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原创 12. Advanced Data Structure(with example problems)
0. OverviewThis time we will discuss some helpful data structures in algorithm. In many times, a good data structure could save us lots of energy, thus, besides the basic data structure vector, stack...
2020-06-18 08:05:39 492
原创 8. OOP: Smart Pointer
Smart Pointer in C++0. OverviewWe have touched the pointer in C++ previously in Linked List part. This time, we’re going to handle the smart pointer in C++. Before dig into the detail, let’s have a ...
2020-04-28 05:41:48 256
原创 7. OOP: Hash Table, Map, Priority Queue
Hash Table, Map, Priority Queue0. OverviewBesides the basic data structures mentioned in STL, there are some other interesting data structure worth being mentioned.1. Hash Table vs. Hash MapHash t...
2020-04-28 00:25:14 217
原创 6. OOP: Callable Function
Callable Function0. OverviewIt could happens sometimes that we need to pass a function as parameter to another function. However, it is weird to pass a function directly. Thus, this time we will cov...
2020-04-26 05:37:38 256
原创 11. Two Pointers(with example problems)
0. Basic Concepts0.1 Two Pointers Type?Same direction pointersFace-to-face directions1. Problem Type:1.1 Same direction pointers1.1.1 Examples:604. Window Sum vector<int> winSum(vec...
2020-04-24 10:05:47 254
原创 2. Linked List(with example problems)
Tools: Dummy NodeWhen to use:When it related to the head node, and the head node is uncertain.Tips:a. If a node->next is effected, then we need to correct this pointer.b. If the node to be d...
2020-04-20 00:26:00 335
原创 10. Depth First Search(with example problems)
0. Basic Concepts0.1 When to use DFS?When a problem need you to return all possible solutions, which can be permutation or combination, it is a must to use DFS.Time Complexity: O( # of solutions * ...
2020-04-15 12:48:35 182
原创 9. Breath First Search(with problem example)
0. Basic Concepts0.1 When to use BFS?Traversal in GraphLevel Order TraversalConnected ComponentTopological SortingShortest Path in Simple GraphLimited to the simple graph, which means no ...
2020-04-15 01:03:17 319
原创 4.Binary Tree(with example problem)
0. Basic Concepts0.1 Binary TreeAt the depth of i, the number of nodes is 2^(i-1) at most.For a tree whose depth is k, the number of nodes is 2^(k-1) at most0.2 Full Binary TreeThe binary tree ...
2020-04-11 07:14:13 389
原创 8. Binary Search(with example problems)
1. Binary Search ProblemThis kind of problem are usually:Given an sorted integer array - nums, and an integer - target.Find the any/first/last position of target in numsReturn -1 if target does n...
2020-04-01 05:01:41 300
原创 5. OOP: Initialization
Initialization0. OverviewIt a simple concept distinguish: what default constructor, constructor with values, and initializer_list.1. default < constructor < initializer_listWhen we create a ...
2020-03-09 04:49:12 178
原创 4. OOP: Operator Overloading
Operator Overloading0. OverviewWe have some clue of package < iostream> now. However, for now, we could only do the operator based on default data type, such as int, char. What if we want to d...
2020-03-09 04:10:58 212
原创 1.Array & String (with example problems)
Array & String加粗样式Tools: string functions in C++These functions are frequently used in algorithm solution, for more details and functions, refer to this.// Searches the string for the first oc...
2020-02-18 07:26:24 201
原创 1360. Symmetric Tree
1360. Symmetric TreeDescription:Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center).ExampleExample1Input: {1,2,2,3,4,4,3}Output: trueExplanation:1/ ...
2020-02-02 05:03:49 138
原创 189. First Missing Positive
[Problem Name](probelm link/description)Description:Given an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.ExampleExample 1:Input:[1,2,0]Output:3Example 2:Input:[3,4,-1,1]Ou...
2020-02-01 02:18:28 183
原创 50. Product of Array Exclude Itself
50. Product of Array Exclude ItselfDescription:Given an integers array A.Define B[i] = A[0] * … * A[i-1] * A[i+1] * … * A[n-1], calculate B WITHOUT divide operation.Out put BExampleExample 1Inpu...
2020-02-01 02:09:34 140
原创 56. Two Sum
56. Two SumDescription:Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add...
2020-02-01 01:56:09 145
原创 64. Merge Sorted Array
64. Merge Sorted ArrayDescription:Given two sorted integer arrays A and B, merge B into A as one sorted array.ExampleExample 1:Input:[1, 2, 3] 3 [4,5] 2Output:[1,2,3,4,5]Explanation:After me...
2020-01-31 05:58:44 150
原创 100. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
100. Remove Duplicates from Sorted ArrayDescription:Given a sorted array, ‘remove’ the duplicates in place such that each element appear only once and return the ‘new’ length.Do not allocate extra ...
2020-01-31 05:46:57 128
原创 138. Subarray Sum
138. Subarray SumDescription:Given an integer array, find a subarray where the sum of numbers is zero. Your code should return the index of the first number and the index of the last number.Example...
