4.Study Note of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):Operator Overloading

Operator Overloading


This chapter discuss about the operator overloading in C++. It is common used component in C++ programming. Personally speaking, the most used operator overloading is the comparison function operator<. However, this time we cover the knowledges more than this. The concept covers basic operator+/*, prefix/postfix increment, array index, input/output stream, and input/output file stream. Talk is cheap, there is the code.

Class declaration:

// console cin, cout
// file in, out
using namespace std;

class ThreeD{
    int ht;
    int wid;
    int dep;

    // default constructor
    ThreeD() {
        ht = wid = dep = 0;

    // know knid of constructor
    ThreeD(int i, int j, int k): ht(i), wid(j), dep(k) {}
    int getVol(){ return ht * wid * dep; }

    // overload operator
    ThreeD operator+(ThreeD t);
    ThreeD operator*(ThreeD t);
    ThreeD operator++();                // prefix
    ThreeD operator++(int neverUsed);   // postfix
    int & operator[](int k);

    //friend: allow function to access private paramenter
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& str, const ThreeD t);
	friend istream& operator>>(istream& str, ThreeD& t);

Implementing operator+:

ThreeD ThreeD::operator+(ThreeD t){
    ThreeD temp;
    temp.ht = ht;
    temp.wid = t.wid;
    temp.dep = dep + t.dep;
    return temp;

Implementing operator*:

ThreeD ThreeD::operator*(ThreeD t){
    ThreeD temp;
    temp.ht = ht * t.ht;
    temp.wid = wid * t.wid;
    temp.dep = dep * t.dep;
    return temp;

Implementing operator+:

ThreeD ThreeD::operator+(ThreeD t){
    ThreeD temp;
    temp.ht = ht;
    temp.wid = t.wid;
    temp.dep = dep + t.dep;
    return temp;

Implementing prefix increment:

// prefix
// complier knows that the operator without argument is prefix
ThreeD ThreeD::operator++(){
    // this is a pointer pointing to the current object
    return *this;

Implementing post increment:

// postfix
// complier knows that the operator with argument is postfix
// store the value first,which will be return at the end
// then, apply the increment.
ThreeD ThreeD::operator++(int neverUsed){
    ThreeD tmp = *this;
    return tmp;


Implementing operator[]:

// if defined in this way, it's read-only
// const int & ThreeD::operator[](int k)

    //The origianl object will be returned to the calling function.
	//No extra copying effort is needed.  It is faster than return by value,
	//which requires an extra copy to be created and returned to the calling function.
	//Because an object is returned, rather than a value, the function can appear
	//on the left side of an statement.
int & ThreeD::operator[](int k){
        case 0:
        // ht will be directly used in calling function
            return ht;
        case 1:
            return wid;

        case 2:
            return dep;


Implementing operator<<:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& str, const ThreeD t) {
	str << "[" << t.ht << ", " << t.wid << ", " << t.dep << "]";
	return str;

Implementing operator>>:

istream& operator>>(istream& str, ThreeD& t) {
	str >> t.ht >> t.wid >> t.dep;
	return str;

Implementing operator>>:

istream& operator>>(istream& str, ThreeD& t) {
	str >> t.ht >> t.wid >> t.dep;
	return str;

Implementing ofstream& operator<<:

ofstream& operator<<(ofstream& str, const ThreeD& t) {
	str << t.ht << " " << t.wid << " " << t.dep;
	return str;

Implementing ifstream& operator>>:

ifstream& operator>>(ifstream& str, ThreeD& t) {
	str >> t.ht >> t.wid >> t.dep;
	return str;

Complete Code:

//Operator Overloading
#include <iostream> //console cin cout
#include <fstream> //i/o for file

using namespace std;

class ThreeD {
	int ht;
	int wid;
	int dep;
	ThreeD() { ht = wid = dep = 0; }//default
	ThreeD(int i, int j, int k) : ht(i), wid(j), dep(k) {}
	int getVol() { return ht * wid * dep; }
	ThreeD operator+(ThreeD t);
	ThreeD operator*(ThreeD t);
	ThreeD operator++();//prefix
	ThreeD operator++(int neverUsed); //postfix
	int& operator[](int k);
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& str, const ThreeD t);
	friend istream& operator>>(istream& str, ThreeD& t);
ThreeD ThreeD::operator++() {//prefix
	return *this;//this is a pointer pointing to the current object

ThreeD ThreeD::operator++(int neverUsed) {//postfix
	//return by value
	ThreeD temp = *this;
	return temp;

int& ThreeD::operator[](int k) {//return by ref
	//The origianl object will be returned to the calling function.
	//No extra copying effort is needed.  It is faster than return by value,
	//which requires an extra copy to be created and returned to the calling function.
	//Because an object is returned, rather than a value, the function can appear
	//on the left side of an statement.
	switch (k) {
	case 0: return ht; //ht will be directly used in calling function
	case 1:return wid;
	case 2:return dep;

ThreeD ThreeD::operator+(ThreeD t) {
	ThreeD temp;
	temp.ht = ht;
	temp.wid = t.wid;
	temp.dep = dep + t.dep;
	return temp;
ThreeD ThreeD::operator*(ThreeD t) {
	ThreeD temp;
	temp.ht = ht * t.ht;
	temp.wid = wid * t.wid;
	temp.dep = dep * t.dep;
	return temp;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& str, const ThreeD t) {
	str << "[" << t.ht << ", " << t.wid << ", " << t.dep << "]";
	return str;

istream& operator>>(istream& str, ThreeD& t) {
	str >> t.ht >> t.wid >> t.dep;
	return str;


ofstream& operator<<(ofstream& str, const ThreeD& t) {
	str << t.ht << " " << t.wid << " " << t.dep;
	return str;

ifstream& operator>>(ifstream& str, ThreeD& t) {
	str >> t.ht >> t.wid >> t.dep;
	return str;

int main() {
	ThreeD t1(3, 4, 5), t2(10, 11, 12), t3, t4, t5, t6;
	int i1{ 10 }, i2{ 20 }, i3;
	i3 = i1 + i2;
	t3 = t1 + t2; //Will be converted to
	//t3 = t1.operator+(t2);
	t4 = t1 * t2;
	t5 = ++t2;//prefix
	t6 = t1++;//postfix

	t1[2] = 100;//return by reference allows the function
	//to appear on the left side of a statement.
	cout << t1[2] << endl;
	cout << t1 << endl;

	cin >> t4;
	cout << t4 << endl;

	ofstream out("data1.txt");
	out << t1 << endl;

	ifstream in("data1.txt");
	in >> t1;
	cout << t1 << endl;

	return 0;
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