
void usart_interrupt_enable(usart_type* usart_x, uint32_t usart_int, confirm_state new_state) 

 *          -USART_IDLE_INT:  idle interrupt

USART_IDLE_INT stands for USART Idle Line Interrupt. It is an interrupt generated by the USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) module of a microcontroller when the receiver detects an idle line condition.An idle line condition is detected when the receiver does not receive any new data on the serial communication line for a certain period of time. When this happens, the USART generates an interrupt to inform the microcontroller that a new message or data transmission may be starting.

The USART_IDLE_INT interrupt can be used by the microcontroller to implement a variety of communication protocols, such as detecting the start of a new message or waking up from a low power mode.



  *         - USART_RDBF_INT:  rdbf interrupt

USART_RDBF_INT stands for USART Receive Data Register Buffer Full Interrupt. It is an interrupt that occurs when the USART receives data and the receive data register buffer is full. This interrupt can be used to trigger a program to read and process the received data.

  *         - USART_TDC_INT:   tdc interrupt

USART_TDC_INT is a term that could refer to a specific interrupt that is related to USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) communication protocol and TDC (Time-to-Digital Converter) operation. In a microcontroller or microprocessor system, USART is a communication protocol used for serial communication between devices. TDC is a device that measures the time interval between two digital signals and converts it into a digital output in a very precise manner.

The USART_TDC_INT interrupt could be a software or hardware interrupt that triggers when there is a specific event related to the USART and TDC operation, such as the reception of data from a USART port or the completion of a TDC measurement. The handler function associated with this interrupt can perform specific tasks related to USART and TDC operation, such as transmitting or receiving data, or processing the TDC measurement output.



  *         - USART_TDBE_INT:  tdbe interrupt

USART_TDBE_INT, or Transmit Data Buffer Empty Interrupt, is a type of interrupt that is generated when the transmit data buffer of a universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver-transmitter (USART) is empty and ready to receive new data. This interrupt is useful in situations where the data transmission is continuous, and the buffer needs to be refilled with new data as soon as it becomes available. When the USART_TDBE_INT is triggered, the CPU can interrupt the ongoing process and execute the data transfer instructions to refill the transmit buffer with fresh data. This interrupt helps in improving the communication performance and reducing the delay in data transmission.

  *         - USART_PERR_INT:  perr interrupt




  *         - USART_BF_INT:    break frame interrupt

USART BF stands for "USART Break Frame". The break frame interrupt is an interrupt requested when a break character is detected on the receive line. The break character is a low-level signal sent on the transmit line which lasts longer than a normal start bit and is used to signal various conditions, such as a line error or a reset signal. When the break frame is detected, the BF flag is set in the USART status register, and the USART generates a break interrupt request to the processor. The processor can then respond to the interrupt request by executing an interrupt service routine to handle the break condition. In summary, USART BF interrupt is an interrupt that is generated when a break frame is detected on the receive line.

USART BF代表“USART破帧”。中断帧中断是当接收线上检测到中断字符时请求的中断。中断字符是在传输线上发送的低电平信号,它比正常的起始位持续时间长,用于表示各种情况,例如线路错误或复位信号。


总之,USART BF中断是当接收线上检测到中断帧时产生的中断。

  *         - USART_ERR_INT:   err interrupt

USART_ERR_INT refers to the error interrupt in a USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) peripheral. This interrupt is triggered when the USART encounters an error during data transmission or reception, such as a framing error, parity error, or overrun error. When the interrupt is fired, the microcontroller can handle the error by clearing the flag, resetting the USART, or taking other corrective actions. In summary, the USART_ERR_INT is an interrupt that allows the microcontroller to detect and correct errors that occur during communication through the USART peripheral.



  *         - USART_CTSCF_INT: ctscf interrupt

USART_CTSCF_INT refers to the Clear to Send (CTS) change flag interrupt in a USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) communication interface. In USART communication, CTS is a hardware flow control signal that is used to control the flow of data from the transmitter to the receiver. When the CTS signal changes its state, for example from low to high, it can trigger an interrupt (USART_CTSCF_INT) to notify the receiver about the change in the CTS signal. This interrupt can be used to implement software flow control mechanisms in the USART interface.


