PureEdgeSim -datacentersmanager包-ComputingNode文件



     * An enum representing the orientation of a network link.
     * UP_LINK: Represents an upward link from the device to the network. DOWN_LINK:
     * Represents a downward link from the network to the device. DEVICE_TO_DEVICE:
     * Represents a link between two devices.
    public enum LinkOrientation {


     * An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern to avoid
     * NullPointerException when using the NULL_COMPUTING_NODE object instead of
     * attributing null to ComputingNode variables.
    ComputingNode NULL = ComputingNodeNull.getInstance();


     * Called when a task has been offloaded to this computing node. The task will
     * be added to the execution queue.
     * @param task the task to execute.
     * @return
     * 任务卸载到运算节点,
    void submitTask(Task task);

//返回计算节点类型 云节点,边缘节点,边缘设备

     * Gets the type of this computing node, e.g.
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#CLOUD},
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DATACENTER}, or
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return the type of this computing node.
    SimulationParameters.TYPES getType();

设置结点的类型 云节点,边缘节点,边缘设备

     * Sets the type of this computing node, e.g.
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#CLOUD},
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DATACENTER}, or
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @param type The type of this computing node.
    void setType(SimulationParameters.TYPES type);


     * Sets the name of this edge data center node. Called only if the type of this
     * node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DATACENTER}. The name is given
     * by the user in the edge_datacenters.xml file. It is needed in order to create
     * the topology.
     * @see DefaultTopologyCreator#getDataCenterByName(String name)
     * @param name The name of this edge data center.
    void setName(String name);


     * Gets the name of this computing node (for now, the name is only given if this
     * computing node type is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#CLOUD}. It is needed
     * in order to create the topology.
     * @return the name of this computing node.
     * @see DefaultTopologyCreator#getDataCenterByName(String name)
     * @see #setName(String)
    String getName();


     * Checks if this computing node is an orchestrator.
     * @return true if this computing node is set as orchestrator.
     * @see #setAsOrchestrator(boolean)
    boolean isOrchestrator();


     * When true, it sets this computing node as an orchestrator. By doing so, the
     * tasks will be sent to this node to make offloading/placement decisions.
     * @param isOrchestrator whether this computing node is orchestrator or not.
     * @see #isOrchestrator()
    void setAsOrchestrator(boolean isOrchestrator);


     * Sets the node that orchestrates the tasks on behalf of this one. Used only
     * when the type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}
     * @param orchestrator the node that orchestrates the tasks of this device.
     * @see #isOrchestrator()
    void setOrchestrator(ComputingNode orchestrator);


     * Gets the node that orchestrates the tasks on behalf of this one. Used only
     * when the type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return the orchestrator of this edge device.
     * @see DefaultSimulationManager#sendTaskToOrchestrator(Task task)
     * @see #setAsOrchestrator(boolean)
    ComputingNode getOrchestrator();


     * Sets whether this computing node generates tasks (e.g. an IoT sensor). Used
     * only when the type of this node is
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @see ComputingNodesGenerator#generateEdgeDevices()
     * @see #isGeneratingTasks()
     * @param generateTasks true when this edge device can generate tasks, false
     *                      otherwise.

    void enableTaskGeneration(boolean generateTasks);


  * Gets whether this computing node generates tasks (e.g. an IoT sensor). Used
  * only when the type of this node is
  * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}
  * @return whether this computing node generates tasks (e.g. an IoT sensor), or
  *         not.
  * @see ComputingNodesGenerator#generateEdgeDevices()
  * @see #enableTaskGeneration(boolean)

 boolean isGeneratingTasks();


     * Returns the current network link of the specified type. For example, if the
     * type is {@link LinkOrientation#UP_LINK}, it returns the link that is used
     * currently to send data to the cloud or edge data centers. Used only when the
     * type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @param linkType the type of the link to retrieve
     * @return the current network link of the specified type
     * @see #setCurrentLink(NetworkLink, LinkOrientation)

    NetworkLink getCurrentLink(LinkOrientation linkType);


     * Sets the network link that is used currently to send data to the cloud or
     * edge data centers.Used only when the type of this node is
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @param currentUpLink the network link.
     * @see #getCurrentLink(LinkOrientation)
    void setCurrentLink(NetworkLink link, LinkOrientation linkType);


     * Whether this device is out of battery. Used only when the type of this node
     * is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return true if this device is out of battery.
    boolean isDead();


     * Gets the time in seconds when this device was out of battery. Used only when
     * the type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return time when this device was out of battery.
    double getDeathTime();


     * Gets the used energy model.
     * @return the energy model.
    EnergyModelComputingNode getEnergyModel();


     * Sets the energy model.
     * @param energyModel the energy model.
    void setEnergyModel(EnergyModelComputingNode energyModel);


     * Gets the used mobility model.
     * @return the mobility model.
    MobilityModel getMobilityModel();


     * Sets the mobility model.
     * @param mobilityModel the mobility model.
    void setMobilityModel(MobilityModel mobilityModel);


     * Gets whether edge devices can connect to this edge data center directly (via
     * a single hop), or not. Used only when the type of this node is
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DATACENTER}.
     * @return true if edge devices can connect to this edge data center directly.
    boolean isPeripheral();


     * Sets whether edge devices can connect to this edge data center directly (via
     * a single hop), or not. Used only when the type of this node is
     * {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DATACENTER}.
     * @param peripheral true to set the edge data center to peripheral, false
     *                   otherwise.
     * @see #isPeripheral()
    void setPeriphery(boolean peripheral);


     * Sets where the application of this edge device has been placed. Used only
     * when the type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @param node the computing node that executes the tasks of this device.
    void setApplicationPlacementLocation(ComputingNode node);


