Qt Installer Framework操作



The operations are prepared by component and controller scripts or component.xml and performed by the installer.


Note: Operations are performed threaded.


Internally, each operation has a DO step that contains instructions for the installer and an UNDO step that contains instructions for the uninstaller.


Some operations especially in Windows might need native separators. Use installer.toNativeSeparators() to convert separators to ones that are appropriate for the underlying operating system.


Summary of Operations


The following table summarizes the available operations and their syntax in component and controller scripts. Syntax for operations in component.xml is:


  <Operation name="operation">

Note: The argument order in component.xml is the same as in scripting, except for Extract operation where the argument archive is optional, and must be defined as the last argument.

注意:component.xml中的参数顺序与脚本中的相同,除了Extract操作,其中参数archive 是可选的,并且必须定义为最后一个参数。

Copy"Copy" source target

Copies a file from source to target.


Note: The file will be restored during unistallation. If you want to skip the copying, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


Move"Move" source target

Moves a file from source to target.


Note: Files restored during uninstallation. If you want to move the files persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


SimpleMoveFile"SimpleMoveFile" source target

Moves a file from source to target.


Note: Files will be moved from target to source during uninstallation. If you want to move the files persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


Delete"Delete" filename

Deletes the file specified by filename.


Note: File will be restored during uninstallation. If you want to delete the files persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


Mkdir"Mkdir" path

Creates the directory path path.


Note: Directory will be deleted during uninstallation. If you want to create the directory persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list. Note that during full uninstall, directory will be deleted if it was created to target directory and RemoveTargetDir is false.


Rmdir"Rmdir" path

Removes the directory path path.


Note: Directory will be recreated during uninstallation. If you want to remove the directory persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


CopyDirectory"CopyDirectory" sourcePath targetPath

Copies a directory from sourcePath to targetPath.


Note: Directories will be reset during uninstallation. If you want to copy the directory persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


AppendFile"AppendFile" filename text

Appends text to the file specified by filenametext is treated as ASCII text.

text 附加到文件名指定的filenametext中,被视为ASCII文本。

Note: Text will be removed from file during unistallation. If you want to append the text persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


PrependFile"PrependFile" filename text

Prepends text to the file specified by filenametext is treated as ASCII text.

text 置于文件名指定的filenametext之前,文本被视为ASCII文本。

Note: Text will be removed from file during unistallation. If you want to append the text persistently, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


Replace"Replace" file search replace mode

Opens file to find search string and replaces that with the replace string, using mode that can be either string or regex. For regular expressions containing capturing groups, occurrences of \1\2, ..., in replace are replaced with the string captured by the corresponding capturing group.

打开file 以查找search 字符串,并使用字符串或正则表达式mode 将其替换为replace 字符串。对于包含捕获组的正则表达式,出现\1、\2、…、。。。,替换为相应捕获组捕获的字符串。

Note that testing the operation using devtool does not support commas inside the search pattern as they are used as argument separators. When using regex mode you should also ensure the search pattern adheres to QRegularExpression class documentation, particularly to the escaping rules for characters.

请注意,使用devtool测试操作不支持search 模式中的逗号,因为它们被用作参数分隔符。使用正则表达式模式时,您还应该确保regex 模式符合QRegularExpression类文档,特别是字符的转义规则。

LineReplace"LineReplace" file search replace

Opens file to find lines that start with search string and replaces that with the replace string. Lines are trimmed before the search.

打开file 以查找以search 字符串开头的行,并将其替换为replace 字符串。在搜索之前,行会被修剪。

Execute"Execute" [{exitcodes}] command [parameter1 [parameter... [parameter10]]]

Executes the command specified by command. Up to 10 parameters can be passed. If that is not enough, you can use a JavaScript string array.


Optionally, you can pass a comma-separated list of exit codes within curly brackets ({}) as the first argument to specify the exit codes for successful execution. This defaults to "{0}".

