Qt6 QML Book/Quick入门/组件



A component is a reusable element. QML provides different ways to create components. Currently, we will look only at the simplest form - a file-based component. A file-based component is created by placing a QML element in a file and giving the file an element name (e.g. Button.qml). You can use the component like every other element from the Qt Quick module. In our case, you would use this in your code as Button { ... }.

组件是可重用的元素类型。QML提供了不同的创建组件的方法。现在,看下最简单的方法—基于文件的组件。基于文件的组件是通过在文件中放置一个QML元素类型,并为该文件指定一个元素名(例如Button.qml)来创建。可以像使用Qt Quick模块中的其他元素类型一样使用该组件。在我们的例子中,可以在代码中使用这个组件Button {…}。

For example, let’s create a rectangle containing a text component and a mouse area. This resembles a simple button and doesn’t need to be more complicated for our purposes.


Rectangle { // our inlined button ui 自己实现的按钮UI文件内容
    id: button
    x: 12; y: 12
    width: 116; height: 26
    color: "lightsteelblue"
    border.color: "slategrey"
    Text {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Start"
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {
            status.text = "Button clicked!"

Text { // text changes when button was clicked 按钮单击时,文字也发生变化
    id: status
    x: 12; y: 76
    width: 116; height: 26
    text: "waiting ..."
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

The UI will look similar to this. In the first image, the UI is in its initial state, and in the second image the button has been clicked.


Now our task is to extract the button UI into a reusable component. For this, we should think about a possible API for our button. You can do this by imagining how someone else should use your button. Here’s what I came up with:


// minimal API for a button 一个按钮的最小API实现
Button {
    text: "Click Me"
    onClicked: { /* do something */ }

I would like to set the text using a text property and to implement my own click handler. Also, I would expect the button to have a sensible initial size, which I can overwrite (e.g. with width: 240 for example).


To achieve this we create a Button.qml file and copy our button UI inside. Additionally, we need to export the properties a user might want to change at the root level.

完成后,就创建了一个Button. qml的文件,和复制按钮UI代码到文件里。然后,需要导出用户可能会在根级别更改的属性。

// Button.qml

import QtQuick

Rectangle {
    id: root
    // export button properties 导出按钮属性
    property alias text: label.text
    signal clicked

    width: 116; height: 26
    color: "lightsteelblue"
    border.color: "slategrey"

    Text {
        id: label
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Start"
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {

We have exported the text property and the clicked signal at the root level. Typically we name our root element root to make referencing it easier. We use the alias feature of QML, which is a way to export properties inside nested QML elements to the root level and make this available for the outside world. It is important to know that only the root level properties can be accessed from outside this file by other components.


To use our new Button element we can simply declare it in our file. So the earlier example will become a little bit simplified.


Button { // our Button component 我们的按钮组件
    id: button
    x: 12; y: 12
    text: "Start"
    onClicked: {
        status.text = "Button clicked!"

Text { // text changes when button was clicked 按钮单击时,文字也发生变化
    id: status
    x: 12; y: 76
    width: 116; height: 26
    text: "waiting ..."
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

Now you can use as many buttons as you like in your UI by just using Button { ... }. A real button could be more complex, e.g providing feedback when clicked or showing a nicer decoration.



If you want to, you could even go a step further and use an Item as a root element. This prevents users from changing the color of the button we designed, and provides us with more control over the exported API. The target should be to export a minimal API. Practically, this means we would need to replace the root Rectangle with an Item and make the rectangle a nested element in the root item.


Item {
    id: root
    width: 116; height: 26

    property alias text: label.text
    signal clicked

    Rectangle {
        anchors.fill parent
        color: "lightsteelblue"
        border.color: "slategrey"

With this technique, it is easy to create a whole series of reusable components.







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