AMD ROCm-HIP Programming model reference

Programming model reference — HIP 6.1.40091 Documentation (

HIP defines a model for mapping single instruction, multiple threads (SIMT) programs onto various architectures, primarily GPUs. While the model may be expressed in most imperative languages, (eg. Python via PyHIP) this document will focus on the original C/C++ API of HIP.

Threading Model

The SIMT nature of HIP is captured by the ability to execute user-provided device programs, expressed as single-source C/C++ functions or sources compiled online/offline to binaries in bulk.

Multiple instances of the device program (or kernel) are called threads and may execute in parallel. All uniquely identified by a set of integral values, or thread IDs. The set of integers identifying a thread relate to the hierarchy in which threads execute.

Inherent Thread Model

The thread hierarchy inherent to how AMD GPUs operate is depicted in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Hierarchy of thread groups.


The innermost grouping is called a warp, or a wavefront in ISA terms. A warp is the most tightly coupled groups of threads, both physically and logically.

When referring to threads inside a warp, they may be called lanes, and the integral value identifying them the lane ID. Lane IDs aren’t queried like other thread IDs, but are user-calculated. As a consequence they are only as multidimensional as the user interprets the calculated values to be.

The size of a warp is architecture dependent and always fixed. Warps are signified by the set of communication primitives at their disposal, as discussed in Warp cross-lane functions.


The middle grouping is called a block or thread block. The defining feature of a block is that all threads in a block will share an instance of memory which they may use to share data or synchronize with one another.

The size of a block is user-configurable but is maximized by the queryable capabilities of the executing hardware. The unique ID of the thread within a block is 3-dimensional as provided by the API. When linearizing thread IDs within a block, assume the “fast index” being dimension x, followed by the y and z dimensions.


The outermost grouping is called a grid. A grid manifests as a single dispatch of kernels for execution. The unique ID of each block within a grid is 3-dimensional, as provided by the API and is queryable by every thread within the block.

Cooperative Groups Thread Model

The Cooperative Groups API introduces new APIs to launch, group, subdivide, synchronize and identify threads, as well as some predefined group-collective algorithms, but most importantly a matching threading model to think in terms of. It relaxes some restrictions of the Inherent Thread Model imposed by the strict 1:1 mapping of architectural details to the programming model.

The rich set of APIs introduced by Cooperative Groups allow the programmer to define their own set of thread groups which may fit their user-cases better than those defined by the hardware. The set of implicit groups by kernel launch parameters are still available.

The thread hierarchy abstraction of Cooperative Groups manifest as depicted in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 Cooperative group thread hierarchy.

Multi Grid

An abstraction of potentially multiple simultaneous launches of the same kernel over multiple devices. Grids inside a multi device kernel launch need not be of uniform size, thus allowing taking into account different device capabilities and preferences.

Deprecated since version 5.0.


Same as the Inherent Thread Model Grid entity. The ability to synchronize over a grid requires the kernel to be launched using the Cooperative Groups API.


Same as the Inherent Thread Model Block entity.


Explicit warp-level thread handling is absent from the Cooperative Groups API. In order to exploit the known hardware SIMD width on which built-in functionality translates to simpler logic, one may use the group partitioning part of the API, such as tiled_partition.

Memory Model#

The hierarchy of threads introduced by Inherent Thread Model is induced by the memory subsystem of GPUs. Fig. 7 summarizes that memory namespaces and how they relate to the various levels of the threading model.

Fig. 7 Memory hierarchy.

Local or per-thread memory

Read-write storage only visible to the threads defining the given variables, also called per-thread memory. The size of a block for a given kernel, the number of concurrent warps are limited by local memory usage. This relates to an important aspect: occupancy. This is the default memory namespace.

Shared memory

Read-write storage visible to all the threads in a given block.

Distributed shared memory

Read-write storage visible to all the threads in a given block cluster.


Read-write storage visible to all threads in a given grid. There are specialized versions of global memory with different usage semantics which are typically backed by the same hardware storing global.


Read-only storage visible to all threads in a given grid. It is a limited segment of global with queryable size.


Read-only storage visible to all threads in a given grid and accessible through additional APIs.


A read-write version of texture memory.

Execution Model

HIP programs consist of two distinct scopes:

  • The host-side API running on the host processor. There are to APIs available:

    • The HIP runtime API which enables use of the single-source programming model.

    • The HIP driver API which sits at a lower level and most importantly differs by removing some facilities provided by the runtime API, most importantly around kernel launching and argument setting. It is geared towards implementing abstractions atop, such as the runtime API itself.

  • The device-side kernels running on GPUs. Both the host and the device-side APIs have synchronous and asynchronous functions in them.

Host-side execution

The part of the host-side API which deals with device management and their queries are synchronous. All asynchronous APIs, such as kernel execution, data movement and potentially data allocation/freeing all happen in the context of device streams.

Streams are FIFO buffers of commands to execute relating to a given device. Commands which enqueue tasks on a stream all return promptly and the command is executed asynchronously. All side effects of a command on a stream are visible to all subsequent commands on the same stream. Multiple streams may point to the same device and those streams may be fed from multiple concurrent host-side threads. Execution on multiple streams may be concurrent but isn’t required to be.

Asynchronous APIs involving a stream all return a stream event which may be used to synchronize the execution of multiple streams. A user may enqueue a barrier onto a stream referencing an event. The barrier will block until the command related to the event does not complete, at which point all side effects of the command shall be visible to commands following the barrier, even if those side effects manifest on different devices.

Streams also support executing user-defined functions as callbacks on the host. The stream will not launch subsequent commands until the callback completes.

Device-side execution

The SIMT programming model behind the HIP device-side execution is a middle-ground between SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading) programming known from multicore CPUs, and SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) programming mostly known from exploiting relevant instruction sets on CPUs (for example SSE/AVX/Neon).

A HIP device compiler maps our SIMT code written in HIP C++ to an inherently SIMD architecture (like GPUs) not by exploiting data parallelism within a single instance of a kernel and spreading identical instructions over the SIMD engines at hand, but by scalarizing the entire kernel and issuing the scalar instructions of multiple kernel instances to each of the SIMD engine lanes.

Kernel launch

Kernels may be launched in multiple ways all with different syntaxes and intended use-cases.

  • Using the triple-chevron <<<...>>> operator on a __global__ annotated function.

  • Using hipLaunchKernelGGL() on a __global__ annotated function.


    This name by default is a macro expanding to triple-chevron. In cases where language syntax extensions are undesirable, or where launching templated and/or overloaded kernel functions define the HIP_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_LAUNCH preprocessor macro before including the HIP headers to turn it into a templated function.

  • Using the launch APIs supporting the triple-chevron syntax directly.


    These APIs are intended to be used/generated by tools such as the HIP compiler itself and not intended towards end-user code. Should you be writing a tool having to launch device code using HIP, consider using these over the alternatives.





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