Qt Installer Framework树名称示例

Tree Name Example


Using components' package.xml files to define custom locations in the component tree.


Tree Name illustrates how to specify custom locations for components in the component tree view and how that influences the installation and maintenance processes.


Configuring the Example Installer

The installer configuration file, config.xml, in the config directory specifies the text and default values used in the installer:


  • The <Name> element sets the application name and adds it to the page name and introduction text.
  • <Name>元素设置应用程序名称并将其添加到页面名称和介绍文本中。
  • The <Version> element sets the application version number.
  • <Version>元素设置应用程序版本号。
  • The <Title> element sets the installer name and displays it on the title bar.
  • <Title>元素设置安装程序名称并将其显示在标题栏上。
  • The <Publisher> element sets the publisher of the software (as shown in the Windows Control Panel, for example).
  • <Publisher>元素设置软件的发布者(例如,如Windows控制面板所示)。
  • The <StartMenuDir> element sets the name of the default program group for the product in the Windows Start menu.
  • <StartMenuDir>元素在Windows“开始”菜单中设置产品的默认程序组的名称。
  • The <TargetDir> element sets the default target directory location to be within the IfwExamples directory in the home directory of the current user (because it uses the pre-existing variable , @HomeDir@, as part of the value). For more information, see Predefined Variables.
  • ​<TargetDir>元素将默认目标目录位置设置为当前用户主目录中的IfwExamples目录内(因为它使用预先存在的变量@HomeDir@作为值的一部分)。有关详细信息,请参见预定义变量。
  • The <WizardShowPageList> element is set to false to hide the page list widget on the left side of the installer wizard window.
  • 将<WizardShowPageList>元素设置为false,以隐藏安装程序向导窗口左侧的页面列表widget。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Name>Tree Name Example</Name>
    <Title>Tree Name Example</Title>
    <Publisher>The Qt Company</Publisher>
    <StartMenuDir>Qt IFW Examples</StartMenuDir>
Creating the Example Package Information File

The installer package information file, package.xml, in the meta directory specifies the components that are available for installation:

meta 目录中的安装程序包信息文件package.xml指定了可用于安装的组件:

  • The <DisplayName> element sets the human-readable name of the component.
  • <DisplayName>元素设置组件的人类可读名称。
  • The <Description> element sets the human-readable description of the component.
  • <Description>元素设置组件的人类可读描述。
  • The <Version> element sets the version number of the component.
  • <Version>元素设置组件的版本号。
  • The <ReleaseDate> element sets the date of release for this component version.
  • <ReleaseDate>元素设置此组件版本的发布日期。
  • The <TreeName> element specifies the location of the component in the component tree. The element accepts an optional moveChildren attribute with a boolean value. If the value is set to true, any child components of this component are also moved to the modified location.
  • <TreeName>元素指定组件在组件树中的位置。该元素接受具有布尔值的可选moveChildren属性。如果该值设置为true,则此组件的任何子组件也将移动到修改后的位置。

Note: Without this element the identifier of this component decides the location in the component tree.


In this example, the package.xml files for the components contain additional elements that specify the component tree locations. The following sections illustrate how the elements are used.


Specifying Tree Name to Root Node

We define a tree name ASub1ToRoot for component A subcomponent 1. Thus, this child component of A becomes a new root component. By default the children are not moved to the new location, so A sub-subcomponent1 becomes a new direct child of A.

我们为组件A subcomponent 1定义了一个树名ASub1ToRoot。因此,A的这个子组件成为一个新的根组件。默认情况下,子组件不会移动到新位置,因此A sub-subcomponent1成为A的新直接子组件。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <DisplayName>A subcomponent 1 (moved to root)</DisplayName>
    <Description>Subcomponent of component A</Description>
Specifying Tree Name and Moving Children

As above, we define a tree name BSub1ToRoot for component B subcomponent 1, but this time we set the moveChildren attribute to true. The component becomes a new root component and the child component B sub-subcomponent 1 of this component moves to the new location with the parent.

如上所述,我们为组件B subcomponent 1定义了一个树名BSub1ToRoot,但这次我们将moveChildren属性设置为true。该组件成为新的根组件,该组件的子组件B sub-subcomponent 1与父组件一起移动到新位置。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <DisplayName>B subcomponent 1 (moved to root with children)</DisplayName>
    <Description>Subcomponent of component B</Description>
    <TreeName moveChildren="true">BSub1ToRoot</TreeName>
Specifying Tree Name to Sub Node

We define a tree name A.subC for component C and set the moveChildren attribute to true. Thus, this originally root component is moved as a child component of A. The child components C subcomponent 1 and C subcomponent 2 move to the new location with the parent.

我们为组件C定义了一个树名A.subC,并将moveChildren属性设置为true。因此,这个原本的根组件作为A的子组件被移动。子组件C subcomponent 1C subcomponent 2与父组件一起移动到新位置。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <DisplayName>C (moved to sub node with children)</DisplayName>
    <Description>Example component C</Description>
    <TreeName moveChildren="true">A.subC</TreeName>
Specifying Tree Name to Existing Node

We define a tree name D for component E. Node D is already a part of an existing component identifier for D subcomponent 1 (D.sub1), but the packages directory does not contain a component for the identifier, so it is possible to declare a tree name D. The component E becomes a new root component and parent of D subcomponent 1. As the moveChildren attribute is set to true, the child component E subcomponent 2 is moved with the parent.