2020-01-31 05:41:58 196
原创 172. Remove Element
172. Remove ElementDescription:Given an array and a value, remove all occurrences of that value in place and return the new length.The order of elements can be changed, and the elements after the n...
2020-01-30 07:41:15 163
原创 78. Longest Common Prefix
78. Longest Common PrefixDescription:Given k strings, find the longest common prefix (LCP).ExampleExample 1:Input: “ABCD”, “ABEF”, “ACEF”Output: “A”Example 2:Input: “ABCDEFG”, “ABCEFG” and “...
2020-01-30 07:34:51 157 1
原创 79. Longest Common Substring
79. Longest Common SubstringDescription:Given two strings, find the longest common substring.Return the length of it.ExampleExample 1:Input: “ABCD” and “CBCE”Output: 2Explanation:Longest co...
2020-01-30 07:28:31 224
原创 5. Study Note of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): STL II
STL With OverloadingOverview:In this section, we did not discuss new STL data type. But we covered three ways of initializing data member of a class: default constructor, constructor with values, an...
2020-01-29 11:39:39 166
原创 13. Implement strStr()
13. Implement strStr()Tag:StringDescription:For a given source string and a target string, you should output the first index(from 0) of target string in source string.If target does not exist in ...
2020-01-25 15:53:46 142
原创 55. Compare Strings / 158. Valid Anagram
55. Compare Strings / 158. Valid AnagramTag:Hash Table, MapDescription:55. Compare StringsCompare two strings A and B, determine whether A contains all of the characters in B.The characters in s...
2020-01-25 15:37:17 1453 1
原创 4. OOP: STL(vector, list, map)
STL(vector, list, map)Overview:STL is the soul of C++. Remember this, mastering the STL is master the most part of C++. Though array is more efficient than vector, vector is still the feature of C++...
2020-01-25 15:25:44 265 1
原创 452. Remove Linked List Elements
452. Remove Linked List ElementsDescription:Remove all elements from a linked list of integers that have value val.ExampleExample 1:Input: head = 1->2->3->3->4->5->3->null, v...
2020-01-24 05:03:51 152
原创 4.Study Note of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):Operator Overloading
Operator OverloadingOverview:This chapter discuss about the operator overloading in C++. It is common used component in C++ programming. Personally speaking, the most used operator overloading is th...
2020-01-24 02:00:15 222
原创 167. Add Two Numbers
167. Add Two NumbersDescription:You have two numbers represented by a linked list, where each node contains a single digit. The digits are stored in reverse order, such that the 1’s digit is at the ...
2020-01-22 05:40:44 216
原创 223. Palindrome Linked List
35. Reverse Linked ListDescription:Implement a function to check if a linked list is a palindrome.ExampleExample 1:Input: 1->2->1output: trueExample 2:Input: 2->2->1output: false...
2020-01-21 14:11:31 178
原创 104. Merge K Sorted Lists
104. Merge K Sorted ListsDescription:Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list.Analyze and describe its complexity.ExampleExample 1:Input: [2->4->null,null,-1->null...
2020-01-21 08:57:40 229
原创 165. Merge Two Sorted Lists
165. Merge Two Sorted ListsDescription:Merge two sorted (ascending) linked lists and return it as a new sorted list. The new sorted list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the two list...
2020-01-21 07:07:17 140
原创 380. Intersection of Two Linked Lists
380. Intersection of Two Linked ListsDescription:Write a program to find the node at which the intersection of two singly linked lists begins.ExampleExample 1:Input:A: a1 → a2↘c1 → c2...
2020-01-21 07:03:43 144
原创 105. Copy List with Random Pointer
35. Reverse Linked ListDescription:A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.Return a deep copy of the list....
2020-01-21 06:38:59 162
原创 35. Reverse Linked List
35. Reverse Linked ListDescription:Reverse a linked list.ExampleExample 1:Input: 1->2->3->nullOutput: 3->2->1->nullExample 2:Input: 1->2->3->4->nullOutput: 4->...
2020-01-20 17:29:18 186
原创 Wiggle Sort I/II
508. Wiggle SortTag:Main Idea:Problem Type.State:Update Function:Initialization:Answer:Tips/Notes:Time/Space Cost:Time Cost: O(n)\ O(n) O(n)Space Cost: O(1)\ O(1)...
2020-01-19 12:55:46 179
原创 5. Kth Largest Element
5. Kth Largest ElementTag:Main Idea:It’s not recommended to sort the array, because it’s time-costing.State:Update Function:Initialization:Answer:Tips/Notes:Time/Space Cost:Time Co...
2020-01-19 07:23:30 198
原创 Continuous Subarray Sum I/II
402. Continuous Subarray SumsTag:Main Idea:Problem Type.State:Update Function:Initialization:Answer:Tips/Notes:Time/Space Cost:Time Cost: O(n)\ O(n) O(n)Space Cost: &nb...
2020-01-19 06:04:22 197
原创 3. OOP: Linked List
Linked List1. OverviewToday’s topic is Linked List. The code structure would be: class Node, class LinkedList, definitions of functions of LinkedList, and Main() function.Linked list was mentioned...
2020-01-18 13:52:35 190
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