cutelyst教程_03 _更多Cutelyst基础


教程_03 _更多Cutelyst基础

Adriaan de Groot edited this page on Jan 1, 2021 · 17 revisions

​Adriaan de Groot在2021年1月1日编辑了这一页,修改了17页。



  1. Introduction
  2. Cutelyst Basics
  3. More Cutelyst Basics
  4. Basic CRUD
  5. Authentication



This chapter of the tutorial builds on the work done in Chapter 2 to explore some features that are more typical of "real world" web applications. From this chapter of the tutorial onward, we will be building a simple book database application. Although the application will be too limited to be of use to anyone, it should provide a basic environment where we can explore a variety of features used in virtually all web applications.




The remainder of the tutorial will build an application called MyApp. First use the Cutelyst cutelyst command to initialize the framework for the MyApp application (make sure you aren't still inside the directory of the Hello application from the previous chapter of the tutorial or in a directory that already has a "MyApp" subdirectory):


$ cutelyst2 --create-app MyApp
 created "MyApp"
 created "MyApp/CMakeLists.txt"
 created "MyApp/build"
 created "MyApp/root"
 created "MyApp/src"
Change to application directory, then build directory and Run "cmake .." to make sure your install is complete

And change the "MyApp" directory the helper created:


$ cd MyApp

This creates a similar skeletal structure to what we saw in Chapter 2 of the tutorial, except with MyApp and myapp substituted for Hello and hello.


Cutelyst used to create an application with Cutelyst::StaticSimple plugin enabled by default, StaticSimple provides an easy way to serve static content, such as images and CSS files, from within your application.


However it's much better to use cutelyst (or uwsgi) --static-map or serve them with your front web server. Which is why this plugin doesn't come enabled by default anymore.


When adding new plugins make sure you pass the Cutelyst::Application as their parent so they get automatically registered, as well as adding it's new dependency within the CMakeLists.txt file.




As discussed earlier, controllers are where you write methods that interact with user input. Typically, controller methods respond to GET and POST requests from the user's web browser.


Use the Cutelyst cutelyst command to add a controller for book-related actions:

使用Cutelyst Cutelyst命令为与书本相关的操作添加控制器:

$ cutelyst2 --controller Books
 created "/home/daniel/code/MyApp/src/books.h"
 created "/home/daniel/code/MyApp/src/books.cpp"
Now, on your application class include and instantiate the controller.

To register and instantiate the controller, add to your src/myapp.cpp:


#include "books.h"
bool MyApp::init()
    new Books(this);

Then edit src/books.h and add the method "list" to the controller:


class Books : public Controller
 * Fetch all book objects and pass to books/list.html in stash to be displayed
C_ATTR(list, :Local)
void list(Context *c);

And in src/books.cpp the implementation:


void Books::list(Context *c)
    // c is the Cutelyst::Context that's used to 'glue together'
    // the various components that make up the application

    // Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
    // stash where they can be accessed by the Grantlee template
    // c->setStash("books", sql result);
    // But, for now, use this code until we create the model later
    c->setStash("books", "");

    // Set the Grantlee template to use. You will almost always want to do this
    // in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
    // your controllers).
    c->setStash("template", "books/list.html");

Here we see "Cutelyst Context object", which is automatically passed as the first argument to all Cutelyst action methods. It is used to pass information between components and provide access to Cutelyst and plugin functionality.


Cutelyst Controller actions are regular C++ class methods, but they make use of attributes (the ":Local" inside the C_ATTR macro which also makes the method invokable) to provide additional information to the Cutelyst dispatcher logic (note that there can be an optional space between the colon and the attribute name; you will see attributes written both ways). Most Cutelyst Controllers use one of five action types:


:Private -- Use :Private (or place your method under private section) for methods that you want to make into an action, but you do not want Cutelyst to directly expose the method to your users. Cutelyst will not map :Private methods to a URI. Use them for various sorts of "special" methods (the Begin, Auto, etc. discussed below) or for methods you want to be able to forward or detach to. (If the method is a "plain old method" that you don't want to be an action at all, then just define the method without any attribute -- you can call it in your code, but the Cutelyst dispatcher will ignore it. There are five types of "special" built-in :Private actions: Begin, End, Default, Index, and Auto.