Other optional named arguments are: "workingdirectory=<your_working_dir>"; "errormessage=<your_custom_errormessage>"


In addition, a special argument, UNDOEXECUTE, separates the DO step of the operation from the UNDO step.


Example: component.addOperation("Execute", "touch", "test.txt", "UNDOEXECUTE", "rm", "test.txt")

示例:component.addOperation("Execute", "touch", "test.txt", "UNDOEXECUTE", "rm", "test.txt")

CreateShortcut"CreateShortcut" filename linkname [arguments]

Creates a shortcut from the file specified by filename to linkname. On Windows, this creates a .lnk file which can have arguments.


Furthermore, filename can be an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URL in which case a URL shortcut is created.

此外,filename 可以是HTTP、HTTPS或FTP URL,在这种情况下会创建URL快捷方式。

Note: If the @AllUsersStartMenuProgramsPath@ is used for placing the shortcut, then due to a problem on Windows, it will drop any arguments to the target and any description set. In this case, you should place the shortcut elsewhere and copy it to the location desired.


Note: Creating a shortcut to a network share is not supported. The operation is currently not implemented on other platforms.


CreateDesktopEntry"CreateDesktopEntry" filename "key=value[ key2=value2[ key3=value3]]]"

Creates a .desktop initialization file, as specified by freedesktop.org. This operation is useful only on X11 or Wayland based Linux distributions.


If filename is absolute, the desktop entry is stored there. Otherwise, it is stored in the location specified in $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications, including the default path, as defined by freedesktop.org. For system-wide installations, it is stored in /usr/local/share/applications instead.


The key-value pairs are written to the file.


The file is set to use UTF-8 encoding.


InstallIcons"InstallIcons" directory [Vendorprefix]

Installs the contents of directory into a location, as specified by freedesktop.org. That is, into $XDG_DATA_HOME/icons$HOME/.local/share/icons or /usr/local/share/icons. The files are removed from their initial location. Make sure to add this operation after the operation that extracts the files from the archive. If you provide a Vendorprefix it replaces all characters up to the first dash (-) in the filename of the icon with this prefix.

directory 的内容安装到freedesktop.org指定的位置。也就是说,安装到$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons、$HOME/.local/share/icons或/usr/local/share-icons中。文件将从其初始位置删除。请确保在从存档中提取文件的操作之后添加此操作。如果提供Vendorprefix ,它将用此前缀替换图标文件名中直到第一个破折号(-)的所有字符。

Extract"Extract" archive targetdirectory

Extracts archive to targetdirectory. Extract operations are called before other operations. Note that in component.xml argument archive is optional and thus must be defined as the last parameter.

archive 提取到targetdirectory目录。提取操作在其他操作之前调用。请注意,在component.xml中,参数archive是可选的,因此必须定义为最后一个参数。

GlobalConfig"GlobalConfig" company application key value


"GlobalConfig" scope company application key value


"GlobalConfig" filename key value

Stores value for key in a configuration file. The configuration file is specified either by filename (using QSettings::NativeFormat, which might be the Windows registry) or by application and company name. Set scope to "SystemScope" to create an entry in the system scope.

key 的value 存储在配置文件中。配置文件由filename (使用QSettings::NativeFormat,可能是Windows注册表)或application 和company 名称指定。将作用scope 设置为“SystemScope”以在系统作用域中创建条目。

Note: GlobalConfig will be reset during uninstallation. If you want to make the config persistent, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


Note: The operation is using QSettings to store the key value pair. QSettings always treats backslash as a special character and provides no API for reading or writing such entries. Do not use slashes ('/' and '\') in section or key names; the backslash character is used to separate sub keys. On windows, '\' are converted by QSettings to '/', which makes them identical. Because the backslash character is used by QSettings to separate sub keys, you cannot read or write windows registry entries that contain slashes or backslashes. You should use a native windows API if you need to do so.

