周读论文系列笔记(2)-reivew-A survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

刚接触这个领域…不怎么会写…有些翻译错和理解错的地方请大佬们多多指教~原文链接:文章目录1.Deep learning methods2.Deep learning uses in medical imaging2.1 Classification 分类2.1.1 Image/exam classification (图像/exam 分类)2.1.2 Object or lesion cl...


Deep learning methods
Deep learning uses in medical imaging
Application areas
Challenges and outlook



1.Deep learning methods

2.Deep learning uses in medical imaging

2.1 Classification 分类

2.1.1 Image/exam classification (图像/exam 分类)

Image or exam classification was one of the first areas in which deep learning made a major contribution to medical image analysis.

In exam classification one typically has one or multiple images (an exam) as input with a single diagnostic variable as output (e.g., disease present or not).

Dataset sizes are small -> transfer learning

Two transfer learning strategies were identified:
(1) using a pre-trained network as a feature extractor.
(2) fine-tuning a pre-trained network on medical data.
The former strategy has the extra benefit of not requiring one to train a deep network at all, allowing the extracted features to be easily plugged in to existing image analysis pipelines. Both strategies are popular and have been widely applied. Few authors perform a investigation in which strategy gives the best result.

(1)Initially focus on unsupervised pre-training and network architectures like SAEs(Sparse Autoencoder稀疏自编码器) and RBMs(Restricted Boltzmann Machine 受限玻尔兹曼机).
(2)CNN (in 2015, 2016, 2017)
The application areas ranging from brain MRI to retinal imaging(视网膜成像) and digital pathology(数字病理学) to lung computed tomography(肺部计算机断层扫描).
(3)In the more recent papers using CNNs authors also often train their own network architectures from scratch instead of using pre-trained networks.
(4)Three papers used an architecture leveraging the unique attributes of medical data.(3D…)

Summary: in exam classification CNNs are the current standard techniques. Especially CNNs pre- trained on natural images have shown surprisingly strong results, challenging the accuracy of human ex- perts in some tasks. Last, authors have shown that CNNs can be adapted to leverage intrinsic structure of medical images.

2.1.2 Object or lesion classification (object或病变分类)

Object classification usually focuses on the classification of a small (previously identified) part of the medical image into two or more classes (e.g. nodule classification in chest CT).

For many of these tasks both local information on lesion appearance and global contextual information on lesion location are required for accurate classification.
This combination is typically not possible in generic deep learning architectures.

(1)Almost all recent papers prefer the use of end-to-end trained CNNs.
Several authors have used multi-stream architectures to resolve this in a multi-scale fashion.
three CNNs(each of which takes a nodule patch), a combination of CNNs and RNNs(for grading nuclear cataracts对核白内障分级) , 3D CNN(high-grade gliomas高级别胶质瘤)

(2)In some cases other architectures and approaches are used, such as RBMs (Restricted Boltzmann Machine 受限玻尔兹曼机) SAEs (Sparse Autoencoder稀疏自编码器) and convolutional sparse auto-encoders (CSAE) (卷积稀疏自编码器). The major difference between CSAE and a classic CNN is the usage of unsupervised pre-training with sparse auto-encoders.

(3)An interesting approach, especially in cases where object annotation to generate training data is expensive, is the integration of multiple instance learning (MIL多实例学习) and deep learning.

object classification sees less use of pre-trained networks compared to exam classifications, mostly due to the need for incorporation of contextual or 3D information. Several authors have found innovative solutions to add this information to deep networks with good results, and as such we expect deep learning to become even more prominent for this task in the near future.

2.2 Detection 检测

2.2.1 Organ, region and landmark localization (器官 定位)

Anatomical object localization (in space or time), such as organs or landmarks, has been an important pre-processing step in segmentation tasks or in the clinical workflow for therapy planning and intervention.
Localization in medical imaging often requires parsing of 3D volumes.

(1)To solve 3D data parsing with deep learning algorithms, several approaches have been proposed that treat the 3D space as a composition of 2D orthogonal planes.
(2)Other authors try to modify the network learning pro- cess to directly predict locations. (Due to its increased complexity, only a few methods addressed the direct localization of landmarks and regions in the 3D image space.)
(1)CNNs have also been used for the localization of scan planes or key frames in temporal data.
(2)RNN, particularly LSTM-RNNS, have also been used to exploit the temporal information contained in medical videos, another type of high dimensional data.
(3)Combine an LSTM-RNN with a CNN

Localization through 2D image classification with CNNs seems to be the most popular strategy overall to identify organs, regions and landmarks, with good results.
However, several recent papers expand on this concept by modifying the learning process such that accurate localization is directly emphasized, with promising results.
We expect such strategies to be explored further as they show that deep learning t

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Foreword Computational Medical Image Analysis has become a prominent field of research at the intersection of Informatics, Computational Sciences, and Medicine, supported by a vibrant community of researchers working in academics, industry, and clinical centers. During the past few years, Machine Learning methods have brought a revolution to the Computer Vision community, introducing novel efficient solutions to many image analysis problemsthat had long remained unsolved.For this revolution to enter the field of Medical Image Analysis, dedicated methods must be designed which take into account the specificity of medical images. Indeed, medical images capture the anatomy and physiology of patients through the measurements of geometrical, biophysical, and biochemical properties of their living tissues. These images are acquired with algorithms that exploit complex med- ical imaging processes whose principles must be well understood as well as those governing the complex structures and functions of the human body. The book Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis edited by S. Kevin Zhou, Hayit Greenspan, and Dinggang Shen, top-notch researchers from both academia and industry in designing machine learning methods for medical image analysis, cov- ers state-of-the-art reviews of deep learning approaches for medical image analysis, including medical image detection/recognition, medical image segmentation, medi- cal image registration, computer aided diagnosis and disease quantification, to name some of the most important addressed problems. The book, which starts with an in- troduction to Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision presents a set of novel deep learning methods applied to a variety of clinical problems and imaging modalities operating at various scales, including X-ray radiographies, Magnetic Res- onance Imaging, Computed Tomography, microscopic imaging, ultrasound imaging, etc. This impressive collection of excellent contributions will definitely se


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