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分组标题: Developer Tools
依赖名称: GraalVM Native Support
功能描述: Support for compiling Spring applications to native executables using the GraalVM native-image compiler.
依赖名称: GraphQL DGS Code Generation
功能描述: Generate data types and type-safe APIs for querying GraphQL APIs by parsing schema files.
依赖名称: Spring Boot DevTools
功能描述: Provides fast application restarts, LiveReload, and configurations for enhanced development experience.
依赖名称: Lombok
功能描述: Java annotation library which helps to reduce boilerplate code.
依赖名称: Spring Configuration Processor
功能描述: Generate metadata for developers to offer contextual help and “code completion” when working with custom configuration keys (ex.application.properties/.yml files).
依赖名称: Docker Compose Support
功能描述: Provides docker compose support for enhanced development experience.
依赖名称: Spring Modulith
功能描述: Support for building modular monolithic applications.
分组标题: Web
依赖名称: Spring Web
功能描述: Build web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container.
依赖名称: Spring Reactive Web
功能描述: Build reactive web applications with Spring WebFlux and Netty.
依赖名称: Spring for GraphQL
功能描述: Build GraphQL applications with Spring for GraphQL and GraphQL Java.
依赖名称: Rest Repositories
功能描述: Exposing Spring Data repositories over REST via Spring Data REST.
依赖名称: Spring Session
功能描述: Provides an API and implementations for managing user session information.
依赖名称: Rest Repositories HAL Explorer
功能描述: Browsing Spring Data REST repositories in your browser.
依赖名称: Spring HATEOAS
功能描述: Eases the creation of RESTful APIs that follow the HATEOAS principle when working with Spring / Spring MVC.
依赖名称: Spring Web Services
功能描述: Facilitates contract-first SOAP development. Allows for the creation of flexible web services using one of the many ways to manipulate XML payloads.
依赖名称: Jersey
功能描述: Framework for developing RESTful Web Services in Java that provides support for JAX-RS APIs.
依赖名称: Vaadin
功能描述: The full-stack web app platform for Spring. Build views fully in Java with Flow, or in React using Hilla.
依赖名称: Netflix DGS
功能描述: Build GraphQL applications with Netflix DGS and Spring for GraphQL.
分组标题: Template Engines
依赖名称: Thymeleaf
功能描述: A modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments. Allows HTML to be correctly displayed in browsers and as static prototypes.
依赖名称: Apache Freemarker
功能描述: Java library to generate text output (HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc.) based on templates and changing data.
依赖名称: Mustache
功能描述: Logic-less templates for both web and standalone environments. There are no if statements, else clauses, or for loops. Instead there are only tags.
依赖名称: Groovy Templates
功能描述: Groovy templating engine.
分组标题: Security
依赖名称: Spring Security
功能描述: Highly customizable authentication and access-control framework for Spring applications.
依赖名称: OAuth2 Client
功能描述: Spring Boot integration for Spring Security’s OAuth2/OpenID Connect client features.
依赖名称: OAuth2 Authorization Server
功能描述: Spring Boot integration for Spring Authorization Server.
依赖名称: OAuth2 Resource Server
功能描述: Spring Boot integration for Spring Security’s OAuth2 resource server features.
依赖名称: Spring LDAP
功能描述: Makes it easier to build Spring based applications that use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
依赖名称: Okta
功能描述: Okta specific configuration for Spring Security/Spring Boot OAuth2 features. Enable your Spring Boot application to work with Okta via OAuth 2.0/OIDC.
分组标题: SQL
依赖名称: JDBC API
功能描述: Database Connectivity API that defines how a client may connect and query a database.
依赖名称: Spring Data JPA
功能描述: Persist data in SQL stores with Java Persistence API using Spring Data and Hibernate.
依赖名称: Spring Data JDBC
功能描述: Persist data in SQL stores with plain JDBC using Spring Data.
依赖名称: Spring Data R2DBC
功能描述: Provides Reactive Relational Database Connectivity to persist data in SQL stores using Spring Data in reactive applications.
依赖名称: MyBatis Framework
功能描述: Persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using a XML descriptor or annotations.
依赖名称: Liquibase Migration
功能描述: Liquibase database migration and source control library.
依赖名称: Flyway Migration
功能描述: Version control for your database so you can migrate from any version (incl. an empty database) to the latest version of the schema.
依赖名称: JOOQ Access Layer
功能描述: Generate Java code from your database and build type safe SQL queries through a fluent API.
依赖名称: IBM DB2 Driver
功能描述: A JDBC driver that provides access to IBM DB2.
依赖名称: Apache Derby Database
功能描述: An open source relational database implemented entirely in Java.
依赖名称: H2 Database
功能描述: Provides a fast in-memory database that supports JDBC API and R2DBC access, with a small (2mb) footprint. Supports embedded and server modes as well as a browser based console application.
