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4、创建代码的目录kwin,cd kwin

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6、apt list | grep kwin

7、cd kwin-5.18.5,即可查看源码

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https://store.kde.org/content/show.php/Tiling?content=161151 Description: Note that this requires kde 4.11 for the config interface at least Tiling script for kwin, featuring: - A useractionmenu to selectively tile windows - Three layouts, all mouse-resizable - One layout with the option to set multiple "master" windows ("M-S-+" to increment, "M-S--" to decrement) - The option to deactivate tiling per-desktop via keybinding - A configuration menu for floating windows (by class) - An option to remove windowborders - "Animated" resizing and moving - Optional "useless" gaps Hotkeys: ("M" here stands for what is usually the windows key, "S" stands for shift) M-PgUp / M-PgDown: Switch layout for current desktop M-S-F11: Deactivate tiling on current desktop M-f: Toggle between tiling and floating for active window M-S-m: Swap active window with the master window M-S-+: Increment number of master windows in (default) "HalfLayout" M-S-h, M-S-j, M-S-k, M-S-l: Move window in corresponding direction The following have been removed in 1.6.2 as they are already provided by kwin (but set to different keys): M-u: Toggle window borders M-h, M-j, M-k, M-l: Switch focus in corresponding direction If you would like to help, consider reporting bugs and maybe even sending pullrequests to www.github.com/faho/kwin-tiling Changelog: 2 years ago * Forgot to enable bladelayout, could lead to crashes/script not working. * 1.0.1: Fix some issues with panel at the top * 1.1.0: Add an option to disable borders This should only be used with FocusUnderMouse, as because of a kwin limitation focus can jump and it's impossible to tell which window has focus * 1.1.1: Bugfixes and an attempt to adjust to new or removed panels * 1.1.2: Enable resize "animations" and bugfixes (again including panel struts) * 1.1.3: Retile on layout switch and keep desktop floating state * 1.1.4: Bugfixes related to tabgroups and the focus hotkeys * 1.2: Properly retile when a client resizes (including borders), "animate" moving, improve resizing "animation", add keybinding to toggle window border and bugfixes * 1.2.1: Remove broken tabgroup handling (tabgroups float for now) and add a possible bugfix for some transparency issues * 1.3 (unreleased): Readd clients that return (e.g. are unminimized) to their previous tile, bugfixes (including resizing) * 1.3.1: Tabgroups, add shortcut (Meta+Shift+M) to swap a window with the master, bugfixes * Fix plasmoids immediately closing * Fix maximizing, fullscreen and resizing bugs * 1.3.2: Fix windows not responding and focus-follows-mouse choosing the wrong window, add an option to open windows as master * 1.3.3: Fix movement losing windows, add workaround for steam update window, fix tiling not working * 1.4: Add option to disable tiling by default, add per-desktop layout configuration (as a line of text currently), add shortcut to toggle borders on all clients (M-S-U), add shortcuts to resize the master window (M-Alt-{h,j,k,l}), minor bug fixes * 1.5: Bugfixes (including crashes), optional gaps between windows, respect min/maxsize (unfortunately this could cause crashes under certain circumstances) * 1.6 (unreleased): Make resizing layout-agnostic, a manual tiling mode, code cleanup, fix tiling when compositing is disabled * 1.6.1: Respect min/maxSizes, multiple (or zero) master support in halflayout, bugfixes * 1.6.2: Make respecting min/MaxSizes an option, improve fullscreen behavior, improve configuration UI, remove shortcuts for toggling a border for a single window and switching focus (as they are provided by kwin itself already) * 1.6.3: Fix crash when number of desktops isn't height * width of desktopgrid, fix default floating list * 1.7.0: Bugfixes, add option to defer placement to kwin




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