     * Gets where the application of this edge device has been placed. Used only
     * when the type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return the computing node that executes the tasks of this device.
    ComputingNode getApplicationPlacementLocation();


     * Gets if the application of this edge device has been placed. Used only when
     * the type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return true if the application of this edge device has been placed.
     * @see #setApplicationPlaced(boolean)
    boolean isApplicationPlaced();


     * Sets if the application of this edge device has been placed. It is
     * automatically set to false when this device moves away from the node where
     * its application has been placed previously. Used only when the type of this
     * node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @see #setApplicationPlacementLocation(ComputingNode)
     * @param isApplicationPlaced true if the application of this edge device has
     *                            been placed.
    void setApplicationPlaced(boolean isApplicationPlaced);


     * Gets the number of CPU cores this computing node has.
     * @return the number of cores.
     * @see #getNumberOfCPUCores()
     * @see #getTotalMipsCapacity()
     * @see #setTotalMipsCapacity(double)
     * @see #getMipsPerCore()
    double getNumberOfCPUCores(); 


     * Sets the number of CPU cores this computing node has.
     * @param numberOfCPUCores the number of cores.
     * @see #getNumberOfCPUCores()
     * @see #getTotalMipsCapacity()
     * @see #setTotalMipsCapacity(double)
     * @see #getMipsPerCore()
    void setNumberOfCPUCores(int numberOfCPUCores);


     * Gets the type of application this edge device is using. Used only when the
     * type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @return the type of application.
    int getApplicationType();


     * Sets the type of application this edge device is using. Used only when the
     * type of this node is {@link SimulationParameters.TYPES#EDGE_DEVICE}.
     * @param applicationType the type of application.
    void setApplicationType(int applicationType);


     * Gets the amount storage (in Megabytes) that is available on this computing
     * node.
     * @return the available storage.
    double getAvailableStorage();


     * Sets the amount storage (in Megabytes) that is available on this computing
     * node.
     * @param availableStorage the available storage.
    void setAvailableStorage(double availableStorage);


     * Gets the average CPU utilization of this computing node from the beginning of
     * the simulation.
     * @return the average CPU utilization.
    double getAvgCpuUtilization();


     * Gets the CPU utilization of this computing node at this instant of the
     * simulation.
     * @return the current CPU utilization percentage.
    double getCurrentCpuUtilization();


     * Gets whether this computing node is idle or not.
     * @return true if the CPU of this computing node is not used.
    boolean isIdle();


     * Sets whether this computing node is idle or not.
     * @param isIdle true if the CPU of this computing node is not used, false
     *               otherwise.
    void setIdle(boolean isIdle);


     * Increments the CPU utilization when a new task is being executed.
     * @see #submitTask(Task)
     * @see #getAvgCpuUtilization()
     * @param task the task being executed.
    void addCpuUtilization(Task task);


     * Decreases the CPU utilization when a task finishes.
     * @see #submitTask(Task)
     * @see #getAvgCpuUtilization()
     * @param task the finished task.
    void removeCpuUtilization(Task task);


     * Gets whether this node is a sensor (no computing capabilities), or not.
     * @return true if this device has no computing capabilities, false otherwise.
     * @see #setAsSensor(boolean)
    boolean isSensor();


     * Sets whether this node is a sensor (no computing capabilities), or not.
     * @param isSensor true if this device has no computing capabilities, false
     *                 otherwise.
     * @see #isSensor()
    void setAsSensor(boolean isSensor);


     * Gets the list of tasks waiting for execution.
     * @return the execution queue.
     * @see #submitTask(Task)
    List<Task> getTasksQueue();


     * Gets the total amount of storage (in Megabytes) that this computing node has.
     * @return the total amount of storage.
     * @see #getAvailableStorage()
     * @see #setAvailableStorage(double)
     * @see #setStorage(double)
    double getTotalStorage();


     * Gets the total amount of RAM (in Megabytes) that this computing node has.
     * @return the total amount of RAM.
     * @see #getAvailableRam()
     * @see #setAvailableRam(double)
     * @see #setRam(double)
    double getRamCapacity();


     * Gets the amount of RAM (in Megabytes) that is available on this computing
     * node.
     * @return the amount of available RAM.
     * @see #getRamCapacity()
     * @see #setAvailableRam(double)
     * @see #setRam(double)
    double getAvailableRam();


     * Sets the total amount of RAM (in Megabytes) that this computing node has.
     * @param ram the total RAM on this computing node.
     * @see #getAvailableRam()
     * @see #setAvailableRam(double)
     * @see #getRamCapacity()
    void setRam(double ram);


     * Sets the amount of RAM (in Megabytes) that is available on this computing
     * node.
     * @param ram the available RAM.
     * @see #getAvailableRam()
     * @see #getRamCapacity()
     * @see #setRam(double)
    void setAvailableRam(double ram);


     * Sets the total amount storage (in Megabytes) that this computing node has.
     * @param storage the amount of storage.
     * @see #getAvailableStorage()
     * @see #setAvailableStorage(double)
     * @see #getTotalStorage()
    void setStorage(double storage);


     * Gets the total computing capacity of this computing node in MIPS.
     * @return total MIPS capacity.
    double getTotalMipsCapacity();


     * Sets the total computing capacity of this computing node in MIPS.
     * @param totalMipsCapacity total MIPS capacity.
    void setTotalMipsCapacity(double totalMipsCapacity);


     * Gets the computing capacity of a each CPU Core in MIPS.
     * @return the amount MIPS capacity per CPU core.
     * @see #setNumberOfCPUCores(double)
     * @see #getNumberOfCPUCores()
     * @see #getTotalMipsCapacity()
     * @see #setTotalMipsCapacity(double)
    double getMipsPerCore();


     * Gets the Id of this computing node.
     * @return the id of this computing node.
    public int getId();






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