


本文件由 RTCA 特别委员会 205 (SC-205) 和 EUROCAE 工作组 71 (WG-71) 编写,并于 2011 年 12 月 13 日获得 RTCA 计划管理委员会 (PMC) 批准。

This document was prepared by RTCA Special Committee 205 (SC-205) and EUROCAE Working Group 71 (WG-71) and approved by the RTCA Program Management Committee (PMC) on December 13, 2011.

RTCA, Incorporated 是一家非营利性公司,其成立目的是为了推进航空和航空电子系统的艺术和科学,造福公众。 该组织作为联邦咨询委员会发挥作用,就当代航空问题制定基于共识的建议。 RTCA 的目标包括但不限于

RTCA, Incorporated is a not-for-profit corporation formed to advance the art and science of aviation and aviation electronic systems for the benefit of the public. The organization functions as a Federal Advisory Committee and develops consensus-based recommendations on contemporary aviation issues. RTCA’s objectives include but are not limited to:

  1. 结合航空系统用户和提供商的技术要求,帮助政府和行业实现其共同目标和责任;coalescing aviation system user and provider technical requirements in a manner that helps government and industry meet their mutual objectives and responsibilities;
  2. 分析航空业在不断追求更高的安全性、系统容量和效率的过程中所面临的系统技术问题并提出解决方案;analyzing and recommending solutions to the system technical issues that aviation faces as it continues to pursue increased safety, system capacity, and efficiency;
  3. 就相关技术的应用达成共识,以满足用户和供应商的要求,包括制定支持航空的电子系统和设备的最低运行性能标准; developing consensus on the application of pertinent technology to fulfill user and provider requirements, including development of minimum operational performance standards for electronic systems and equipment that support aviation; and
  4. 协助制定适当的技术材料,作为国际民用航空组织、国际电信联盟和其他适当国际组织立场的基础。assisting in developing the appropriate technical material upon which positions for the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Telecommunication Union and other appropriate international organizations can be based.

该组织的建议通常被用作政府和民营企业决策的基础,以及许多联邦航空管理局技术标准命令的基础。The organization’s recommendations are often used as the basis for government and private sector decisions as well as the foundation for many Federal Aviation Administration Technical Standard Orders.

由于 RTCA 不是美国政府的官方机构,因此其建议可能不会被视为官方政府政策的声明,除非由对建议所涉及的任何事项具有法定管辖权的美国政府组织或机构如此阐明。Since the RTCA is not an official agency of the United States Government, its recommendations may not be regarded as statements of official government policy unless so enunciated by the U.S. government organization or agency having statutory jurisdiction over any matters to which the recommendations relate.


DO-178C,“机载系统和设备认证中的软件注意事项”,为机载系统和设备软件的制作提供了建议,这些软件能够以符合适航要求的可信水平执行其预期功能。DO-278A“通信、导航、监视和空中交通管理 (CNS/ATM) 系统的软件完整性保证注意事项”为 CNS/ATM 地面社区提供了类似的指导。 DO-178C和DO-278A基于DO-178B; 因此,航空界针对 DO-178B 提出的许多问题也与 DO-178C 和 DO-278A 有关。DO-178C, “Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification,” provides recommendations for the production of software for airborne systems and equipment that performs its intended function with a level of confidence in safety that complies with airworthiness requirements. DO-278A, “Software Integrity Assurance Considerations for Communication, Navigation, Surveillance, and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Systems,” provides similar guidance for the CNS/ATM ground-based community. DO-178C and DO-278A are based on DO-178B; therefore, many of the questions that were raised by the aviation community against DO-178B are also relevant to DO-178C and DO-278A.

本文件解决了行业和当局的问题。它包含常见问题 (FAQ)、讨论文件 (DP) 和基本原理。许多常见问题解答和 DP 都是基于 DO-248B; 然而,有些已被修改以解决从 DO-178B 到 DO-178C 的更改并适用于 DO-278A。此外,还添加了一些新的常见问题解答和 DP,以对 DO-178C 和/或 DO-278A 提供更多说明。 DO-178B 的勘误表(位于 DO-248B 第 2 节中)已被删除,因为它们已合并到 DO-178C 中并且不再相关。 DO-248C 中还添加了 DO-178C 和 DO-278A 目标的基本原理。This document addresses the questions of both the industry and authorities. It contains frequently asked questions (FAQs), discussion papers (DPs), and rationale. Many of the FAQs and DPs are based on DO-248B; however, some have been modified to address changes from DO-178B to DO-178C and to make applicable to DO-278A. Additionally, some new FAQs and DPs have been added to provide additional clarification on DO- 178C and/or DO-278A. The errata against DO-178B (which were in section 2 of DO- 248B) have been deleted, since they have been incorporated into DO-178C and are no longer relevant. The rationale for DO-178C and DO-278A objectives has also been added to DO-248C.

注意:在使用本文档之前,建议读者先阅读第 1.3 节“如何使用本文档”。Note: Prior to using this document, it is recommended that the reader consider section 1.3, “How to Use This Document”.

1.1 目的 Purpose

本文件澄清了 DO-178C 和 DO-278A 中的指导材料。 为了实现这一目的,已生成以下内容:This document provides clarification of the guidance material in DO-178C and DO-278A. In order to accomplish this clarification the following products have been generated:

• 常见问题 (FAQ) – 第 3 部分:常见问题解答的目的是对业界经常提出的有关 DO-178C 和/或 DO-278A 材料的问题提供简短而简洁的答复。 这些问题经常向认证机构或提供 DO-178C 和/或 DO-278A 解释的其他机构提出。 常见问题解答不包含新的指导材料。 常见问题解答通常不超过两页。Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) – Section 3: The purpose of a FAQ is to provide short and concise responses to questions that are frequently asked by industry concerning the material of DO-178C and/or DO-278A. These questions are frequently posed to certification authorities or others who provide interpretation of DO-178C and/or DO-278A. A FAQ contains no new guidance material. A FAQ is typically no longer than two pages.

