Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt构建块

Qt Building Blocks


Qt 6 consists of a large number of modules. In general, a module is a library for the developer to use. Some modules are mandatory for a Qt-enabled platform and form the set called Qt Essentials Modules. Other modules are optional, and form the Qt Add-On Modules. The majority of developers may not need to use the latter, but it’s good to know about them as they provide invaluable solutions to common challenges.

Qt 6由大量模块组成。一般来说,模块是一个供开发人员使用的库。对于支持Qt的平台,有些模块是必须的,它们组成了称为Qt Essentials modules的集合。其他模块是可选的,它们组成了Qt Add-On模块。大多数开发人员可能不需要使用后者,但了解它们是有好处的,因为它们为常见问题提供了宝贵的解决方案。

Qt Modules


The Qt Essentials modules are mandatory for any Qt-enabled platform. They offer the foundation to develop modern Qt 6 Applications using Qt Quick 2. The full list of modules is available in the Qt documentation module list.

Qt Essentials模块对于任何支持Qt的平台都是必须的。它们为使用Qt Quick 2开发Qt 6应用程序提供了基础。完整的模块列表可以在Qt文档模块列表中找到。

Core-Essential Modules


The minimal set of Qt 6 modules to start QML programming.

QML编程的最小Qt 6模块集。

  • Qt Core - Core non-graphical classes used by other modules.
  • Qt Core -非图形核心类,供其他模块使用。
  • Qt D-BUS - Classes for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol on linux.
  • Qt D-BUS -进程间通信类,在linux上使用D-Bus协议进行通信。
  • Qt GUI - Base classes for graphical user interface (GUI) components. Includes OpenGL.
  • Qt GUI -图形用户界面(GUI)组件的基类。包括OpenGL。
  • Qt Network - Classes to make network programming easier and more portable.
  • Qt Network -网络通信类,使网络编程更容易和更可移植。
  • Qt QML - Classes for QML and JavaScript languages.
  • Qt QML -提供QML和JavaScript语言的类。
  • Qt Quick - A declarative framework for building highly dynamic applications with custom user interfaces.
  • Qt Quick -一个用于构建具有自定义用户界面的高度动态应用程序的声明性框架。
  • Qt Quick Controls - Provides lightweight QML types for creating performant user interfaces for desktop, embedded, and mobile devices. These types employ a simple styling architecture and are very efficient.
  • Qt Quick Controls -提供轻量级QML类型,用于为桌面、嵌入式和移动设备创建高性能用户界面。这些类型使用简单的样式体系结构,非常高效。
  • Qt Quick Layouts - Layouts are items that are used to arrange Qt Quick 2 based items in the user interface.
  • Qt Quick Layouts -布局管理器,用于在用户界面中排列基于Qt Quick 2的项目的项。
  • Qt Quick Test - A unit test framework for QML applications, where the test cases are written as JavaScript functions.
  • Qt Quick Test -QML应用程序的单元测试框架,其中的测试用例使用JavaScript函数。
  • Qt Test - Classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries.
  • Qt Test - 单元测试Qt应用程序和库的类。
  • Qt Widgets - Classes to extend Qt GUI with C++ widgets.
  • Qt Widgets -用c++扩展的Qt GUI的类。

Qt Add-On Modules


Besides the essential modules, Qt offers additional modules that target specific purposes. Many add-on modules are either feature-complete and exist for backwards compatibility, or are only applicable to certain platforms. Here is a list of some of the available add-on modules, but make sure you familiarize yourself with them all in the Qt documentation add-ons list and in the list below.


  • Network: Qt Bluetooth / Qt Network Authorization
  • UI Components: Qt Quick 3D / Qt Quick Timeline / Qt Charts / Qt Data Visualization / Qt Lottie Animation / Qt Virtual Keyboard
  • Graphics: Qt 3D / Qt Image Formats / Qt OpenGL / Qt Shader Tools / Qt SVG / Qt Wayland Compositor
  • Helper: Qt 5 Core Compatibility APIs / Qt Concurrent / Qt Help / Qt Print Support / Qt Quick Widgets / Qt SCXML / Qt SQL / Qt State Machine / Qt UI Tools / Qt XML


As these modules are not part of the release, the state of each module may differ depending on how many contributors are active and how well it’s tested.


Supported Platforms


Qt supports a variety of platforms including all major desktop and embedded platforms. Through the Qt Application Abstraction, it’s now easier than ever to port Qt to your own platform if required.


Testing Qt 6 on a platform is time-consuming. A subset of platforms was selected by the Qt Project to build the reference platforms set. These platforms are thoroughly tested through the system testing to ensure the best quality. However, keep in mind that no code is error-free.

在平台上测试Qt 6非常耗时。Qt Project选择了一个平台子集来构建参考平台集。这些平台进行了彻底的系统测试,以确保最佳的质量。然而,请记住,没有代码是无错误的。

Qt Project


From the Qt Wiki :

节选自Qt Wiki:

“The Qt Wiki is a meritocratic consensus-based community interested in Qt. Anyone who shares that interest can join the community, participate in its decision-making processes, and contribute to Qt’s development.”

Qt Wiki是一个对Qt感兴趣的精英社区,任何对Qt感兴趣的人都可以加入这个社区,参与其决策过程,并为Qt的开发做出贡献。

The Qt Wiki is a place where Qt users and contributors share their inside. It forms the base for other users to contribute. The biggest contributor is The Qt Company, which holds also the commercial rights to Qt.

Qt Wiki是Qt用户和贡献者分享他们内部信息的地方。它形成了其他用户贡献的基础。最大的贡献者是The Qt Company,该公司还拥有Qt的商业权利。

Qt has an open-source aspect and a commercial aspect for companies. The commercial aspect is for companies which can not or will not comply with the open-source licenses. Without the commercial aspect, these companies would not be able to use Qt and it would not allow The Qt Company to contribute so much code to the Qt Project.

对于公司来说,Qt既有开源版,也有商业版。商业版是针对那些不能或不愿遵守开源许可的公司。如果没有商业版,这些公司就不允许使用Qt,也不允许The Qt Company为Qt项目贡献这么多代码。

There are many companies worldwide, which make the living out of consultancy and product development using Qt on the various platforms. There are many open-source projects and open-source developers, which rely on Qt as their major development library. It feels good to be part of this vibrant community and to work with this awesome tools and libraries. Does it make you a better person? Maybe:-)


Contribute here: http://wiki.qt.io/






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