的决斗中英年早逝,引起种种揣测。

伽罗瓦的父母都是知识分子,12岁以前,伽罗瓦的教育全部由他的母亲负责,他的父亲在伽罗瓦4岁时被选为Bourg La Reine的市长。

12岁,伽罗瓦进入路易皇家中学就读,成绩都很好,却要到16岁才开始跟随 Vernier 老师学习数学,他对数学的热情剧然引爆,对于其他科目再也提不起任何兴趣。校方描述此时的伽罗瓦是“奇特、怪异、有原创力又封闭”。

1829年,伽罗瓦将他在代数方程解的结果呈交给法国科学院,由奥古斯丁·路易·柯西(Augustin Louis Cauchy) 负责审阅,柯西却将文章连同摘要都弄丢了(19世纪的两个短命数学天才阿贝尔与伽罗瓦不约而同地都“栽”在柯西手中)。



他的朋友 Chevalier 遵照伽罗瓦的遗愿,将他的数学论文寄给卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯与雅各比,但是都石沉大海,要一直到1843年,才由刘维尔肯定伽罗瓦结果之正确、独创与深邃,并在1846年将它发表。





1832年5月30日清晨很早的时候,伽罗瓦在“决斗场”与他的对手相遇。决斗是在25步的距离用手枪对射。伽罗瓦倒下了,肠子被射穿。没有医生在场。他被丢在他倒下的地方。9点钟的时候,一个路过那里的农民把他送到科尚医院。伽罗瓦知道他快死了。在不可避免的腹膜炎开始以前,在他的神志仍然完全清醒的时候,伽罗瓦拒绝了一个神父的祈祷。也许他记起了他的父亲。他的弟弟,他的家人中唯一得到通知的一个,流着泪赶到了。伽罗瓦努力以一种坚韧精神去安慰他的弟弟:“不要哭,”他说,“我需要我的全部勇气在20岁时死去。” 1832年5月31日上午,伽罗瓦在他生命的第21个年头去世了。他被埋葬在南公墓的普通壕沟里,所以今天伽罗瓦的坟墓已无踪迹可寻。他不朽的纪念碑是他的著作,共60页。(摘自《数学大师》)

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