:Private——对于要使其成为动作的方法,使用:Private(或将方法放在Private部分下),但不希望Cutelyst直接向用户公开该方法。Cutelyst不会将:Private方法映射到URI。将它们用于各种“特殊”方法(下面讨论的Begin、Auto等)或您希望能够转发或分离到的方法。(如果这个方法是一个“普通的旧方法”,你根本不想成为一个动作,那么只需定义一个没有任何属性的方法——你可以在代码中调用它,但是Cutelyst调用器会忽略它。有五种类型的“特殊”内置动作:Begin, End, Default, Index, and Auto。

With Begin, End, Default, Index private actions, only the most specific action of each type will be called. For example, if you define a Begin action in your controller it will override a Begin action in your application/root controller -- only the action in your controller will be called. Unlike the other actions where only a single method is called for each request, every Auto action along the chain of namespaces will be called. Each Auto action will be called from the application/root controller down through the most specific class.


:Path -- :Path actions let you map a method to an explicit URI path. For example, ":Path('list')" in src/books.h would match on the URL http://localhost:3000/books/list, but ":Path('/list')" would match on http://localhost:3000/list (because of the leading slash). You can use :Args() to specify how many arguments an action should accept.

:Path--:Path操作允许将方法映射到显式URI路径。例如,src/books.h中的“:Path('list')”,将在URL上匹配http://localhost:3000/books/list,但“:Path('/list')”将匹配http://localhost:3000/list(因为前面的斜杠)。可以使用:Args() 指定一个操作应该接受多少个参数。

:Local -- :Local is merely a shorthand for ":Path('name_of_method')". For example, these are equivalent: "C_ATTR(create_book, :Local) ... (Context*) {...}" and "C_ATTR(create_book, :Path("create_book")) ... {...}".

:Local--:Local只是“:Path('name_of_method')”的简写。例如,它们是等价的:“C_ATTR(create_book, :Local) ... (Context*) {...}”和“C_ATTR(create_book, :Path("create_book")) ... {...}”。

:Global -- :Global is merely a shorthand for ":Path('/name_of_method')". For example, these are equivalent: "C_ATTR(create_book, :Global) ... {...}" and "C_ATTR(create_book, :Path("/create_book")) ... {...}".

:Global--:Global只是“:Path('/name_of_method')”的缩写。例如,它们是等价的:“C_ATTR(create_book, :Global) ... {...}”和“C_ATTR(create_book, :Path("/create_book")) ... {...}”。

:Chained -- Newer Cutelyst applications tend to use the Chained dispatch form of action types because of its power and flexibility. It allows a series of controller methods to be automatically dispatched when servicing a single user request. See Cutelyst::Manual::Tutorial::04_BasicCRUD and Cutelyst::DispatchType::Chained for more information on chained actions.

:Chained——较新的Cutelyst应用程序倾向于使用动作类型的链式分派形式,因为它具有强大的功能和灵活性。它允许在为单个用户请求提供服务时自动调度一系列控制器方法。有关链接操作的更多信息,请参见Cutelyst::Manual::Tutorial::04_BasicCRUD and Cutelyst::DispatchType::Chained。



As mentioned in Chapter 2 of the tutorial, views are where you render output, typically for display in the user's web browser (but can generate other types of output such as PDF or JSON). The code in src/myapp.cpp selects the type of view to use, with the actual rendering template found in the root directory. As with virtually every aspect of Cutelyst, options abound when it comes to the specific view technology you adopt inside your application. However, most Cutelyst applications use the Grantlee (for more information on TT, see At the moment other somewhat popular view technology is ClearSilver (


Register a Cutelyst View


It is now up to you to decide how you want to structure your view layout. For the tutorial, we will start with a very simple Grantlee template to initially demonstrate the concepts, but quickly migrate to a more typical "wrapper page" type of configuration (where the "wrapper" controls the overall "look and feel" of your site from a single file or set of files). Edit src/myapp.cpp:


#include <Cutelyst/Plugins/View/Grantlee/grantleeview.h>
bool MyApp::init()
    auto view = new GrantleeView(this);
    view->setIncludePaths({ pathTo("root/src") });

And link to Grantlee, adding to src/CMakeLists.txt:


    Cutelyst::View::Grantlee # Add this line

This changes the base directory for your template files from root to root/src.


