PMP学习笔记 12 - 13章 —— 领英 【Cert Prep: Project management professional(PMP)】

12. Project Communication Management

Project communication management overview

Two parts:

  1. Develop a strategy
  2. Implement the strategy

Communication activities:

  1. Internal and external communications with stakeholders that fall inside and outside the project.
  2. Formal and informal
  3. Focus on hierarchy
  4. Official and unofficial
  5. Written and oral
  6. Verbal and nonverbal


  1. Correct grammar and spelling
  2. Concise wording
  3. Clear expression
  4. Coherent flow of ideas
  5. Control of words and ideas

Make sure stakeholders take part in Project reviews and Meetings

Plan Communication Management



  1. Project charter
  2. Stakeholder register
  3. Stakeholder engagement plan
  4. Resource management plan
  5. Requirements documentation
  6. EEFs
  7. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Communication requirements analysis
  2. Communication technology
    1. Meetings
    2. Documents
    3. Social media
    4. Websites
  3. Communication models
  4. Communication methods
  5. Interpersonal and team skills
    1. Political awareness
    2. Culture awareness
    3. Communication styles assessment
  6. Data representation
    1. Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
      To track gaps in stakeholder engagement from where they are today versus where you want them to be.
  7. Meetings
  8. Expert judgement


  1. Communication management plan
  2. Project management plan
  3. Project documents updates

Communication channels


Calculating Communication Channels

Example 1
On your current construction project, the project manager is working with 7 other stakeholders. Two new stakeholders join the project. How many new channels have been added?

Total stakeholders = 8 = p m + 7 = 8 = pm + 7 =8=pm+7
Total channels = Total stakeholders * ( Total stakeholders - 1) / 2 = 8 * 7 / 2 = 28
New total stakeholders = 8 + 2 = 10 =8+2=10 =8+2=10
New Total channels = 10 ∗ 9 / 2 = 45 =10*9/2=45 =109/2=45
New channels = 45 − 28 = 17 =45-28=17 =4528=17

Manage Communications

Ensure the information about the project is collected, then created, distributed, stored, managed, monitored, and is then able to be retrieved.

Communications Techniques

  1. Sender-receiver models
  2. Choice of media
  3. Writing style
  4. Meeting management



  1. Communications management plan
  2. Resource management plan
  3. Stakeholder engagement plan
  4. Stakeholder register
  5. Change log
  6. Issue log
  7. Risk register
  8. Quality report
  9. Work performance report
  10. EEFs
  11. OPAs
  12. Lessons learned register

Tools & Techniques

  1. Communication technology
  2. Communication methods
  3. Communication skills
    1. Communication competence
    2. Feedback
    3. Nonverbal communication
    4. Presentations
  4. Project reporting
  5. Interpersonal and team skills
    1. Active listening
    2. Conflict management
    3. Cultural awareness
    4. Political awareness
    5. Meeting management
    6. Networking
  6. Meetings
  7. Project management information system (PMIS)


  1. Communications
  2. Project management plan updates
  3. Project documents updates
  4. OPAs updates

Monitor Communications

It’s important to make sure the right information is being conveyed to the right people, at the right time.



  1. Resource management plan
  2. Communications management plan
  3. Stake holder engagement plan
  4. Issue log
  5. Project communications
  6. Work performance data
  7. Lessons learned register
  8. EEFs
  9. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Data representation
    Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix. This looks at whether there have been changes in the desired versus current position of stakeholder engagement.
    akeholder 1CD
    akeholder 2CD
    akeholder 3D C
    C = Current, D = Desired
  2. Interpersonal and team skills
  3. Meeting
  4. Expert judgement
  5. Project management information system (PMIS)


  1. Work performance information
  2. Change requests
  3. Project management plan updates
  4. Project documents updates

Project Risk Management

Project risk management overview

Risks are uncertainties in a project.
It is important to identify the impact of individual risks as well as the overall project risk.

Non-Event Risk Catrgories

  1. Variability
    1. More errors
    2. Low production
  2. Ambiguity
    1. Future uncertainties
  3. Project resilience
  4. Integrated risk management

Plan Risk Management

The risk management process outlines how to perform the risk management activities for a project.

Key benefit of planning process

  • Describes how to identify, evaluate, rank, and manage each risk

Risks are then communicated to stakeholders



  1. Project charter
  2. Stakeholder register
  3. Project management plan
  4. EEFs
  5. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Data analysis
    • Stakeholder analysis
  2. Expert judgement
  3. Meetings


  1. Risk management plan
    • Funding
    • Methodology for how to manage the risks
    • Roles and responsibilities of the team
    • Categories
    • Risk breakdown structure (RBS)
Risk level 0Risk level 1Risk level 2
0. All sources of project risk
1. Technical risk
1.1 Scope Definition
1.2 Requirements definition
1.3 Estimates, assumptions, and constraints
1.4 Technical processes
1.5 Technology
1.6 Technical interfaces
2. Management risk
2.1 Project management
2.2 Program/Portfollio management
2.3 Operations management
2.4 Organization
2.5 Resourcing
2.6 Communication
3. Commercial risk
3.1 Contractual terms and conditions
3.2 Internal procurement
3.3 Suppliers and vendors
3.4 Subcontracts
3.5 Client/Customer stability
3.6 Partnership[s and joint ventures
4. External risk
4.1 Legislation
4.2 Exchange rates
4.3 Site/facilities
4.4 Environmental/weather
4.5 Competition
4.6 Regulatory
  1. Definitions for risk probability and impacts
  2. Definitions for probability and impact matrix
  3. Risk management plan

Identify Risks

The identify risk process falls under the planning process group and is the process of determining which risks may effect the project and documenting their characteristics.