注意:该操作使用QSettings存储键值对。QSettings总是将反斜杠视为一个特殊字符,并且不提供用于读取或写入此类条目的API。不要在节或键名中使用斜线(“/”和“\”);反斜杠字符用于分隔子键。在windows上,QSettings将“\”转换为“/”,使它们完全相同。因为反斜杠字符被QSettings用来分隔子键,所以无法读取或写入包含斜线或反斜杠的windows注册表项。如果需要,应该使用本机windows API。

EnvironmentVariable"EnvironmentVariable" key value [persistent [system]]

Sets the environment variable key to value. If persistent is set to true, the variable is set persistently. This is currently only supported on Windows. If system is set to true, the persistent variable is set system-wide, not only for the current user. Note, if you set path to environment variable, use '\' as separator, for example: @Targetdir@\lib\system.

将环境变量key 设置为value。如果persistent设置为true,则变量将被持久设置。目前仅在Windows上支持此功能。如果system设置为true,则持久变量将在系统范围内设置,而不仅仅是针对当前用户。注意,如果将路径设置为环境变量,请使用“\”作为分隔符,例如:@Targetdir@\lib\system。

RegisterFileType"RegisterFileType" extension command [description [contentType [icon]]].

Registers the file type with extension to be opened via command. Optionally, you can specify descriptioncontentType, and icon. This is currently only supported on Windows.

注册要通过command打开的extension 为的文件类型。可以选择指定descriptioncontentTypeicon。目前仅在Windows上支持此功能。

Note: File type will be unregistered during uninstallation. If you want keep the type registered, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


ConsumeOutput"ConsumeOutput" installerKeyName executablePath processArguments

Saves the output from running the executable located at executablePath with the arguments processArguments to the installer key specified by installerKeyName. Additional arguments can be passed.

将运行位于可执行文件路径的executablePath 的输出(参数为processArguments)保存到installerKeyName指定的安装程序密钥中。可以传递其他参数。

CreateLink"CreateLink" linkPath targetPath

Creates a link in the location specified by linkPath that points to the location specified by targetPath.


CreateLocalRepository"CreateLocalRepository" binaryPath repoPath

Creates a local repository in the directory specified by repoPath. For offline installers, stores binary data in the directory specified by binaryPath.


Note: The repository will be deleted during uninstallation. If you want keep the repository, you can overwrite the UNDO by passing UNDOOPERATION and "", to the end of the argument list.


FakeStopProcessForUpdate"FakeStopProcessForUpdate" processlist

Matches running processes against the comma-separated entries in processlist during uninstallation. If matches are found, shows a messagebox asking the user to stop those processes before continuing.

在卸载过程中,将正在运行的进程与processlist 中以逗号分隔的条目进行匹配。如果找到匹配项,将显示一个消息框,要求用户在继续之前停止这些进程。

License"License" licenses

Copies the license files specified by licenses to a subfolder called Licenses in the target directory. This operation is automatically added for packages declaring <Licenses> in their package description file.

licenses 指定的许可证文件复制到目标目录中名为“licenses ”的子文件夹中。对于在包描述文件中声明<Licenses>的包,会自动添加此操作。


Increases the progress value by one.


SelfRestart"SelfRestart" core

Restarts the updater or package manager specified by core.


Settings"Settings" path method key value

Sets or removes the value of key in the settings file located at path, depending on the value of methodsetremoveadd_array_value, and remove_array_value. Example: component.addOperation("Settings", "path=settings.ini", "method=add", "key=myKey", "value=myValue")

根据方法set、remove、add_array_value和remove_array_value的值,设置或删除位于路径的设置文件中的key 的value 

示例:component.addOperation("Settings", "path=settings.ini", "method=add", "key=myKey", "value=myValue")

The Extract, License, and MinimumProgress operations are automatically added for matching components that do not overwrite the component::createOperations() method. See also component::autoCreateOperations.

​对于不覆盖 component::createOperations()方法的匹配组件,会自动添加Extract、License和MinimumProgress操作。另请参见component::autoCreateOperations。

If errors occur, you can test operations manually using the devtool. However, variables are not resolved, so you need to use absolute values.