Please stick with the settings above for the duration of the tutorial, but feel free to use whatever options you desire in your applications.


Note: We will use root/src as the base directory for our template files, with a full naming convention of root/src/controller_name/action_name.html. Another popular option is to use root/ as the base (with a full filename pattern of root/controller_name/action_name.html).


Create a Grantlee Template Page


First create a directory for book-related templates:


$ mkdir -p root/src/books

Then create root/src/books/list.html in your editor and enter:

然后创建root/src/books/list.html ,然后输入:

{% comment %}This is a Grantlee comment.{% endcomment %}

{% comment %}Some basic HTML with a loop to display books{% endcomment %}
{% comment %}Display each book in a table row{% endcomment %}
{% for book in books %}
    <td>{{ book.title }}</td>
    <td>{{ book.rating }}</td>
{% endfor %}

As indicated by the inline comments above, the for loop iterates through each book model object and prints the title and rating fields.


The {% and %} tags are used to delimit Grantlee code. Grantlee supports a wide variety of directives for "calling" other files, looping, conditional logic, etc. In general, Grantlee simplifies the usual range of Qt introspection properties down to the single dot (".") operator. This applies to properties, hash lookups, and list index values.


TIP: While you can build all sorts of complex logic into your Grantlee templates, you should in general keep the "code" part of your templates as simple as possible.


Test Run The Application


To test your work so far, compile then start the development server:


$ make && cutelyst2 -r --server --app-file src/libMyApp -- --chdir ..

Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and you should still get the Cutelyst welcome page. Next, change the URL in your browser to http://localhost:3000/books/list. If you have everything working so far, you should see a web page that displays nothing other than our column headers for "Title", "Rating", and "Author(s)" -- we will not see any books until we get the database and model working below.


If you run into problems getting your application to run correctly, it might be helpful to refer to some of the debugging techniques covered in the Debugging chapter of the tutorial.




In this step, we make a text file with the required SQL commands to create a database table and load some sample data. We will use SQLite (, a popular database that is lightweight and easy to use. Be sure to get at least version 3. Open myapp01.sql in your editor and enter:


-- Create a very simple database to hold book and author information
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
        id          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
        title       TEXT ,
        rating      INTEGER
-- 'book_author' is a many-to-many join table between books & authors
CREATE TABLE book_author (
        PRIMARY KEY (book_id, author_id)
        id          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name  TEXT,
        last_name   TEXT
--- Load some sample data
INSERT INTO book VALUES (1, 'CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide', 5);
INSERT INTO book VALUES (2, 'TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1', 5);
INSERT INTO book VALUES (3, 'Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1', 4);
INSERT INTO book VALUES (4, 'Perl Cookbook', 5);
INSERT INTO book VALUES (5, 'Designing with Web Standards', 5);
INSERT INTO author VALUES (1, 'Greg', 'Bastien');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (2, 'Sara', 'Nasseh');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (3, 'Christian', 'Degu');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (4, 'Richard', 'Stevens');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (5, 'Douglas', 'Comer');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (6, 'Tom', 'Christiansen');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (7, 'Nathan', 'Torkington');
INSERT INTO author VALUES (8, 'Jeffrey', 'Zeldman');
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (1, 2);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (1, 3);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (2, 4);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (3, 5);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (4, 6);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (4, 7);
INSERT INTO book_author VALUES (5, 8);

Then use the following command to build a myapp.db SQLite database:

然后使用以下命令构建myapp.db SQLite数据库:

$ sqlite3 myapp.db < myapp01.sql

If you need to create the database more than once, you probably want to issue the rm myapp.db command to delete the database before you use the sqlite3 myapp.db < myapp01.sql command.