•讨论文件 (DP) – 第 4 部分:讨论文件的目的是在澄清需要的不仅仅是对问题的简短回答的情况下,对 DO-178C 和/或 DO-278A 的某些部分进行澄清。 DP 不包含新的指导材料。Discussion Paper (DP) – Section 4: The purpose of a Discussion Paper is to provide clarification for certain sections of DO-178C and/or DO-278A in cases where the clarification requires more than a short answer to a question. A DP contains no new guidance material.

•基本原理 – 第 5 节:基本原理的目的是记录开发 DO-178B、DO-178C 和 DO-278A 时考虑的一些项目。 基本原理仅旨在作为背景信息,以帮助读者理解 DO-178C 和 DO-278A,尤其是行业反馈显示的那些部分和目标可能会受益于额外的澄清。 基本原理不包含任何指导材料。Rationale – Section 5: The purpose of the rationale is to document some items considered when developing DO-178B and then DO-178C and DO-278A. The rationale is only intended to be background information to aid the reader’s understanding of DO-178C and DO-278A — especially of those sections and objectives that industry feedback has shown might benefit from additional clarification. The rationale contains no guidance material.

1.2 文档概述 Document Overview

RTCA 特别委员会 #205 (SC-205) 和 EUROCAE 工作组 #71 (WG-71) 批准的产品包含在本文件中,如下所示:The products approved by RTCA Special Committee #205 (SC-205) and EUROCAE Working Group #71 (WG-71) are included in this document as follows:

• 第 3 部分包括常见问题解答。Section 3 includes the FAQs.

• 第 4 部分包括 DP。Section 4 includes the DPs.

• 第 5 部分提供了基本原理。Section 5 provides the rationale.

• 附录 A 包含本文档中使用的所有首字母缩略词的列表。Appendix A includes a list of all acronyms that are used throughout this document.

• 附录 B 包括 SC-205/WG-71 委员会成员名单。Appendix B includes a list of the SC-205/WG-71 committee membership.

• 附录 C 包含本文档中使用的关键字索引。 用户可以利用该索引来查找相关主题的信息。Appendix C includes an index of keywords used in this document. The user may utilize this index to find information on related topics.

• 附录 D 包含 DO-248C、DO-178C 和 DO-278A 之间的关联表。Appendix D contains correlation table between DO-248C, DO-178C, and DO-278A.

1.3 如何使用本文档 How to Use This Document

第 3 节和第 4 节基本上是按时间顺序排列的。 DO-248 最初是一份年度报告,最终随着 DO-248B 的发布而定稿。 为了保持常见问题解答和 DP 的编号与 DO-248B 一致,在第 3 节末尾添加了新的常见问题解答,在第 4 节末尾添加了新的 DP。由于现在信息已澄清,因此删除了一些常见问题解答和 DP 在 DO-178C/DO-278A、另一个 FAQ 或 DP 或 DO-178C/DO-278A 补充之一中。 这些常见问题解答和 DP 的原始标题保留用于历史目的。 第 5 节中的基本原理对于 DO-248C 来说是新的。 由于文档结构的原因,不建议从前往后阅读。 相反,建议使用以下方法来使用该文档:Sections 3 and 4 are essentially chronological. DO-248 started out as an annual report, which was finalized with the publication of DO-248B. In order to keep the numbering for FAQs and DPs consistent with DO-248B, new FAQs were added to the end of section 3 and new DPs were added to the end of section 4. Several FAQs and DPs were deleted because the information is now clarified in DO-178C/DO-278A, in another FAQ or DP, or in one of the DO-178C/DO-278A supplements. The original titles of these FAQs and DPs are maintained for historical purposes. The rationale in section 5 is new to DO-248C. Because of the document structure, it is not recommended to read it from front to back. Instead the following approaches are recommended for using the document:

• 主题方法:如果您正在研究特定主题,附录 C 提供了关键字索引。 每个关键字都显示有使用该关键字的多个部分。 Topical approach: If you are researching a specific topic, Appendix C provides an index of keywords. Each keyword is shown with the multiple sections that use that keyword.

• 参考方法:如果您正在研究 DO-178C/DO-278A 中的特定部分,请使用附录 D。附录 D 提供了 DO-178C/DO-278A 部分与本文档中相关常见问题解答或 DP 的映射。 Reference approach: If you are researching a specific section in DO-178C/DO- 278A, use Appendix D. Appendix D provides a mapping of the DO-178C/DO-278A sections to the related FAQs or DPs in this document.

• 超链接方式:附录C和D提供了本文档电子版正文中常见问题解答和DP的超链接。 您可以使用这些超链接立即转到引用的部分。 Hyperlink approach: Hyperlinks are provided from Appendices C and D to the FAQs and DPs in the main body in electronic versions of this document. You may use these hyperlinks to immediately go to the referenced section.

本文档中的主要部分均编号为 X.0。 应当注意的是,对整个部分的引用被标识为“X 部分”; 而对节标题 X.0 和 X.1 之间的内容的引用被引用为“节 X.0”。Major sections are numbered as X.0 throughout this document. It should be noted that references to an entire section are identified as “section X”; whereas, references to the content between section headers X.0 and X.1 are referenced as “section X.0”.

2.0 勘误表 ERRATA

在本文件发布时,尚无 DO-178C 或 DO-278A 的勘误表。At the time of this document’s publication, no errata for DO-178C or DO-278A are known.

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