Qt for Python:新的6.5版本发布了!

Qt for Python: the new 6.5 version is out!

Qt for Python:新的6.5版本发布了!

April 04, 2023 by Cristián Maureira-Fredes | Comments

2023年4月4日:Cristián Maureira Fredes |评论

You may have seen the many cool things that Qt 6.5 includes, so now we want to talk about everything being developed by the Qt for Python team. 

您可能已经看到了Qt 6.5包含的许多很酷的东西,所以现在我们想谈谈Qt for Python团队正在开发的一切。

New modules and classes 


This time we saw an opportunity to expose a few other modules due to feedback from our users and the new capabilities of Qt 6.5. For that, we have now included QtTextToSpeech, QtSerialBus, and QtLocation. 

这一次,由于用户的反馈和Qt 6.5的新功能,我们看到了一个展示其他一些模块的机会。为此,我们现在包括了QtTextToSpeech、QtSrialBus和QtLocation。

Also, we are in the process of adapting and improving the classes from the existing modules, and so far, we have managed to include QtCore.QHashSeed, QWebEngineFileSystemAccessRequest, QOpenGLContext.getProcAddress,  QSGeometry.vertexDataAsPoint2DQSGGeometry.setVertexDataAsPoint2DQAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContextQRunnable.create and QMetaMethod.fromSignal


Additionally, many shared pointer types of Qt 3D are included as well: PropertyReaderInterface, QTextureImageData, and QTextureImageDataGenerator. 

此外,还包括许多Qt 3D的共享指针类型:PropertyReaderInterface、QTextureImageData和QTextureImageDataGenerator。

The few missing modules from Qt for Python have usually been left aside for lack of use cases or because there are Python counterparts that might be chosen over Qt modules. 

Qt for Python中为数不多的缺失模块通常被搁置一边,原因是缺乏用例,或者因为可能会选择与Qt模块相对应的Python模块。

 Fine tuning: __features__ and multiple-inheritance 


Meanwhile, quite well known __feature__ switching was again totally revised. On the one hand, the switching was strongly optimized so that the Dictionary of a class must be changed only approximately every fifth time. Furthermore, the criteria for switching have been tightened so that complex cases with many context changes in expressions can be handled safely. 


At the same time, during this revision, a poorly understood corner was refactored, and a number of hard-to-locate errors were finally eliminated. 


Cooperative multiple inheritance has also been a misunderstood thing for a long time. Actually, multiple inheritance in PySide has nothing to do with Python, but users expect the super() function to behave the same way when used in a PySide class as in a normal Python class. We have extended the __init__ function accordingly, as other implementations have done. But that's not the final word. In fact, you need to implement multiple inheritance quite differently so that super() behaves like normal Python everywhere, in all methods and even in metaclasses. To do this, you have to improve the super() function itself so that it behaves properly on PySide classes on its own.  


⭐ But we'll tell more about that in the next release. Stay tuned! 

⭐ 但我们将在下一个版本中详细介绍这一点。敬请期待!

Improving our binding generation tool: Shiboken 


For each minor release, we have the option to clean a bit of the current implementation of our binding generator tool and add new features.  


For the generated wrapper code, we used to rely on goto statements that are now safely removed and replaced for a better implementation. 


There is now a new option called --lean-header to generate forward declarations instead of includes into the module header, from which we can get improvements regarding the dependencies of each wrapper. Still, it might require extra additional includes for the injected code. 


To continue improving our support for shared pointers, it is now possible to specify names and namespaces for smart pointer instantiations, for example: 


<smart-pointer-type name="SharedPtr" type="shared"

    getter="data" ref-count-method="useCount"



Where you can see that the “Smart::Integer2” is being renamed as “SmartInteger2Ptr”. 


typesystem XML element for opaque containers has been added, removing the need to repeat the container element: 


<opaque-container name="QList"



Starting from 6.5.0, Shiboken has support for std::array (C++ 11). There is now experimental support for std::span (C++20). 


Finally, we have improved the documentation by refreshing the diagrams and highlighting some of our examples. 


Modern looking Qt Quick applications UIs for your Python code

外观现代的Qt Quick应用程序UI,用于Python代码

As you might know, Qt for Python works well with Qt Widgets and also with Qt Quick. However many people has been asking us to get a nice modern-looking Qt Quick application example, which also include a tutorial that explains the details. Due to the nature of Qt Quick, you can have a backend in C++ or Python, also most of the graphical aspects are written mostly in QML.

正如您可能知道的,Qt for Python与Qt Widgets以及Qt Quick配合使用都很好。然而,许多人一直要求我们获得一个看起来很现代的Qt Quick应用程序示例,其中还包括一个解释细节的教程。由于Qt Quick的性质,可以在C++或Python中有一个后端,而且大多数图形方面大多是用QML编写的。

We are pleased to introduce the Filesystem Explorer, a new Qt Quick example that demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of Qt Quick Controls. This example provides a user-friendly interface for browsing and visualizing the file system, allowing users to open local text files effortlessly. 