依赖名称: HyperSQL Database
功能描述: Lightweight 100% Java SQL Database Engine.
依赖名称: MariaDB Driver
功能描述: MariaDB JDBC and R2DBC driver.
依赖名称: MS SQL Server Driver
功能描述: A JDBC and R2DBC driver that provides access to Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database from any Java application.
依赖名称: MySQL Driver
功能描述: MySQL JDBC driver.
依赖名称: Oracle Driver
功能描述: A JDBC driver that provides access to Oracle.
依赖名称: PostgreSQL Driver
功能描述: A JDBC and R2DBC driver that allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database using standard, database independent Java code.
分组标题: NoSQL
依赖名称: Spring Data Redis (Access+Driver)
功能描述: Advanced and thread-safe Java Redis client for synchronous, asynchronous, and reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, Auto-Reconnect, Codecs and much more.
依赖名称: Spring Data Reactive Redis
功能描述: Access Redis key-value data stores in a reactive fashion with Spring Data Redis.
依赖名称: Spring Data MongoDB
功能描述: Store data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and data structure can be changed over time.
依赖名称: Spring Data Reactive MongoDB
功能描述: Provides asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure for MongoDB.
依赖名称: Spring Data Elasticsearch (Access+Driver)
功能描述: A distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine with Spring Data Elasticsearch.
依赖名称: Spring Data for Apache Cassandra
功能描述: A free and open-source, distributed, NoSQL database management system that offers high-scalability and high-performance.
依赖名称: Spring Data Reactive for Apache Cassandra
功能描述: Access Cassandra NoSQL Database in a reactive fashion.
依赖名称: Spring Data Couchbase
功能描述: NoSQL document-oriented database that offers in memory-first architecture, geo-distributed deployments, and workload isolation.
依赖名称: Spring Data Reactive Couchbase
功能描述: Access Couchbase NoSQL database in a reactive fashion with Spring Data Couchbase.
依赖名称: Spring Data Neo4j
功能描述: An open source NoSQL database that stores data structured as graphs consisting of nodes, connected by relationships.
分组标题: Messaging
依赖名称: Spring Integration
功能描述: Adds support for Enterprise Integration Patterns. Enables lightweight messaging and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters.
依赖名称: Spring for RabbitMQ
功能描述: Gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.
依赖名称: Spring for RabbitMQ Streams
功能描述: Building stream processing applications with RabbitMQ.
依赖名称: Spring for Apache Kafka
功能描述: Publish, subscribe, store, and process streams of records.
依赖名称: Spring for Apache Kafka Streams
功能描述: Building stream processing applications with Apache Kafka Streams.
依赖名称: Spring for Apache ActiveMQ 5
功能描述: Spring JMS support with Apache ActiveMQ ‘Classic’.
依赖名称: Spring for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
功能描述: Spring JMS support with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.
依赖名称: Spring for Apache Pulsar
功能描述: Build messaging applications with Apache Pulsar
依赖名称: Spring for Apache Pulsar (Reactive)
功能描述: Build reactive messaging applications with Apache Pulsar
依赖名称: WebSocket
功能描述: Build Servlet-based WebSocket applications with SockJS and STOMP.
依赖名称: RSocket
功能描述: RSocket.io applications with Spring Messaging and Netty.
依赖名称: Apache Camel
功能描述: Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
依赖名称: Solace PubSub+
功能描述: Connect to a Solace PubSub+ Advanced Event Broker to publish, subscribe, request/reply and store/replay messages
分组标题: I/O
依赖名称: Spring Batch
功能描述: Batch applications with transactions, retry/skip and chunk based processing.
依赖名称: Validation
功能描述: Bean Validation with Hibernate validator.
依赖名称: Java Mail Sender
功能描述: Send email using Java Mail and Spring Framework’s JavaMailSender.
依赖名称: Quartz Scheduler
功能描述: Schedule jobs using Quartz.
依赖名称: Spring Cache Abstraction
功能描述: Provides cache-related operations, such as the ability to update the content of the cache, but does not provide the actual data store.
依赖名称: Spring Shell
功能描述: Build command line applications with spring.
分组标题: Ops
依赖名称: Spring Boot Actuator
功能描述: Supports built in (or custom) endpoints that let you monitor and manage your application - such as application health, metrics, sessions, etc.
依赖名称: CycloneDX SBOM support
功能描述: Creates a Software Bill of Materials in CycloneDX format.
依赖名称: codecentric’s Spring Boot Admin (Client)
功能描述: Required for your application to register with a Codecentric’s Spring Boot Admin Server instance.
依赖名称: codecentric’s Spring Boot Admin (Server)
功能描述: A community project to manage and monitor your Spring Boot applications. Provides a UI on top of the Spring Boot Actuator endpoints.