如果需要多次创建数据库,可能需要在使用命令sqlite3 myapp.db < myapp01.sql前,使用rm myapp.db命令删除数据库。

Once the myapp.db database file has been created and initialized, you can use the SQLite command line environment to do a quick dump of the database contents:


$ sqlite3 myapp.db
SQLite version 3.7.3
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select * from book;
1|CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide|5
2|TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1|5
3|Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1|4
4|Perl Cookbook|5
5|Designing with Web Standards|5
sqlite> .q


$ sqlite3 myapp.db "select * from book"
1|CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide|5
2|TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1|5
3|Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1|4
4|Perl Cookbook|5
5|Designing with Web Standards|5

As with most other SQL tools, if you are using the full "interactive" environment you need to terminate your SQL commands with a ";" (it's not required if you do a single SQL statement on the command line). Use ".q" to exit from SQLite from the SQLite interactive mode and return to your OS command prompt.


For using other databases, such as PostgreSQL or MySQL, see Appendix 2.




Cutelyst can be used in conjunction with ORMs such as QxORM ( or ODB (ODB - C++ Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)), but for the time being we are going to use QtSql and write our own SQL statements. In future we might write appendixes for them, so for now make sure you have QtSql development packages as well as Qt Sqlite3 driver installed. Cutelyst::Sql::Utils will also be used to simplify Sql code.


Before you continue, make sure your myapp.db database file is in the application's topmost directory.


Now we are going to add the required code open the database connection:


First change CMakeLists.txt to find QtSql:


- find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Network)
+ find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Network Sql)

Then src/CMakeLists.txt to include and link to QtSql:


    Qt5::Sql             # Add this line
    Cutelyst::Utils::Sql # Add this line

With QtSql we can open a connection to the database once and reuse it for application's lifetime, but it's important to notice that you must not open it before forking a new process, otherwise all child process will share the same connection and the behavior is undefined.


Add the virtual postFork() method to your main application class, there you can return false if your database fails to open:

将virtual postFork()方法添加到主应用程序类中,如果数据库无法打开,则可以在主应用程序类中返回false:

// myapp.h
   virtual bool postFork() override;
// myapp.cpp
#include <QtSql>
#include <Cutelyst/Plugins/Utils/Sql>
bool MyApp::postFork()
    QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", Sql::databaseNameThread("MyDB"));
    db.setConnectOptions("foreign_keys = ON");
    if (! {
        qCritical() << "Failed to open database:" << db.lastError().text();
        return false;
    return true;



For the time being QtSql or more specifically QSqlQuery doesn't provide any form of introspection, which makes it unusable for QML and Grantlee which require it, because of that we need to read all result and put it into introspectable objects (such as QVariantHash), for that we will use Cutelyst::Utils::Sql


Open src/books.cpp and add the code to fetch the list of books:


+ #include <QtSql>
+ #include <Cutelyst/Plugins/Utils/Sql>
void Books::list(Context *c)
+     QSqlQuery query = CPreparedSqlQueryThreadForDB("SELECT * FROM book", "MyDB");
+     if (query.exec()) {
+         c->setStash("books", Sql::queryToHashList(query));
+     }
-     c->setStash("books", "");

Test Run The Application


Rebuild the application and and see the server restarting.


Some things you should note in the server output:


To view the book list, change the URL in your browser to http://localhost:3000/books/list. You should get a list of the five books loaded by the myapp01.sql script above without any formatting. The rating for each book should appear on each row, but the "Author(s)" column will still be blank (we will fill that in later).


You now have the beginnings of a simple but workable web application. Continue on to future sections and we will develop the application more fully.




When using Grantlee, you can (and should) create a wrapper that will literally wrap content around each of your templates. This is certainly useful as you have one main source for changing things that will appear across your entire site/application instead of having to edit many individual files.


Configure the view in myapp.cpp For The Wrapper


In order to create a wrapper, you must first edit your view object and tell it where to find your wrapper file.


