Oracle EBS AP发票导入 API Rejection List 第一部分
The report lists the reason the invoice could not be imported and prints a brief explanation of the problem.
Account Required. If a line type is miscellaneous with no proration, an account is required.
Acct Date Beyond Enc Year. Accounting date (ACCOUNTING_DATE) is beyond the encumbrance year and the Use PO Encumbrance Financials option is enabled.
Acct Date Not In Open Pd. Accounting date (ACCOUNTING_DATE) is not in an open period.
Can Match To Only 1 Line. You tried to match to a purchase order line by providing a value for ITEM_DESCRIPTION or INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, and the purchase order has more than one line that matches the item. Enter a value for either PO_LINE_NUMBER or PO_LINE_ID instead.
Dupl Inv Num In Import. Duplicate invoice number for this supplier already exists in this import.
Duplicate Invoice Number. Invoice number for this supplier already exists in Payables.
Duplicate Line Number. Duplicate values for invoice line number (LINE_NUMBER) exist for this invoice.
Inactive AWT Group. Inactive automatic withholding tax group (AWT_GROUP_ID or AWT_GROUP_NAME).
Inactive Currency Code. Inactive currency code (INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE).
Inactive Distribution Set. Inactive distribution set (DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID or DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME).
Inactive Pay Curr Code. Inactive payment currency code (PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE).
Inactive PO. Inactive purchase order number (PO_NUMBER).
Inactive Tax Code. Inactive tax code (TAX_CODE).
Inactive Terms. Inactive payment terms (TERMS_ID or TERMS_NAME).
Inconsistent AWT Group. Values exist for Automatic Tax Withholding group in more than one of the following columns, and the groups do not match: (AWT_GROUP_ID) and (AWT_GROUP_NAME).
Inconsistent Dist Acct. Values exist for distribution account in more than one of the following columns and the accounts do not match: (DIST_CODE_CONCATENATED) and (DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID).
Inconsistent Dist Info. Line cannot contain both a distribution set and a distribution account.
Inconsistent Dist Set. Values exist for distribution set in more than one of the following columns and the distribution sets do not match: (DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID) and (DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME).
Inconsistent Information Entered.
Inconsistent Inv Type/Amount. Invoice type lookup code and invoice amount are inconsistent. For example, you enter a Credit invoice with a positive value for the invoice amount
-- 刘轶鹤