依赖名称: Sentry
功能描述: Application performance monitoring and error tracking that help software teams see clearer, solve quicker, and learn continuously.
分组标题: Observability
依赖名称: Datadog
功能描述: Publish Micrometer metrics to Datadog, a dimensional time-series SaaS with built-in dashboarding and alerting.
依赖名称: Dynatrace
功能描述: Publish Micrometer metrics to Dynatrace, a platform featuring observability, AIOps, application security and analytics.
依赖名称: Influx
功能描述: Publish Micrometer metrics to InfluxDB, a dimensional time-series server that support real-time stream processing of data.
依赖名称: Graphite
功能描述: Publish Micrometer metrics to Graphite, a hierarchical metrics system backed by a fixed-size database.
依赖名称: New Relic
功能描述: Publish Micrometer metrics to New Relic, a SaaS offering with a full UI and a query language called NRQL.
依赖名称: Prometheus
功能描述: Expose Micrometer metrics in Prometheus format, an in-memory dimensional time series database with a simple built-in UI, a custom query language, and math operations.
依赖名称: Distributed Tracing
功能描述: Enable span and trace IDs in logs.
依赖名称: Wavefront
功能描述: Publish metrics and optionally distributed traces to Tanzu Observability by Wavefront, a SaaS-based metrics monitoring and analytics platform that lets you visualize, query, and alert over data from across your entire stack.
依赖名称: Zipkin
功能描述: Enable and expose span and trace IDs to Zipkin.
分组标题: Testing
依赖名称: Spring REST Docs
功能描述: Document RESTful services by combining hand-written with Asciidoctor and auto-generated snippets produced with Spring MVC Test.
依赖名称: Testcontainers
功能描述: Provide lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
依赖名称: Contract Verifier
功能描述: Moves TDD to the level of software architecture by enabling Consumer Driven Contract (CDC) development.
依赖名称: Contract Stub Runner
功能描述: Stub Runner for HTTP/Messaging based communication. Allows creating WireMock stubs from RestDocs tests.
依赖名称: Embedded LDAP Server
功能描述: Provides a platform neutral way for running a LDAP server in unit tests.
分组标题: Spring Cloud
依赖名称: Cloud Bootstrap
功能描述: Non-specific Spring Cloud features, unrelated to external libraries or integrations (e.g. Bootstrap context and @RefreshScope).
依赖名称: Function
功能描述: Promotes the implementation of business logic via functions and supports a uniform programming model across serverless providers, as well as the ability to run standalone (locally or in a PaaS).
依赖名称: Task
功能描述: Allows a user to develop and run short lived microservices using Spring Cloud. Run them locally, in the cloud, and on Spring Cloud Data Flow.
分组标题: Spring Cloud Config
依赖名称: Config Client
功能描述: Client that connects to a Spring Cloud Config Server to fetch the application’s configuration.
依赖名称: Config Server
功能描述: Central management for configuration via Git, SVN, or HashiCorp Vault.
依赖名称: Vault Configuration
功能描述: Provides client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. Using HashiCorp’s Vault you have a central place to manage external secret properties for applications across all environments.
依赖名称: Apache Zookeeper Configuration
功能描述: Enable and configure common patterns inside your application and build large distributed systems with Apache Zookeeper based components. The provided patterns include Service Discovery and Configuration.
依赖名称: Consul Configuration
功能描述: Enable and configure the common patterns inside your application and build large distributed systems with Hashicorp’s Consul. The patterns provided include Service Discovery, Distributed Configuration and Control Bus.
分组标题: Spring Cloud Discovery
依赖名称: Eureka Discovery Client
功能描述: A REST based service for locating services for the purpose of load balancing and failover of middle-tier servers.
依赖名称: Eureka Server
功能描述: spring-cloud-netflix Eureka Server.
依赖名称: Apache Zookeeper Discovery
功能描述: Service discovery with Apache Zookeeper.
依赖名称: Consul Discovery
功能描述: Service discovery with Hashicorp Consul.
分组标题: Spring Cloud Routing
依赖名称: Gateway
功能描述: Provides a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs in Servlet-based applications. Provides cross-cutting concerns to those APIs such as security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency.
依赖名称: Reactive Gateway
功能描述: Provides a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs in reactive applications. Provides cross-cutting concerns to those APIs such as security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency.
依赖名称: OpenFeign
功能描述: Declarative REST Client. OpenFeign creates a dynamic implementation of an interface decorated with JAX-RS or Spring MVC annotations.
依赖名称: Cloud LoadBalancer
功能描述: Client-side load-balancing with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.
分组标题: Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker
依赖名称: Resilience4J
功能描述: Spring Cloud Circuit breaker with Resilience4j as the underlying implementation.