Edit your view in src/myapp.cpp and change it to match the following:


bool MyApp::init()
    auto view = new GrantleeView(this);
    view->setIncludePaths({ pathTo("root/src") });
    view->setWrapper("wrapper.html"); // Add this line

Create the Wrapper Template File and Stylesheet


Next you need to set up your wrapper template. Basically, you'll want to take the overall layout of your site and put it into this file. For the tutorial, open root/src/wrapper.html and input the following:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" [%#
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>{{ template }}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/main.css" />

<div id="outer">
<div id="header">
    {% comment %} Insert the page title {% endcomment %}
    <h1>{{ site.title }}</h1>
<div id="bodyblock">
<div id="menu">
        <li><a href="/books/list">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="/" title="Cutelyst Welcome Page">Welcome</a></li>
</div><!-- end menu -->

<div id="content">
    {% comment %} Status and error messages {% endcomment %}
        <span class="message">{{ status_msg }}</span>
        <span class="error">{{ error_msg }}</span>
    {% comment %} This is where Grantlee will stick all of your template's contents.{% endcomment %}
    {{ content }}
</div><!-- end content -->
</div><!-- end bodyblock -->

<div id="footer">Copyright (c) your name goes here</div>
</div><!-- end outer -->


Notice the status and error message sections in the code above:


    <span class="status">{{ status_msg }}</span>
    <span class="error">{{ error_msg }}</span>

If we set either message in the Cutelyst stash (e.g., c->setStash("status_msg", "Request was successful!") it will be displayed whenever any view used by that request is rendered. The message and error CSS styles can be customized to suit your needs in the root/static/css/main.css file we create below.

如果我们在Cutelyst stash中设置了其中一条消息(例如,c->setStash("status_msg", "Request was successful!")每当呈现该请求使用的任何视图时,都会显示该视图。可以在root/static/css/main.css中定制消息和错误CSS样式,以满足您的需要。我们在下面创建css文件。



The Cutelyst stash only lasts for a single HTTP request. If you need to retain information across requests you can use Cutelyst::Plugin::Session (we will use Cutelyst sessions in the Authentication chapter of the tutorial). Although it is beyond the scope of this tutorial, you may wish to use a JavaScript or AJAX tool such as jQuery ( or Dojo (

​Cutelyst stash只适用于一个HTTP请求。如果需要跨请求保留信息,可以使用Cutelyst::Plugin::Session(我们将在本教程的“身份验证”一章中使用Cutelyst会话)。虽然这超出了本教程的范围,但您可能希望使用JavaScript或AJAX工具,如jQuery(或者Dojo(

Create A Basic Stylesheet


First create a central location for stylesheets under the static directory:


$ mkdir -p root/static/css

Then open the file root/static/css/main.css (the file referenced in the stylesheet href link of our wrapper above) and add the following content:


#header {
    text-align: center;
#header h1 {
    margin: 0;
#header img {
    float: right;
#footer {
    text-align: center;
    font-style: italic;
    padding-top: 20px;
#menu {
    font-weight: bold;
    background-color: #ddd;
#menu ul {
    list-style: none;
    float: left;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 0 50% 5px;
    font-weight: normal;
    background-color: #ddd;
    width: 100px;
#content {
    margin-left: 120px;
.message {
    color: #390;
.error {
    color: #f00;

You may wish to check out a "CSS Framework" like Emastic ( as a way to quickly provide lots of high-quality CSS functionality.


Test Run The Application


Rebuild and hit "Reload" in your web browser and you should now see a formatted version of our basic book list. (Again, the development server should have automatically restarted when you run make. If you are not using the "-r" option, you will need to hit Ctrl-C and manually restart it. Also note that the development server does NOT need to restart for changes to the Grantlee and static files we created and edited in the root directory -- those updates are handled on a per-request basis.)


Although our wrapper and stylesheet are obviously very simple, you should see how it allows us to control the overall look of an entire website from two central files. To add new pages to the site, just provide a template that fills in the content section of our wrapper template -- the wrapper will provide the overall feel of the page.




NOTE: The rest of this chapter of the tutorial is optional. You can skip to Chapter 4, Basic CRUD, if you wish.


