Oracle EBS PO模块提交导入标准采购订单请求报错
导入标准采购订单提示例程 fdpsql 无法读文件 ***/po/12.0.0/sql/PO_PDOI_GRP.start_process
在运行并发请求 requestid 的 SQL*Plus 时,并发管理器出现错误。
Import Standard Purchase Orders Error cannot read the file PO_PDOI_GRP.start_process issue.
Our programs failing with below error, You may check the concurrent request logs, Will see the error as below.
Concurrent Request logs:- You can check the concurrent request logs using request id.
Routine fdpsql cannot read the file /***/po/12.0.0/sql/PO_PDOI_GRP.start_process
1.Import standard purchase orders:-
1) Verify the executable method in the below PDOI concurrent programs:
2) Check whether the attribute 'MULTI_ORG_CATEGORY' is set to 'S' in all the below concurrent programs:
3) Test and run the program import standard purchase orders. Program will get completed successfully and should not get any error
Update fnd_concurrent_programs
set multi_org_category = 'S'
where concurrent_program_name='POXPOPDOI';
2.Verify the executable method in the below PDOI concurrent programs:
Import Standard Purchase Orders.
Import Price Catalogs.
Import Contract Purchase Agreements.
1. Navigate to System Administrator -> Concurrent -> Program -> Define
2. Query for the program for example 'Import Standard Purchas Orders'.
3. Check the Executable method defined for the program. If it is 'SQL*Plus' then select the LOV beside Executable POXPDOI' and reselect the executable as 'POXPDOI'.
4. Confirm that the executable method has been changed as 'PL/SQL Procedure'.
5. Do the same for the other programs.
更改后 重新提交请求
-- 刘轶鹤