分组标题: Spring Cloud Messaging
依赖名称: Cloud Bus
功能描述: Links nodes of a distributed system with a lightweight message broker which can used to broadcast state changes or other management instructions (requires a binder, e.g. Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ).
依赖名称: Cloud Stream
功能描述: Framework for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems (requires a binder, e.g. Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar, RabbitMQ, or Solace PubSub+).
分组标题: VMware Tanzu Application Service
依赖名称: Config Client (TAS)
功能描述: Config client on VMware Tanzu Application Service.
依赖名称: Service Registry (TAS)
功能描述: Eureka service discovery client on VMware Tanzu Application Service.
分组标题: Microsoft Azure
依赖名称: Azure Support
功能描述: Auto-configuration for Azure Services (Service Bus, Storage, Active Directory, Key Vault, and more).
依赖名称: Azure Active Directory
功能描述: Spring Security integration with Azure Active Directory for authentication.
依赖名称: Azure Cosmos DB
功能描述: Fully managed NoSQL database service for modern app development, including Spring Data support.
依赖名称: Azure Key Vault
功能描述: All key vault features are supported, e.g. manage application secrets and certificates.
依赖名称: Azure Storage
功能描述: All Storage features are supported, e.g. blob, fileshare and queue.
分组标题: Google Cloud
依赖名称: Google Cloud Support
功能描述: Contains auto-configuration support for every Google Cloud integration. Most of the auto-configuration code is only enabled if other dependencies are added to the classpath.
依赖名称: Google Cloud Messaging
功能描述: Adds the Google Cloud Support entry and all the required dependencies so that the Google Cloud Pub/Sub integration work out of the box.
依赖名称: Google Cloud Storage
功能描述: Adds the Google Cloud Support entry and all the required dependencies so that the Google Cloud Storage integration work out of the box.
分组标题: AI
依赖名称: Azure OpenAI
功能描述: Spring AI support for Azure’s OpenAI offering, powered by ChatGPT. It extends beyond traditional OpenAI capabilities, delivering AI-driven text generation with enhanced functionality.
依赖名称: Azure AI Search
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Azure AI Search. It is an AI-powered information retrieval platform and part of Microsoft’s larger AI platform. Among other features, it allows users to query information using vector-based storage and retrieval.
依赖名称: Amazon Bedrock
功能描述: Spring AI support for Amazon Bedrock. It is a managed service that provides foundation models from various AI providers, available through a unified API.
依赖名称: Chroma Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Chroma. It is an open-source embedding database and gives you the tools to store document embeddings, content, and metadata. It also allows to search through those embeddings, including metadata filtering.
依赖名称: Milvus Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Milvus. It is an open-source vector database that has garnered significant attention in the fields of data science and machine learning. One of its standout features lies in its robust support for vector indexing and querying.
依赖名称: Mistral AI
功能描述: Spring AI support for Mistral AI, the open and portable generative AI for devs and businesses.
依赖名称: MongoDB Atlas Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for MongoDB Atlas. Is is a fully managed cloud database service that provides an easy way to deploy, operate, and scale a MongoDB database in the cloud.
依赖名称: Neo4j Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Neo4j’s Vector Search. It allows users to query vector embeddings from large datasets.
依赖名称: Ollama
功能描述: Spring AI support for Ollama. It allows you to run various Large Language Models (LLMs) locally and generate text from them.
依赖名称: OpenAI
功能描述: Spring AI support for ChatGPT, the AI language model and DALL-E, the Image generation model from OpenAI.
依赖名称: PGvector Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for PGvector. It is an open-source extension for PostgreSQL that enables storing and searching over machine learning-generated embeddings.
依赖名称: Pinecone Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Pinecone. It is a popular cloud-based vector database and allows you to store and search vectors efficiently.
依赖名称: PostgresML
功能描述: Spring AI support for the PostgresML text embeddings models.
依赖名称: Redis Search and Query Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Redis Search and Query.It extends the core features of Redis OSS and allows you to use Redis as a vector database.
依赖名称: Stability AI
功能描述: Spring AI support for Stability AI’s text to image generation model.
依赖名称: Transformers (ONNX) Embeddings
功能描述: Spring AI support for pre-trained transformer models, serialized into the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format.
依赖名称: Vertex AI PaLM2
功能描述: Spring AI support for Google Vertex PaLM2 chat and embedding models.
依赖名称: Vertex AI Gemini
功能描述: Spring AI support for Google Vertex Gemini chat.
依赖名称: Qdrant Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Qdrant. It is an open-source, high-performance vector search engine/database.
依赖名称: Weaviate Vector Database
功能描述: Spring AI vector database support for Weaviate, an open-source vector database. It allows you to store data objects and vector embeddings from your favorite ML-models and scale seamlessly into billions of data objects.
依赖名称: Timefold Solver
功能描述: AI solver to optimize operations and scheduling.