Using 'RenderView' for the Default View


Once your controller logic has processed the request from a user, it forwards processing to your view in order to generate the appropriate response output. Cutelyst uses Cutelyst::Action::RenderView by default to automatically perform this operation. If you look in src/root.h, you should see the empty definition for the sub end method:

一旦控制器逻辑处理了来自用户的请求,它就会将处理转发到视图,以便生成适当的响应输出。默认情况下,Cutelyst使用Cutelyst::Action::RenderView自动执行此操作。如果查看src/root.h、 您应该看到sub-end方法的空定义:

    C_ATTR(End, :ActionClass("RenderView"))
    void End(Context *c) { Q_UNUSED(c); }

The following bullet points provide a quick overview of the RenderView process:


Root class is designed to hold application-wide logic. At the end of a given user request, Cutelyst will call the most specific End method that's appropriate. For example, if the controller for a request has an End method defined, it will be called. However, if the controller does not define a controller-specific End method, the "global" End method in Root.h will be called. Because the definition includes an ActionClass attribute, the Cutelyst::Action::RenderView logic will be executed after any code inside the definition of End is run. See Cutelyst::Manual::Actions for more information on ActionClass. Because End is empty, this effectively just runs the default logic in RenderView. However, you can easily extend the RenderView logic by adding your own code inside the empty method body ({}) created by the Cutelyst Helpers when we first ran the cutelst command to initialize our application.


Calling the View Renderer directly


When using the End action there is no easy way to call different view renderers. For instance you want one action to be rendered through grantlee and another in the same class through the JSON renderer. In this case you need to register both views in the init() method but you need to give them unique names passed as the second parameter:

当使用End动作时,没有简单的方法来调用不同的视图渲染器。例如,您希望通过Grantle呈现一个动作,并通过JSON呈现器呈现同一类中的另一个动作。在这种情况下,需要在init() 方法中注册这两个视图,但需要为它们指定作为第二个参数传递的唯一名称:

bool MyApp::init() {
  new GrantleeView(this, "grantlee_view");
  new ViewJson(this, "json_view");

  return true;

In the header file you can now decide which renderer to use by setting the :View C_ATTR parameter:

在头文件中,您现在可以通过设置:View C_ATTR 参数来决定使用哪个渲染器:

C_ATTR(index, :Path :Args(0) :ActionClass("RenderView") :View("grantlee_view"))
void index(Context *c);

C_ATTR(entries, :Local :Args(0) :ActionClass("RenderView") :View("json_view"))
void entries(Context *c);

Using The Default Template Name


By default, Cutelyst::View::Grantlee will look for a template that uses the same name as your controller action, allowing you to save the step of manually specifying the template name in each action. For example, this would allow us to remove the c->setStash("template", "books/list.html"); line of our list action in the Books controller. Open src/books.cpp in your editor and comment out this line to match the following:

默认情况下,Cutelyst::View::Grantlee将查找与控制器操作使用相同名称的模板,允许您保存在每个操作中手动指定模板名称的步骤。例如,这将允许我们删除c->setStash("template", "books/list.html");Books控制器中的列表操作行。打开src/books.cpp,在编辑器中输入,并注释掉这一行,以匹配以下内容:

-    c->setStash("template", "books/list.html");
+    // c->setStash("template", "books/list.html");

You should now be able to access the http://localhost:3000/books/list URL as before.


NOTE: If you use the default template technique, you will not be able to use either the c->forward or the c->detach mechanisms (these are discussed in Chapter 2 and Chapter 9 of the Tutorial).


IMPORTANT: Make sure that you do not skip the following section before continuing to the next chapter 4 Basic CRUD.


Return To A Manually Specified Template


In order to be able to use c->forward() and c->detach() later in the tutorial, you should remove the comment from the statement in the method list in MyApp/src/books.cpp:

为了能够在本教程后面的部分中使用c->forward()和c->detach() ,您应该从MyApp/src/books.cpp的方法列表中的语句中删除注释:

-    // c->setStash("template", "books/list.html");
+    c->setStash("template", "books/list.html");

Check the http://localhost:3000/books/list URL in your browser. It should look the same manner as with earlier sections.


You can jump to the next chapter of the tutorial here: Basic CRUD


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