我们为组件E定义了一个树名D。节点D已经是D subcomponent 1(D.sub1)的现有组件标识符的一部分,但包目录不包含标识符的组件,因此可以声明树名称D。组件E成为新的根组件和D subcomponent 1的父组件。当moveChildren属性设置为true时,子组件E subcomponent 2将与父组件一起移动。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <DisplayName>E (moved to free existing node with children)</DisplayName>
    <Description>Example component E</Description>
    <TreeName moveChildren="true">D</TreeName>
Other Considerations

Multiple Tree Names in One Component Branch

Components in a single branch (AA.sub1A.sub1.sub1A.sub1.sub1.sub2 and so on) may each declare a separate tree name. The installer or maintenance tool calculates the new locations for components in an ascending order from leaf components to root components, so that A.sub1.sub1.sub2 is moved first and A last.


Tree Names of Installed and Remote Components

For online installers, the repositories may declare updated tree names for components, so the following rules apply:


  • The tree names for components become static after being installed. Therefore, if the user of the installer has installed component A with tree name ANewName1, and the repository is updated with a new version of component A that declares tree name ANewName2, the new location is only applied when the user updates the component locally with the maintenance tool.
  • 组件的树名称在安装后变为静态。因此,如果安装程序的用户安装了树名为ANewName1的组件A,并且使用声明树名ANewName2的组件A的新版本更新了存储库,则只有当用户使用维护工具在本地更新组件时,才会应用新位置。
  • The automatic tree names of children of components with tree name and moveChildren set to true are moved with the parent regardless if installed or not. Therefore, if the user has installed component A.sub1 but not component A, and A is updated in the repository with a new tree name, the A.sub1 uses also the new tree name in maintenance tool's component tree.
  • 树名和moveChildren设置为true的组件的子级的自动树名将与父级一起移动,无论是否安装。因此,如果用户安装了组件A.sub1,但没有安装组件A,并且A在存储库中用新的树名更新,则A.sub1也会在维护工具的组件树中使用新的树名称。
Tree Name and Name Conflicts

The tree names may conflict with existing component names or other tree names. Depending on whether the installer or maintenance tool is configured to allow unstable components with <AllowUnstableComponents> configuration file element, the offending components are either registered as unstable components with their original name or not registered at all.


Note: Components from remote repositories can never override already installed components in the tree view. If a conflicting remote component cannot be registered with the original name either in case a local component has reserved it with a tree name, the component is not registered.


Generating the Example Installer

To create the example installer, switch to the example source directory on the command line and enter the following command:


  • On Windows:
    ..\..\bin\binarycreator.exe -c config\config.xml -p packages installer.exe
  • On Linux or macOS:
    ../../bin/binarycreator -c config/config.xml -p packages installer

This creates the installer to the current directory.



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### 回答1: Qt Installer Framework 是一个用于创建跨平台安装程序的工具。它是由 Qt 公司开发的,可用于构建 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上的安装程序。Qt Installer Framework 允许开发者创建自定义的安装界面,支持包括自动更新和卸载在内的高级功能,使得应用程序的安装和升级变得更加方便。此外,Qt Installer Framework 还提供了强大的脚本语言和插件系统,以便开发者可以轻松地添加自己的定制功能。 ### 回答2: Qt Installer Framework是一个开源的安装包框架,用于创建跨平台的安装程序。它是由Qt官方社区开发的,用于帮助开发人员轻松地制作各种类型的安装程序。 Qt Installer Framework具有很多强大的特性。首先,它支持主流操作系统,包括Windows、macOS和Linux。这使得开发人员可以使用相同的框架来创建针对不同平台的安装程序,极大地简化了开发和维护的工作。 其次,Qt Installer Framework提供了一个灵活的界面,开发人员可以轻松地定制安装程序的界面。他们可以选择添加自定义的图标、背景图像和品牌标志等来打造与自己应用程序一致的安装体验。 此外,Qt Installer Framework还支持自定义安装组件,开发人员可以将安装的内容分组到不同的组件中,根据用户需求进行选择性安装。这对于大型应用程序来说非常有用,因为用户可以根据自己的需求选择安装哪些组件,从而减少不必要的空间占用。 另一个重要的特性是Qt Installer Framework支持安装程序的自动升级。开发人员可以配置安装程序,使其能够检测并下载更新,并在用户同意的情况下自动升级程序。这可以确保用户始终使用最新版本的应用程序,提供更好的用户体验以及安全性。 综上所述,Qt Installer Framework是一个功能强大且易于使用的安装包框架,可以帮助开发人员轻松创建跨平台的安装程序。它的灵活性和可定制性使得开发人员可以根据自己的需求创建出符合用户期望的安装体验。 ### 回答3: Qt Installer Framework(简称QtIFW)是一个创建安装程序的开源工具集,用于在Windows、Mac和Linux等操作系统上安装Qt应用程序。 Qt Installer Framework提供了一个易于使用的图形界面,允许开发者自定义安装向导和界面。它支持各种高级功能,如自动更新和升级、安装前检查依赖项、注册表设置、缓存管理等。 Qt Installer Framework的核心概念是组件。开发者可以将应用程序划分为多个组件,并在安装时选择安装哪些组件。这样,用户可以自定义安装过程,只选择需要的功能和资源,减少安装空间和时间。 Qt Installer Framework还支持多语言安装,用户可以选择在安装过程中使用哪种语言,提供了灵活的国际化功能。 此外,Qt Installer Framework还支持数字签名验证和认证,确保安装程序的完整性和可信性。 对于开发者来说,Qt Installer Framework提供了灵活的定制选项,可以自定义安装界面和过程,满足特定需求。开发者可以通过简单的脚本语言,定义安装程序的行为。 总的来说,Qt Installer Framework是一个功能强大、易于使用的工具集,为开发者提供了创建跨平台安装程序的便利,提升了用户体验和应用程序的可用性。




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