RFC3261: SIP:26.2.1 传输和网络层安全

26.2.1 Transport and Network Layer Security
26.2.1 传输和网络层安全

   Transport or network layer security encrypts signaling traffic, guaranteeing message confidentiality and integrity.


   Oftentimes, certificates are used in the establishment of lower-layer security, and these certificates can also be used to provide a means of authentication in many architectures.


   Two popular alternatives for providing security at the transport and network layer are, respectively, TLS [25] and IPSec [26].


   IPSec is a set of network-layer protocol tools that collectively can be used as a secure replacement for traditional IP (Internet Protocol).  IPSec is most commonly used in architectures in which a set of hosts or administrative domains have an existing trust relationship with one another.  IPSec is usually implemented at the operating system level in a host, or on a security gateway that provides confidentiality and integrity for all traffic it receives from a particular interface (as in a VPN architecture).  IPSec can also be used on a hop-by-hop basis.


   In many architectures IPSec does not require integration with SIP applications; IPSec is perhaps best suited to deployments in which adding security directly to SIP hosts would be arduous.  UAs that have a pre-shared keying relationship with their first-hop proxy server are also good candidates to use IPSec.  Any deployment of IPSec for SIP would require an IPSec profile describing the protocol tools that would be required to secure SIP.  No such profile is given in this document.


  TLS provides transport-layer security over connection-oriented protocols (for the purposes of this document, TCP); "tls" (signifying TLS over TCP) can be specified as the desired transport protocol within a Via header field value or a SIP-URI.  TLS is most suited to architectures in which hop-by-hop security is required between hosts with no pre-existing trust association.  For example, Alice trusts her local proxy server, which after a certificate exchange decides to trust Bob's local proxy server, which Bob trusts, hence Bob and Alice can communicate securely.


   TLS must be tightly coupled with a SIP application.  Note that transport mechanisms are specified on a hop-by-hop basis in SIP, thus a UA that sends requests over TLS to a proxy server has no assurance that TLS will be used end-to-end.


   The TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA ciphersuite [6] MUST be supported at a minimum by implementers when TLS is used in a SIP application.  For purposes of backwards compatibility, proxy servers, redirect servers, and registrars SHOULD support TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA. Implementers MAY also support any other ciphersuite.