​我们很高兴介绍Filesystem Explorer,这是一个新的Qt Quick示例,展示了Qt Quick Controls的灵活性和适应性。此示例提供了一个用户友好的界面,用于浏览和可视化文件系统,允许用户轻松打开本地文本文件

This project showcases how to jazz up a Qt Quick application by personalizing and arranging its essential components to achieve a visually stunning and modern appearance. We will explore ways to refine the user interface elements and organize different parts of the application to improve usability and user experience. The primary objective is to exhibit the art of application customization and layout. Specifically, we will delve into the distribution of color schemes and frameless windows, which can enable you to design a distinct and visually appealing interface for your application. Our aim is to enable developers to create a highly personalized and specific appearance for their application, avoiding reliance on system settings and achieving a fully customized look. 

该项目展示了如何通过个性化和排列Qt Quick应用程序的基本组件来实现视觉上的惊艳和现代外观。我们将探索改进用户界面元素和组织应用程序不同部分的方法,以提高可用性和用户体验。主要目的是展示应用程序定制和布局的艺术。具体来说,我们将深入研究配色方案和无框窗口的分布,这可以使您为应用程序设计一个独特且具有视觉吸引力的界面。我们的目标是使开发人员能够为他们的应用程序创建高度个性化和特定的外观,避免对系统设置的依赖,并实现完全定制的外观。

Additionally, we have expanded upon the initial example and created the Extended Explorer tutorial. This tutorial improves the functionality by showcasing how to implement a scheme manager, enabling the ability to switch color schemes dynamically during runtime. This feature demonstrates how to modify the application's appearance on-the-fly by using QML bindings and parsing schemes in JSON format. As a result, developers are given greater flexibility and customization options when designing their applications. 

​此外,我们对最初的示例进行了扩展,并创建了Extended Explorer教程。本教程通过展示如何实现方案管理器来改进功能,从而能够在运行时动态切换配色方案。此功能演示了如何通过使用QML绑定和JSON格式的解析方案来动态修改应用程序的外观。因此,开发人员在设计应用程序时可以获得更大的灵活性和自定义选项

In case you are interested in the C++ counterpart, you can check that example here.


qtpip: a better way to install commercial wheels (in progress) 


Many of our commercial customers have been struggling with getting the commercial packages of Qt for Python, mainly because it involves a couple of extra steps, which are a bit more complicated than the simple ‘pip install pyside6’. That is why we have been working on a simple pip wrapper to enable the installation of commercial wheels 🛞.

我们的许多商业客户一直在努力获得Qt for Python的商业包,主要是因为它涉及到几个额外的步骤,这些步骤比简单的“pip-install-pyside6”要复杂一些。这就是为什么我们一直在开发一种简单的pip包装器,以实现商用车轮的安装🛞.

Even though it is not included in this release, the tool will have its own development cycle and be available during 6.5. People will be able to get this tool independently and use it to interact with their Qt accounts


⭐ Once the tool is fully ready, we will follow up with a dedicated blog post. 

⭐ 一旦该工具完全准备就绪,我们将发布一篇专门的博客文章。

Asynchronous support 


Qt for Python is not just Qt, and not just Python: It’s the best of both worlds! 💪 But the world of Python is more than just a language: Python users expect wide interoperability between their favorite libraries and modules of the huge Python ecosystem. 

Qt for Python不仅仅是Qt,也不仅仅是Python:这是两全其美! 💪但Python的世界不仅仅是一种语言:Python用户希望他们喜欢的库和庞大的Python生态系统的模块之间有广泛的互操作性。

Today, Python developers who want to write an application with asynchronous I/O have a choice between the asyncio and trio libraries, among others. As you surely know, like these two, Qt is also based on an event loop. This positions Qt for Python as a good choice for asynchronous program logic in combination with one of the established libraries of the Python ecosystem, enabling developers to leverage their respective strengths.  

​如今,想要编写具有异步I/O的应用程序的Python开发人员可以在asyncio和trio库之间进行选择。正如你所知道的,就像这两个一样,Qt也是基于事件循环的。这将Qt for Python定位为异步程序逻辑的良好选择,并与Python生态系统的一个已建立的库相结合,使开发人员能够利用各自的优势

We are currently exploring how to make Qt and asynchronous frameworks play well together. During the past months, we have added two examples showcasing how to combine Qt for Python with Trio via its guest run mechanism, plus two exploratory examples for an analogous implementation with asyncio.  

我们目前正在探索如何使Qt和异步框架能够很好地协同工作。在过去的几个月里,我们添加了两个示例,展示了如何通过其客户运行机制将Qt for Python与Trio相结合,以及两个探索性示例,用于异步的类似实现。

During the 6.5 release cycle, you can expect additional progress, including Qt for Python’s own implementation of asyncio’s abstract event loop, so that you can use the asyncio library with Qt’s event loop underpinning it.