For example, to test copying a file:


devtool operation <binary> DO,Copy,<source>,<target>

Execution Groups


The operations owned by a component belong to either of two groups: Unpack or Install. The Extract operations are performed as part of the Unpack group before all other operations and executed concurrently between all components that are going to be installed. The rest of the operations are performed in the Install group and executed sequentially for each component at a time.

组件所拥有的操作属于以下两组之一:Unpack 或InstallExtract 操作在所有其他操作之前作为Unpack 组的一部分执行,并在将要安装的所有组件之间同时执行。其余操作在Install组中执行,并一次对每个组件按顺序执行。

Custom operations can define their execution group by calling the setGroup() method in their constructor. For more information about custom operations, see Registering Custom Operations.


Component ScriptingTools

© 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. The Qt Company, Qt and their respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

### 回答1: Qt Installer Framework 是一个用于创建跨平台安装程序的工具。它是由 Qt 公司开发的,可用于构建 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上的安装程序。Qt Installer Framework 允许开发者创建自定义的安装界面,支持包括自动更新和卸载在内的高级功能,使得应用程序的安装和升级变得更加方便。此外,Qt Installer Framework 还提供了强大的脚本语言和插件系统,以便开发者可以轻松地添加自己的定制功能。 ### 回答2: Qt Installer Framework是一个开源的安装包框架,用于创建跨平台的安装程序。它是由Qt官方社区开发的,用于帮助开发人员轻松地制作各种类型的安装程序。 Qt Installer Framework具有很多强大的特性。首先,它支持主流操作系统,包括Windows、macOS和Linux。这使得开发人员可以使用相同的框架来创建针对不同平台的安装程序,极大地简化了开发和维护的工作。 其次,Qt Installer Framework提供了一个灵活的界面,开发人员可以轻松地定制安装程序的界面。他们可以选择添加自定义的图标、背景图像和品牌标志等来打造与自己应用程序一致的安装体验。 此外,Qt Installer Framework还支持自定义安装组件,开发人员可以将安装的内容分组到不同的组件中,根据用户需求进行选择性安装。这对于大型应用程序来说非常有用,因为用户可以根据自己的需求选择安装哪些组件,从而减少不必要的空间占用。 另一个重要的特性是Qt Installer Framework支持安装程序的自动升级。开发人员可以配置安装程序,使其能够检测并下载更新,并在用户同意的情况下自动升级程序。这可以确保用户始终使用最新版本的应用程序,提供更好的用户体验以及安全性。 综上所述,Qt Installer Framework是一个功能强大且易于使用的安装包框架,可以帮助开发人员轻松创建跨平台的安装程序。它的灵活性和可定制性使得开发人员可以根据自己的需求创建出符合用户期望的安装体验。 ### 回答3: Qt Installer Framework(简称QtIFW)是一个创建安装程序的开源工具集,用于在Windows、Mac和Linux等操作系统上安装Qt应用程序。 Qt Installer Framework提供了一个易于使用的图形界面,允许开发者自定义安装向导和界面。它支持各种高级功能,如自动更新和升级、安装前检查依赖项、注册表设置、缓存管理等。 Qt Installer Framework的核心概念是组件。开发者可以将应用程序划分为多个组件,并在安装时选择安装哪些组件。这样,用户可以自定义安装过程,只选择需要的功能和资源,减少安装空间和时间。 Qt Installer Framework还支持多语言安装,用户可以选择在安装过程中使用哪种语言,提供了灵活的国际化功能。 此外,Qt Installer Framework还支持数字签名验证和认证,确保安装程序的完整性和可信性。 对于开发者来说,Qt Installer Framework提供了灵活的定制选项,可以自定义安装界面和过程,满足特定需求。开发者可以通过简单的脚本语言,定义安装程序的行为。 总的来说,Qt Installer Framework是一个功能强大、易于使用的工具集,为开发者提供了创建跨平台安装程序的便利,提升了用户体验和应用程序的可用性。




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