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原创 1002 A+B for Polynomials

1002 A+B for Polynomials题目#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() { int k; double a[1005]; int b; double c; memset(a, 0, sizeof a); cin >>...

2019-09-11 11:44:54 151

原创 PAT 1001 A+B Format

1001 A+B FormatCalculate a+b and output the sum in standard format – that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits).Input Specification...

2019-09-11 11:22:21 116

原创 UVALive - 3938 "Ray, Pass me the dishes!"

注意分清三种情况,并且保证字典序最小#include &lt;cstdio&gt;#include &lt;cstring&gt;#include &lt;algorithm&gt;#include &lt;iostream&gt;#define ls o&lt;&lt;1#define rs o&lt;&lt;1|1#define lson L, mid, ls#define ...

2018-08-23 20:23:25 226

原创 T9 HDU - 1298(Trie+DFS)结构体内调用函数

T9 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 3888 Accepted Submission(s): 1409Problem Description A while ago it was quite cumber...

2018-07-31 15:51:24 270

原创 Codeforces 600B Queries about less or equal elements(二分、upper_bound()的应用)

Queries about less or equal elements You are given two arrays of integers a and b. For each element of the second array bj you should find the number of elements in array a that are less than or equal

2017-09-13 16:27:10 352

原创 UVA - 11419 SAM I AM

SAM I AM The world is in great danger!! Mental’s forces have returned to Earth to eradicate humankind. Our last hope to stop this great evil is Sam “Serious” Stone. Equipped with various powerful weapo

2017-08-22 20:04:30 299

原创 HDU1698:Just a Hook(线段树)

Problem Description In the game of DotA, Pudge’s meat hook is actually the most horrible thing for most of the heroes. The hook is made up of several consecutive metallic sticks which are of the same

2017-08-16 20:46:06 391

原创 HDU - 2492 Ping pong(树状数组)

Ping pongProblem Description N(3<=N<=20000) ping pong players live along a west-east street(consider the street as a line segment). Each player has a unique skill rank. To improve their skill rank, th

2017-08-16 20:37:08 373

原创 CodeForces - 702C Cellular Network(不用二分的方法)

* Cellular Network* C. Cellular Network time limit per test3 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output You are given n points on the straight line — the

2017-08-10 00:30:19 393

原创 HDU - 4300 Clairewd’s message(字符串匹配)

Clairewd’s message Problem Description Clairewd is a member of FBI. After several years concealing in BUPT, she intercepted some important messages and she was preparing for sending it to ykwd. They

2017-08-09 23:55:00 403

原创 POJ - 2258 The Settlers of Catan

The Settlers of Catan Within Settlers of Catan, the 1995 German game of the year, players attempt to dominate an island by building roads, settlements and cities across its uncharted wilderness. You

2017-08-06 19:41:23 416

原创 CodeForces - 557C. Arthur and Table

C. Arthur and Table time limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Arthur has bought a beautiful big table into his new flat. When he came

2017-08-05 23:25:01 422

原创 CodeForces - 803C Maximal GCD

Maximal GCDYou are given positive integer number n. You should create such strictly increasing sequence of k positive numbers a1, a2, …, ak, that their sum is equal to n and greatest common divisor is

2017-08-01 18:46:38 556

原创 CodeForces - 689B Mike and Shortcuts (BFS)

Mike and ShortcutsRecently, Mike was very busy with studying for exams and contests. Now he is going to chill a bit by doing some sight seeing in the city. City consists of n intersections numbered fr

2017-07-31 21:55:37 437

原创 hihocoder 1049 : 后序遍历

hihocoder 1049 : 后序遍历描述 在参与过了美食节之后,小Hi和小Ho在别的地方又玩耍了一阵子,在这个过程中,小Ho得到了一个非常有意思的玩具——一棵由小球和木棍连接起来的二叉树! 小Ho对这棵二叉树爱不释手,于是给它的每一个节点都标记了一个标号——一个属于A..Z的大写字母,并且没有任意两个节点的标号是一样的。小Hi也瞅准了这个机会,重新巩固了一下小Ho关于二叉树遍历的基础知识~

2017-07-28 15:07:48 412

原创 UVA - 12034 Race

RaceDisky and Sooma, two of the biggest mega minds of Bangladesh went to a far country. They ate, coded and wandered around, even in their holidays. They passed several months in this way. But everythi

2017-07-28 08:36:36 322

原创 HDU - 1274 展开字符串

展开字符串**Problem Description 在纺织CAD系统开发过程中,经常会遇到纱线排列的问题。 该问题的描述是这样的:常用纱线的品种一般不会超过25种,所以分别可以用小写字母表示不同的纱线,例如:abc表示三根纱线的排列;重复可以用数字和括号表示,例如:2(abc)表示abcabc;1(a)=1a表示a;2ab表示aab;如果括号前面没有表示重复的数字出现,则就可认为是1被省略了,

2017-07-28 08:31:21 500

原创 HDU - 1274 展开字符串

展开字符串**Problem Description 在纺织CAD系统开发过程中,经常会遇到纱线排列的问题。 该问题的描述是这样的:常用纱线的品种一般不会超过25种,所以分别可以用小写字母表示不同的纱线,例如:abc表示三根纱线的排列;重复可以用数字和括号表示,例如:2(abc)表示abcabc;1(a)=1a表示a;2ab表示aab;如果括号前面没有表示重复的数字出现,则就可认为是1被省略了,

2017-07-27 21:12:08 443

原创 UVA - 1608 Non-boring sequences

Non-boring sequencesWe were afraid of making this problem statement too boring, so we decided to keep it short. A sequence is called non-boring if its every connected subsequence contains a unique elem

2017-07-27 20:58:54 683

原创 CodeForces - 589F Gourmet and Banquet

Gourmet and BanquetA gourmet came into the banquet hall, where the cooks suggested n dishes for guests. The gourmet knows the schedule: when each of the dishes will be served.For i-th of the dishes he

2017-07-26 20:29:02 507

原创 UVA 11995 I Can Guess the Data Structure! (STL的基本操作)

I Can Guess the Data Structure!There is a bag-like data structure, supporting two operations: 1 x Throw an element x into the bag. 2 Take out an element from the bag. Given a sequence of operations

2017-07-26 20:21:10 476

原创 HDU - 2199 Can you solve this equation? (二分)

Can you solve this equation?Problem Description Now,given the equation 8*x^4 + 7*x^3 + 2*x^2 + 3*x + 6 == Y,can you find its solution between 0 and 100; Now please try your lucky.Input The first lin

2017-07-26 09:14:26 393

原创 HDU - 2141 Can you find it?(二分)

Can you find it?Problem Description Give you three sequences of numbers A, B, C, then we give you a number X. Now you need to calculate if you can find the three numbers Ai, Bj, Ck, which satisfy the

2017-07-26 09:08:52 319

原创 CF831C-Jury Marks(map+vector)

CF831C-Jury Marks(http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/831/C) time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Polycarp watched TV-

2017-07-24 20:54:22 422

原创 HDU 1896 Stones

HDU 1896 Stones(http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1896)StonesTime Limit: 5000/3000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 2979 Accepted Submissio

2017-07-24 18:17:05 286

原创 HDU-2064:汉诺塔III

汉诺塔IIITime Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 18287 Accepted Submission(s): 8605Problem Description 约19世纪末,在欧州的商店中出售一种智力玩具,在一块铜板上有三

2017-07-21 18:34:59 319



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