CS-350 - Fundamentals of Computing Systems

CS-350 - Fundamentals of Computing Systems

Homework Assignment #3 - EVAL

Due on October 3, 2024 — Late deadline: October 5, 2024 EoD at 11:59 pm

EVAL Problem 1

In this EVAL assignment we will understand how seemingly insignificant changes in the input traffic distri-bution can lead to measurable differences in the behavior. of queues and thus in the perceived service.

a) In the previous EVAL assignment, you discovered that the client sends requests to the server with inter-arrival times that are exponentially distributed with mean 1/λ where λ is the arrival rate passed via the parameter -a. Also, the request lengths are exponentially distributed with mean 1/µ where µ is the service rate passed via the parameter -s. Great! But as it turns out, that’s just the default behavior. of the client. Let’s discover what else the client can do.

Which distribution the client uses is controller with an extra parameter -d <dist. number>, where <dist. number> is a number from 0 to 2. When passing -d 0 you will be using the default exponential distribution. But what are the other two distributions? And does the -d <dist.number> parameter control both inter-arrival and service times?

To begin answering these questions, run your server and client with the following parameters (let it run, it will take about 5 minutes):

./server_lim -q 1000 2222 & ./client -a 4.5 -s 5 -n 1500 -d 1 2222

Notice that the client is requested to generate traffic according to distribution 1. Just like you did in HW2, plot the experimental data of inter-arrival times and request lengths and recover the type and parameters of the distributions used by the client when -d 1 is passed.

Hint: there is some guesswork involved in recovering the distribution parameters. Start by looking at the shape of the distribution produced by the collected data and make a guess about which distribution might be. Setting the mean will be easy if you think about it. If there is a standard deviation to set, explore integer fractions or multiples of the mean.

b) Do the same as above to recover the parameters of distribution number 2. In a similar way as above, collect and post-process the server output data generated by the following parameter:

./server_lim -q 1000 2222 & ./client -a 4.5 -s 5 -n 1500 -d 2 2222

When decoding the distributions used by the client and their parameters, make conclusive statements about the distribution type for both inter-arrival times and service lengths, and explicitly state their mean and standard deviation parameters.

c) We are now ready to see how different distributions affect the quality of service in our simple FIFO server. Let us focus on the comparison between an exponential distribution and whatever distribution 1 is. Run and collect experimental data for the following template command:

./server_lim -q 1000 2222 & ./client -a <arr. rate> -s 20 -n 1500 -d 0 2222

where <arr. rate> is varied from (and including) 10 up until 19. Notice that these experiments will ask the client to use an exponential distribution (-d 0). Use this set of experiments to produce a plot of the average response time as a function of the server utilization—in a way similar to what you did in HW1.

Overlap on the same plot produced above the curve obtained by post-processing in the same exact way the results coming from running the following template command:

./server_lim -q 1000 2222 & ./client -a <arr. rate> -s 20 -n 1500 -d 1 2222

where once again <arr. rate> is varied from (and including) 10 up until 19. What can you conclude about the quality service perceived by the user when the load (a.k.a. its utilization) is comparable and only the distribution of the traffic characteristics changes?

d) Let us now explore what happens when the queue has a constrained size. To do that, run the following command:

./server_lim -q 10 2222 & ./client -a 19.6 -s 20 -n 1500 -d 0 2222

Post-process the server output to understand what happened to our requests. First, calculate the ratio of requests that get rejected over the total. Next, plot the distribution of the inter-rejection time, i.e. the time that elapses between a rejection and the next. What does that distribution look like? Do not recover the parameters of the distribution, but simply share your insights on the shape of the distribution.

e) Repeat the same analysis as above, when distribution number 1 is used instead, thus by running the following command:

./server_lim -q 10 2222 & ./client -a 19.6 -s 20 -n 1500 -d 1 2222

If you compare the new rejection rate and shape of the distribution, would you conclude that the new system (the one that uses -d 1) offers a better or worse service to its users?

分数阶控制系统是一种新兴的控制理论,它将整数阶微积分应用到控制系统中。与传统的整数阶控制系统不同,分数阶控制系统使用分数阶微积分来描述系统的动态行为。这种方法可以更加准确地描述非线性和非稳态控制系统,并具有更大的灵活性和适应性。 分数阶控制系统的核心是分数阶微积分方程。分数阶微积分方程是一种广义的微积分形式,可以描述非整数阶导数和积分的运算。在分数阶控制系统中,这种方程被用来建立系统的数学模型,并通过对模型进行分析和优化来设计控制器。 分数阶控制系统的数值实现是指将分数阶微积分方程转化为计算机可以处理的数值算法。由于分数阶微积分方程具有复杂的数学性质,对其进行数值计算是一项具有挑战性的任务。研究者们开发了各种各样的数值方法来解决这个问题,例如基于差分法、基于插值法、基于小波变换等方法。 分数阶控制系统的数值实现有许多应用领域。例如,在电力系统中,分数阶控制系统可以用来提高电网的稳定性和可靠性。在机器人控制中,分数阶控制系统可以用来改善机器人的运动控制和路径规划能力。在化学过程控制中,分数阶控制系统可以用来优化化学反应的速率和选择性。这些应用都需要将分数阶控制系统的理论转化为实际可行的数值算法,并在实际系统中进行验证和应用。 总之,分数阶控制系统是一种具有广泛应用前景的新兴控制理论。通过理解和研究分数阶控制系统的基础知识和数值实现方法,我们可以更好地理解和设计复杂的控制系统,并将其应用于实际问题中。




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