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sip RFC3261 中文版 1、SIP协议介绍 10 2、SIP协议功能概况 10 3、术语 12 4、实施概览 12 5、协议的结构 22 6、协议的定义 24 7、SIP消息: 32 7.1 请求 33 7.2应答 34 7.3 头域 35 7.3.1 头域格式。 35 7.3.2 头域分类。 39 7.3.3 缩写格式 39 7.4包体 39 7.4.1 消息正文类型(MessageBodyType) 39 7.4.2 消息体长度 40 7.5 分帧的SIP消息(Framing SIP Messages) 40 8 一般用户代理行为 40 8.1 UAC特性 41 8.1.1 产生一个请求 41 Request-URI 42 TO 42 From 43 Call-ID 44 Cseq 45 Max-Forwards 45 Via 45 Contact 46 Supported 和 Require 47 附加信息部分 47 8.1.2 发送一个请求 47 8.1.3 处理应答 48 transaction 层的错误 49 未知的应答 49 Vias 49 处理3xx应答 49 处理4xx应答 51 8.2 UAS特性 52 8.2.1 方法判定 53 8.2.2 包头判断 53 TO 和Request-URI 53 合并的请求 54 Require 54 8.2.3 内容处理 55 8.2.4 应用扩展 55 8.2.5 处理请求 56 8.2.6 产生应答 56 发送一个临时应答 56 包头和Tags 57 8.2.7 无状态UAS行为 57 8.3 重定向服务器 58 9 取消一个请求(Cancel) 60 9.1 客户行为(Client Behavior) 60 9.2 服务端行为(Server Behavior) 62 10 注册(Registrations) 63 10.1 概览 63 10.2 构造一个REGISTER请求 64 10.2.1 增加绑定 66 设置Contact地址的过期参数 67 10.2.2 删除绑定 68 10.2.3 访问绑定 68 10.2.4 刷新绑定 69 10.2.5 设置内部时钟 69 10.2.6 寻找注册服务器 69 10.2.7 传送一个请求 70 10.2.8 错误响应 70 10.3 处理REGISTER请求 70 11 查询能力 73 11.1 构造OPTIONS请求 74 11.2 处理OPTIONS请求 75 12 对话(Dialog) 77 12.1 创建一个对话 78 12.1.1 UAS行为 78 12.1.2 UAC行为 79 12.2 对话中的请求 80 12.2.1 UAC行为 81 产生请求 81 处理应答 83 12.2.2 UAS行为 84 12.3 终止对话 85 13 初始化一个会话 85 13.1 概览 85 13.2 UAC处理 86 13.2.1 创建一个初始化的INVITE 86 13.2.2 处理INVITE应答 89 1xx应答 89 3xx应答 89 4xx,5xx,6xx应答 90 2xx 应答 90 13.3 UAS处理 91 13.3.1 处理INVITE 91 提示进度 92 INVITE请求转发 93 INVITE请求的拒绝 93 接受INVITE请求 93 14 更改已经存在的会话 94 14.1 UAC行为 95 14.2 UAS行为 96 15 结束一个会话 98 15.1 使用BYE请求终止一个会话 99 15.1.1 UAC行为 99 15.1.2 UAS行为 100 16 proxy行为 100 16.1 概述 100 16.2 有状态的proxy 101 16.3 验证请求 103 16.4 路由信息预处理 105 16.5 确定请求的目的 106 16.6 请求转发 108 16.7 应答的处理 117 16.8 处理定时器C 125 16.9 处理通讯层的错误 126 16.10 CANCEL处理 126 16.11 无状态的proxy 127 16.12 Proxy Route处理的总结 129 16.12.1例子 130 基本SIP四边形 130 穿越一个严格路由proxy 132 17事务 134 17.1 客户端事务 136 17.1.1 INVITE客户事务 137 INVITE事务概述 137 正式的描述 138 构造ACK请求 142 17.1.2 非INVITE客户端事务 143 正式的描述 143 17.1.3 客户端事务匹配应答 145 17.1.4 处理通讯错误 145 17.2 服务端事务 147 17.2.1 INVITE服务端事务 147 17.2.2 非INVITE服务端事务 150 17.2.3 为服务端事务匹配请求。 151 17.2.4 处理通讯错误 154 18 通讯(transport) 154 18.1 客户Clients 155 18.1.1 发送请求 155 18.1.2 接收应答 157 18.2 服务端 158 18.2.1 接收请求 158 18.2.2 发送应答 159 18.3 分块 160 18.4 错误处理 161 19 常见消息部件(Common Message Components) 161 19.1 SIPSIPS统一资源标记 161 19.1.1 SIPSIPS部件 162 19.1.2 Character Escaping Requirements(字符转码要求) 166 19.1.3 SIPSIPS URI例子 168 19.1.4 URI比较 168 19.1.5 从URI中产生请求 171 19.1.6 关联SIP URI和tel URL 173 19.2 Option Tags 175 19.3 Tags 175 20 头域 176 20.1 Accept 178 20.2 Accept-Encoding 181 20.3 Accept-Language 182 20.4 Alert-Info 182 20.5 Allow 183 20.6 Authentication-Info 183 20.7 Authorization 183 20.8 Call-ID 184 20.9 Call-Info 184 20.10 Contact 185 20.11 Content-Disposition 186 20.12 Content-Encoding 187 20.13 Content-Language 188 20.14 Content-Length 188 20.15 Content-Type 189 20.16 Cseq 189 20.17 Date 190 20.18 Error-Info 190 20.19 Expires 191 20.20 From 191 20.21 In-Reply-To 192 20.22 Max-Forwards 193 20.23 Min-Expires 193 20.24 MIME-Version 193 20.25 Organization 194 20.26 Priority 194 20.27 Proxy-Authenticate 195 20.28 Proxy-Authorization 