在6.5发布周期中,可以期待更多的进展,包括Qt for Python自己对asyncio抽象事件循环的实现,这样您就可以使用带有Qt事件循环的asyncio库作为其基础。

Be sure to “await PySide6.more_async_support()” in the coming months. 😉 


Initial support for Android deployment 


The much-requested and long-awaited feature of taking your PySide6 application to Android is ALMOST here. With 6.5, we release a technical preview (TP) of a new tool, 'pyside6-android-deploy' that provides a simple, easy-to-use solution to package your PySide6 application from a Linux-based desktop OS to different Android platforms. It can be run as simply as:  

将您的PySide6应用程序带到Android上,这是一个备受期待的功能。在6.5版本中,我们发布了一个新工具“pyside6 android deploy”的技术预览版(TP),该工具提供了一个简单易用的解决方案,可以将您的pyside6应用程序从基于Linux的桌面操作系统打包到不同的安卓平台。它可以简单地运行:





The tool internally uses a custom fork for the python-for-android project with a new bootstrap for Qt. Eventually, we hope to create a pull request and get this fork merged into the python-for-android project. 

​该工具在内部为python for android项目使用了一个自定义fork,并为Qt提供了一个新的引导程序。最终,我们希望创建一个pull请求,并将这个fork合并到python for android项目中

You may have noticed that the tool requires the path to PySide6 and Shiboken6 Android wheels. So, where do you get them? Do we provide official Android wheels now? 

您可能已经注意到,该工具需要PySide6和Shiboken6 Android轮子的路径。那么,你从哪里得到它们?我们现在提供正式的Android轮子吗?

For the time being, we don't provide official Android wheels yet, so you will have to build the Android wheels yourself. But don't worry; check out another tool to cross-compile Qt for Python wheels to a specific Android platform. However, you can't find this tool with your PySide6 version 6.5 installation. We kept the tool separate in hopes that we could have official Android wheels in the future. The tool builds CPython for the specified Android platform and uses the built CPython to cross-compile PySide6 Android wheels. 

​目前,我们还没有提供官方的Android轮子,所以你必须自己构建Android轮子。但别担心;查看另一个工具,将用于Python轮子的Qt交叉编译到特定的Android平台。但是,您在安装PySide6 6.5版本时找不到此工具。我们把这个工具分开,希望将来能有官方的Android轮子。该工具为指定的Android平台构建CPython,并使用构建的CPython交叉编译PySide6 Android轮子

python tools/cross_compile_android/main.py





Ideally, the entire deployment process is a 3-step process. 


1.Download Android NDK and SDK

1.下载Android NDK和SDK

2.Run the cross-compile tool to generate Qt for Python Android wheels

2.运行交叉编译工具为Qt for Python生成Android轮子

3.Run the 'pyside6-android-deploy' tool

3.运行“pyside6 android部署”工具

At the end of step 3, you will have an apk/aab to publish or install onto your Android device. 


If the few sentences above poked your interest, we are sure you will have many open questions and would love more detailed instructions on taking your PySide6 application to Android. 


⭐ Stay tuned for a more detailed blog post on Android compatibility in the coming weeks. 

⭐ 请继续关注未来几周关于Android兼容性的更详细博客文章。


(if you have issues playing the video, you can find it here)


Preparing for the future of Python


Python 3.11 came with many improvements for the Python ecosystem, and we managed to keep up with our internal implementation to remain compatible. As you might know, 3.12 will continue in the same direction, focusing mainly on performance. 

Python 3.11对Python生态系统进行了许多改进,我们设法跟上了内部实现的步伐,以保持兼容性。正如您所知,3.12将继续朝着同样的方向发展,主要关注性能。

Being compatible requires us to revisit our internal CPython implementations, so we started testing 3.12 as soon as we could. Even though it is still not fully compatible, we managed to unblock the build process with a couple of changes. 


Orthogonal to this topic, we have been following the latest developments in the Python community regarding the evolution of the language, particularly the latest attempts to remove the GIL from the interpreter. We also aim to provide full compatibility with the NoGIL project


The NoGIL branch is still in an unsuitable condition for inclusion into Python. We have therefore researched it only far enough until the feasibility was clear. The outlook for the future looks positive so far 🥳. PySide itself must now ensure that unprotected objects are not used more than once. But the resulting efficiency by parallel execution is very promising 🎉, and we hope that this path will be taken officially soon. 

NoGIL分支仍然处于不适合包含到Python中的状态。因此,在可行性明确之前,我们只对其进行了足够的研究。到目前为止,对未来的展望是乐观的🥳. PySide本身现在必须确保未受保护的对象不会被多次使用。但并行执行的效率非常有希望🎉, 我们希望这条道路将很快正式走上。

What’s next? 


We want to keep trying new experimental support, features, and python module integration. What should we do next? Drop us a message or open a suggestion on JIRA 👍. 


We hope you enjoy the release, and as always drop by our community platforms and let us know if something is not properly working by opening bug reports in JIRA .






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