Oracle EBS AP发票导入 API Rejection List 第三部分
The report lists the reason the invoice could not be imported and prints a brief explanation of the problem.
Invalid Line Amount. Line amount not equal to Quantity x Unit Price.
Invalid Line Type Lookup. Invalid value for LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE. You can use Item, Freight, Tax or Miscellaneous.
Invalid Location Code. The value you entered for SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE is invalid.
Invalid Payment Currency Code. Invalid payment currency code. This must be a valid value in FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE.
Invalid PO Dist Num. Invalid PO distribution number. This must be a valid value in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS.DISTRIBUTION_ NUM.
Invalid PO Line Num. Invalid PO line number. This must be a valid value in PO_LINES.PO_LINE_ID or PO_LINES.LINE_NUM.
Invalid PO Line UOM. Invalid PO line Unit of Measure. This must be a valid value in PO_LINES.UNIT_MEAS_LOOKUP_ CODE.
Invalid PO Num. Invalid PO number. You can obtain a list of active, valid values from PO_HEADERS.SEGMENT1 or PO_HEADERS.PO_HEADER_ID.
Invalid PO Release Info - You are matching to a blanket purchase order, and one of the values you provided for release number, shipment number, and line number is invalid.
Invalid PO Release Num - You have provided an invalid value for either RELEASE_NUM or PO_RELEASE_ID.
Invalid PO Shipment Num. Invalid PO shipment number.
Invalid Precision. Invalid precision. The Amount must have the same precision as the currency you are using.
Invalid Price/Quantity. The values for Unit Price, Quantity Invoiced, and Line amount are inconsistent. (Quantity Invoiced x Unit Price = Amount)
Invalid Quantity. The value for Quantity (QUANTITY_INVOICED) must be greater than zero.
Invalid Shipment Type. Shipment Type should be Blanket, Scheduled, or Standard, and should be approved.
Invalid Supplier. Invalid supplier. You can obtain a list of valid values from the PO_VENDORS table.
Invalid Supplier Site. Invalid supplier site. You can obtain a list of valid values from the PO_VENDOR_SITES table
The report lists the reason the invoice could not be imported and prints a brief explanation of the problem.
Invalid Tax Code. Invalid tax code. You can obtain a list of active, valid values in AP_TAX_CODES.
Invalid Tax Type. Invalid tax type. You cannot use USE or OFFSET tax types, but you can use any other valid tax types from AP_TAX_CODES.
Invalid Terms. Invalid terms. Terms must be valid terms in AP_TERMS.TERMS_ID or AP_TERMS.TERMS_NAME.
Invalid Unit Price. The value for Unit Price (UNIT_PRICE) must be greater than zero.
-- 刘轶鹤