195 20.29 Proxy-Require 196 20.30 Record-Route 196 20.31 Reply-To 196 20.32 Require 197 20.33 Retry-After 197 20.34 Route 198 20.35 Server 198 20.36 Subject 198 20.37 Supported 199 20.38 Timestamp 199 20.39 To 199 20.40 Unsupported 200 20.41 User-Agent 200 20.42 Via 200 20.43 警告 202 20.44 WWW-Authenticate 204 21 应答代码 205 21.1 临时应答1xx 205 21.1.1 100 Trying 205 21.1.2 180 Ringing 205 21.1.3 818 Call is Being Forwarded(呼叫被转发) 205 21.1.4 182 Queued 206 21.1.5 183 会话进度 206 21.2 成功信息2xx 206 21.2.1 200 OK 206 21.3 转发请求3XX 206 21.3.1 300 Multiple Choices 206 21.3.2 301 Moved Permanently 207 21.3.3 302 Moved Temporarily 207 21.3.4 305 Use Proxy 208 21.3.5 380 Alternative Service 208 21.4 请求失败4xx 208 21.4.1 400 Bad Request 208 21.4.2 401 Unauthorized 208 21.4.3 402 Payment Required 209 21.4.4 403 Forbidden 209 21.4.5 404 Not Found 209 21.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed 209 21.4.7 406 Not Acceptable 209 21.4.8 407 Proxy Authentication Required 209 21.4.9 408 Request Timeout 210 21.4.10 410 Gone 210 21.4.11 413请求实体过大。 210 21.4.12 414 Request-URI Too Long 210 21.4.13 415 Unsupported Media Type 211 21.4.14 416 Unsupported URI Scheme 211 21.4.15 Bad Extension 211 21.4.16 421Extension Required 211 21.4.17 423 Interval Too Brief 211 21.4.18 480 Temporarily Unavailable 212 21.4.19 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist 212 21.4.20 482 Loop Detected 212 21.4.21 483 Too Many Hops 212 21.4.22 484 Address InComplete 213 21.4.23 485 Ambiguous 213 21.4.24 486 Busy Here 213 21.4.25 487 Request Terminated 214 21.4.26 488 Not Acceptable Here 214 21.4.27 491 Request Pending 214 21.4.28 493 Undecipherable 214 21.5 Server Failure 5xx 214 21.5.1 500 Server Internal Error 215 21.5.2 501 Not Implemented 215 21.5.3 502 Bad Gateway 215 21.5.4 503 Service Unavailable 215 21.5.5 504 Server Time-out 216 21.5.6 505 Version Not Supported 216 21.5.7 Message To Large 216 21.6 Global Failures 6xx 216 21.6.1 600 Busy Everywhere 216 21.6.2 603 Decline 217 21.6.3 604 Does Not Exists Anywhere 217 21.6.4 606 Not Acceptable 217 22 使用HTTP认证 218 22.1 框架 218 22.2 用户到用户的认证。 221 22.3 Proxy到用户的认证 222 22.4 Digest 认证方案 225 23 S/MIME 227 23.1 S/MIME 认证 227 23.2 S/MIME 密钥交换 228 23.3 加密MIME 包体 231 23.4 SIP头隐私和用S/MIME的完整性:SIP地道 233 23.4.1 SIP头的完整性和机密属性 234 完整性 234 机密性 234 23.4.2 隧道的完整性和身份认证 236 23.4.3 隧道加密 239 24 例子 242 24.1 注册 242 24.2 建立会话 244 25 SIP协议的BNF范式 251 25.1 基本规则 252 26 安全考虑:威胁模式和安全应用建议。 273 26.1 攻击和威胁模式 274 26.1.1 注册服务 Hijacking。 274 26.1.2 模仿一个服务器 275 26.1.3 修改消息包体 276 26.1.4 破坏会话 277 26.2 安全机制 278 26.2.1 通讯和网络层安全 279 26.2.2 SIPS URI方案 281 26.2.3 HTTP Authentication 282 26.2.4 S/MIME 282 26.3 安全机制的实现 283 26.3.1 对SIP实现者的要求 283 26.3.2 安全解决方案 284 注册 284 在域之间的请求 286 点对点请求 288 DoS 防护 289 26.4 限制 290 26.4.1 HTTP Digest 290 26.4.2 S/MIME 291 26.4.3 TLS 292 26.4.4 SIPS URI 293 26.5 Privacy(隐私) 295 27 IANA 认证 295 27.1 Option Tags 296 27.2 Warn-Codes 296 27.3 头域名 297 27.4 方法和应答码 297 27.6 新Content-Disposition 参数注册 299 28 同RFC 2543的改变 299 28.1 主要的功能改变 300 28.2 小功能性的变更 304 29 标准索引 304 30 信息索引: 307 定时器值的表格: 308 感谢书 310 版权声明 313


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