  • Uncertainties in any project
  • Effects may known or unknown



  1. Plans
    • Resource
    • Risk
    • Requirements
    • Cost
    • Quality
    • Schedule
  2. Baselines
    • Scope
    • Cost
    • Schedule
  3. Cost estimates
  4. Duration estimates
  5. Stakeholder register
  6. Agreements
  7. Procurement documentation
  8. Assumption and issue logs
  9. Requirements documents
  10. Resource requirements
  11. Lessons learned register
  12. EEFs
  13. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Data gathering

    • Brainstorming
    • Interviews
    • Checklists
  2. Data analysis

    • Root cause analysis
    • Document analysis
    • SWOT analysis
      Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
    • Assumption and constraint analysis
  3. Interpersonal and team skills

    • Facilitation
  4. Prompt lists

    Have predefined risk categories used to solicit ideas

  5. Expert judgement

  6. Meetings


  1. Risk register
    Includes a list of the identified risks, the potential responses, and owners.
  2. Risk report
    Provides information on overall and individual project risks.
  3. Project documents updates

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis



  1. Risk management plan
  2. Risk register
  3. Stakeholder register
  4. Assumption log
  5. EEFs
  6. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Data gathering
    • Interviews
  2. Data analysis
    • Risk data quality assessment
    • Risk probability and impact assessment
      What’s the probability?
      What’s the impact?
Risk probability and impact assessment
Probability and impact matrix
  1. Assessment of other risk parameters
    • Urgency
    • Controllability
  2. Interpersonal and team skils
    • Facilitation
  3. Risk categorization
  4. Data representation
    • Probability and impact matrix
    • Hierarchical charts
  5. Meetings
  6. Expert judgement


  1. Project documents updates

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis



  1. Project management plan
    1. Cost baseline
    2. Scope baseline
    3. Schedule baseline
  2. Risk management plan
    Provides guidance on whether quantitative risk analysis is needed and who performs it.
  3. Risk register
  4. Risk report
  5. Cost estimates
  6. Duration estimates
  7. Resource requirements
  8. Cost forecasts
  9. Schedule forecasts
  10. Assumption log
  11. Basis of estimates
  12. Milestone list
  13. EEFs
  14. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Data gathering
    • Interviews
      to get information to quantify the probability and impact of risks on the project.
  2. Interpersonal and team skills
    • Facilitation
      to quantify the risks
  3. Representations of uncertainty
    Used to show probability distributions.
  4. Data analysis
    • Sensitivity analysis
      which looks at how your project is affected by certain risks in the project. Example: Tornado Diagram
    • Decision tree analysis
      Used to decide on the best course of action when you have multiple choices.
    • Simulation
    • Influence diagrams
      Visuals used for decision-making, Example: Influence Diagram
  5. Expert judgement


  1. Project documents updates

Plan Risk Responses



  1. Risk management plan
  2. Risk register
  3. Risk report
  4. Resource management plan
  5. Project team assignments
  6. Stakeholder register
  7. Resource calendars
  8. Cost baseline
  9. Lessons learned register
  10. EEFs
  11. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Strategies for threats
    • Avoid the risk
    • Transfer the risk responsibility
    • Mitigate the risk likelihood
  2. Strategies for opportunites
    • Exploit the risk
    • Enhance the risk
    • Share the risk
  3. Strategies for opportunities and threats
    • Acceptance of the risk
    • Escalation of the risk
  4. Contingent response strategies
  5. Data analysis
  6. Expert judgement
  7. Facilitation
  8. Interviews
  9. Decision making


  1. Change requests
  2. Project management plan updates
  3. Project document updates

Residual Risk: A risk that remains after risk responses have been implemented.
Secondary Risk: Risk that arises as a direct result of implementing a risk response.
Fallback Plan: An alternative set of actions in case the pimary response was abandoned or not effective.

Implement Risk Responses



  1. Risk management plan
  2. Risk register
  3. Risk report
  4. Lessons learned register
  5. OPAs

Tools & Techniques

  1. Influencing
  2. Talking with experts to validate or modify risk responses
  3. Project management information system(PMIS)


  1. Change requests
  2. Project document updates

Monitor Risks



  1. Risk management plan
  2. Risk register
  3. Risk report
  4. Work performance data
  5. Work performance reports
  6. Lessons learned register
  7. Issue log

Tools & Techniques

  1. Data analysis
    • Technical performance analysis
    • Reserve analysis
      Looks to see if there are still enough contingency reserves to cover any outstanding risks.\
  2. Audits
    Are used by the project manager to check the effectiveness of risk responses and the risk management process.
  3. Meetings


  1. Work performance information
  2. Change requests
  3. Project management plan updates
  4. Project documents updates
  5. OPAs updates
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