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好的,下面是一个GD32F303通过DMA发送串口中断接收的RS485串口DMA函数的示例代码: ```c #include "gd32f30x.h" #define USART USART1 #define USART_DMA_CHANNEL DMA_CH5 #define USART_DMA_STREAM DMA0_STREAM5 #define BUFFER_SIZE 128 uint8_t tx_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t rx_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; uint16_t rx_len = 0; void rs485_init(void) { rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_USART1); rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_AF); gpio_init(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ, GPIO_PIN_9); gpio_init(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF_OD, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ, GPIO_PIN_10); usart_deinit(USART); usart_baudrate_set(USART, 9600); usart_parity_config(USART, USART_PM_NONE); usart_word_length_set(USART, USART_WL_8BIT); usart_stop_bit_set(USART, USART_STB_1BIT); usart_hardware_flow_rts_config(USART, USART_RTS_DISABLE); usart_hardware_flow_cts_config(USART, USART_CTS_DISABLE); usart_transmit_config(USART, USART_TRANSMIT_ENABLE); usart_receive_config(USART, USART_RECEIVE_ENABLE); usart_enable(USART); nvic_irq_enable(USART1_IRQn, 0, 0); } void rs485_dma_init(void) { rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_DMA0); dma_deinit(USART_DMA_STREAM); dma_parameter_struct dma_init_struct; dma_init_struct.direction = DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPHERAL; dma_init_struct.memory_addr = (uint32_t)tx_buffer; dma_init_struct.memory_inc = DMA_MEMORY_INC_ENABLE; dma_init_struct.memory_width = DMA_MEMORY_WIDTH_8BIT; dma_init_struct.periph_addr = (uint32_t)&USART_DATA(USART); dma_init_struct.periph_inc = DMA_PERIPH_INC_DISABLE; dma_init_struct.periph_width = DMA_PERIPHERAL_WIDTH_8BIT; dma_init_struct.priority = DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH; dma_init(USART_DMA_STREAM, dma_init_struct); dma_circulation_disable(USART_DMA_STREAM); dma_memory_to_memory_disable(USART_DMA_STREAM); dma_channel_subperipheral_select(USART_DMA_STREAM, DMA_SUBPERI0_USART1_TX); usart_dma_transmit_config(USART, USART_DMA_CHANNEL, USART_DENT_ENABLE); dma_interrupt_enable(USART_DMA_STREAM, DMA_INT_FTF); nvic_irq_enable(DMA0_Channel5_IRQn, 0, 0); } void rs485_send_dma(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len) { memcpy(tx_buffer, buffer, len); dma_transfer_number_config(USART_DMA_STREAM, len); dma_memory_address_config(USART_DMA_STREAM, (uint32_t)tx_buffer); dma_channel_enable(USART_DMA_STREAM); } void rs485_receive_dma(void) { rx_len = 0; dma_transfer_number_config(USART_DMA_STREAM, BUFFER_SIZE); dma_memory_address_config(USART_DMA_STREAM, (uint32_t)rx_buffer); dma_channel_enable(USART_DMA_STREAM); } void USART1_IRQHandler(void) { if (usart_interrupt_flag_get(USART, USART_INT_FLAG_RBNE)) { uint8_t data = usart_data_receive(USART); // 处理接收到的数据 if (rx_len < BUFFER_SIZE) { rx_buffer[rx_len++] = data; } } } void DMA0_Channel5_IRQHandler(void) { if (dma_interrupt_flag_get(DMA0, DMA_CH5, DMA_INT_FLAG_FTF)) { dma_interrupt_flag_clear(DMA0, DMA_CH5, DMA_INT_FLAG_FTF); dma_channel_disable(USART_DMA_STREAM); } } ``` 这个示例代码中,我们使用了DMA来发送和接收RS485串口数据。在初始化函数 `rs485_dma_init()` 中,我们配置了USART的DMA传输通道,并设置了DMA的参数。在发送函数 `rs485_send_dma()` 中,我们将要发送的数据拷贝到发送缓冲区,并启动DMA传输。在接收函数 `rs485_receive_dma()` 中,我们启动DMA接收。 同时,我们也实现了USART和DMA的中断处理函数 `USART1_IRQHandler()` 和 `DMA0_Channel5_IRQHandler()`,用于处理接收和发送完成的中断事件。 希望这个示例对你有帮助!如果有任何问题,请随时提问。
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