Cloud Design Pattern - Materialized View Pattern(物化视图模式)




在SQL Server 数据库中,数据读取存在逻辑读和物理读的概念.逻辑读是从缓存中进行读取,而物理读是从硬盘上读取.通常展示在界面上的数据来自来自于数据库中多张表连接查询的结果.如果连接表很多,并且数据量很大,那么每次查询性能势必非常低下,那么如何解决这个问题呢?





2)在使用了事件溯源模式(Event sourcing Pattern)的系统中,存储的是针对数据进行操作的时间,这时候就需要一个View来表示数据的当前状态了,使用这种模式最恰当了.



5)如果Materialized View仅仅只是为了提升查询性能,表现当前数据的状态,那么View最好存储在缓存中或者其他瞬时存在的位置,如果丢失则不可重建。




This pattern is ideally suited for:

  • Creating materialized views over data that is difficult to query directly, or where queries must be very complex in order to extract data that is stored in a normalized, semi-structured, or unstructured way.
  • Creating temporary views that can dramatically improve query performance, or can act directly as source views or data transfer objects (DTOs) for the UI, for reporting, or for display.
  • Supporting occasionally connected or disconnected scenarios where connection to the data store is not always available. The view may be cached locally in this case.
  • Simplifying queries and exposing data for experimentation in a way that does not require knowledge of the source data format. For example, by joining different tables in one or more databases, or one or more domains in NoSQL stores, and then formatting the data to suit its eventual use.
  • Providing access to specific subsets of the source data that, for security or privacy reasons, should not be generally accessible, open to modification, or fully exposed to users.
  • Bridging the disjoint when using different data stores based on their individual capabilities. For example, by using a cloud store that is efficient for writing as the reference data store, and a relational database that offers good query and read performance to hold the materialized views.

This pattern might not be suitable in the following situations:

  • The source data is simple and easy to query.
  • The source data changes very quickly, or can be accessed without using a view. The processing overhead of creating views may be avoidable in these cases.
  • Consistency is a high priority. The views may not always be fully consistent with the original data.



The following patterns and guidance may also be relevant when implementing this pattern:

  • Data Consistency Primer. It is necessary to maintain the summary information held in a materialized view so that it reflects the underlying data values. As the data values change, it may not be feasible to update the summary data in real time, and instead an eventually consistent approach must be adopted. The Data Consistency primer summarizes the issues surrounding maintaining consistency over distributed data, and describes the benefits and tradeoffs of different consistency models.
  • Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern. You may be able to use this pattern to update the information in a materialized view by responding to events that occur when the underlying data values change.
  • Event Sourcing Pattern. You can use this pattern in conjunction with the CQRS pattern to maintain the information in a materialized view. When the data values on which a materialized view is based are modified, the system can raise events that describe these modifications and save them in an event store.
  • Index Table Pattern. The data in a materialized view is typically organized by a primary key, but queries may need to retrieve information from this view by examining data in other fields. You can use the Index Table pattern to create secondary indexes over data sets for data stores that do not support native secondary indexes.

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Cloud applications have a unique set of characteristics. They run on commodity hardware, provide services to untrusted users, and deal with unpredictable workloads. These factors impose a range of problems that you, as a designer or developer, need to resolve. Your applications must be resilient so that they can recover from failures, secure to protect services from malicious attacks, and elastic in order to respond to an ever changing workload. This guide demonstrates design patterns that can help you to solve the problems you might encounter in many different areas of cloud application development. Each pattern discusses design considerations, and explains how you can implement it using the features of Windows Azure. The patterns are grouped into categories: availability, data management, design and implementation, messaging, performance and scalability, resilience, management and monitoring, and security. You will also see more general guidance related to these areas of concern. It explains key concepts such as data consistency and asynchronous messaging. In addition, there is useful guidance and explanation of the key considerations for designing features such as data partitioning, telemetry, and hosting in multiple datacenters. These patterns and guidance can help you to improve the quality of applications and services you create, and make the development process more efficient. Enjoy! Table of Contents Part 1. Preface Part 2. PATTERNS Chapter 1. Cache-Aside Pattern Chapter 2. Circuit Breaker Pattern Chapter 3. Compensating Transaction Pattern Chapter 4. Competing Consumers Pattern Chapter 5. Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern Chapter 6. Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern Chapter 7. Event Sourcing Pattern Chapter 8. External Confguration Store Pattern Chapter 9. Federated Identity Pattern Chapter 10. Gatekeeper Pattern Chapter 11. Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern Chapter 12. Index Table Pattern Chapter 13. Leader Election Pattern


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