Qt6 QML Book/Qt Creator IDE/项目管理

Managing Projects


Qt Creator manages your source code in projects. You can create a new project by using File ‣ New File or Project. When you create a project you have many choices of application templates. Qt Creator is capable of creating desktop, embedded, mobile applications and even python projects using Qt for Python. There are templates for applications which uses Widgets or Qt Quick or even bare-bone projects just using a console. For a beginner, it is difficult to choose, so we pick three project types for you.

Qt Creator管理项目中的源码。可以通过文件(File)>“新建文件或项目(New File or Project)”创建新项目。创建项目时,可以使用多种应用程序模板。Qt Creator可以创建桌面、嵌入式、移动应用程序,甚至python项目(Qt for python)。有些应用程序模板使用widget或Qt Quick,甚至是控制台项目。对初学者来说,选择有点困难,所以我们挑选了几种项目类型介绍下。

  • Other Project / QtQuick UI Prototype: Great for playing around with QML as there is no C++ build step involved. Mostly suitable for prototyping only.

  • 其他项目/ QtQuick UI原型:非常适合仅用QML,因为不涉及c++构建。主要用于原型制作。

  • Applications (Qt Quick) / Qt Quick Application (Empty): Creates a bare C++ project with cmake support and a QML main document to render an empty window. This is the typical default starting point for all native QML application.

  • 应用程序(Qt Quick)/ Qt Quick应用程序(空):创建一个c++与cmake支持的项目,载入QML主文件渲染一个空窗口。这是所有本地QML应用程序的经典起始程序。

  • Libraries / Qt Quick 2.0 Extension Plug-in: Use this wizard to create a stub for a plug-in for your Qt Quick UI. A plug-in is used to extend Qt Quick with native elements. This is ideally to create a re-usable Qt Quick library.

  • 库/ Qt Quick 2.0扩展插件:使用此向导创建Qt Quick UI插件。这个插件用于使用本地元素扩展Qt Quick。可以创建可重用Qt Quick库。

  • Applications (Qt) / Qt Widgets Application: Creates a starting point for a desktop application using Qt Widgets. This would be your starting point if you plan to create a traditional C++ widgets based application.

  • 应用程序(Qt) / Qt Widgets应用程序:创建一个Qt Widgets桌面应用程序。可用于开发基于c++经典窗体的应用程序。

  • Applications (Qt) / Qt Console Application: Creates a starting point for a desktop application without any user interface. This would be your starting point if you plan to create a traditional C++ command line tool using Qt C++.

  • 应用程序(Qt) / Qt Widgets应用程序:创建一个Qt Widgets桌面应用程序。可用于开发基于c++经典窗体的应用程序。


During the first parts of the book, we will mainly use the QtQuick UI Prototype type or the Qt Quick Application, depending on whether we also use some C++ code with Qt Quick. Later to describe some c++ aspects we will use the Qt Console Application type. For extending Qt Quick with our own native plug-ins we will use the Qt Quick 2.0 Extension Plug-in wizard type.

在本书的第一部分,我们将使用QtQuick UI原型类型或QtQuick应用程序,根据是否使用c++代码。然后使用Qt控制台应用程序类型,介绍一些c++方面知识。为了使用本地扩展插件,我们将使用Qt Quick 2.0扩展插件向导类型。





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