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在学习Bpel与SOA初期,一直苦于没有合适的教材,虽然老师和师兄提供了大量资料,但是仍然没有系统全面的学习,自己的知识要是不断的查找资料,翻译学习来完成的。又目前Soa处于起步阶段,国内资料也比较匮乏,初学者往往四面碰壁而不得要领。日前我在一站点找到了著名的《Business Process Execution Language for Web Services 2nd EditionBusiness Process Execution Language for Web Services 2nd Edition》这本书详细介绍了SOA与Bpel,涉及大量的Web Service知识。目前仍然没有中文版,不过基本上看下来问题不大。

Editorial Reviews

Book Description
This book is a comprehensive guide to the usage and syntax of the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS). Two major BPEL4WS servers, the Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 are covered in detail, and an overview of other major BPEL4WS servers is provided. The book contains practical examples on using BPEL4WS.

Web services provide the core functionality for distributed e-business applications using SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. These building blocks can then be orchestrated into a complete business process using BPEL4WS.

Web services provide the basic technical platform required for application interoperability. They do not, however, provide higher level control, such as which web services need to be invoked, which operations should be called and in what sequence. Nor do they provide ways to describe the semantics of interfaces, the workflows, or e-business processes. BPEL is the missing link to assemble and integrate web services into a real business process

BPEL4WS standardizes process automation between web services. This applies both within the enterprise, where BPEL4WS is used to integrate previously isolated systems, and between enterprises, where BPEL4WS enables easier and more effective integration with business partners.

In providing a standard descriptive structure BPEL4WS enables enterprises to define their business processes during the design phase. Wider business benefits can flow from this through business process optimization, reengineering, and the selection of most appropriate processes.

Supported by major vendors — including BEA, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, SAP, Sun, and others — BPEL4WS is becoming the accepted standard for business process management.

This book provides detailed coverage of BPEL4WS, its syntax, and where, and how, it is used. It begins with an overview of web services, showing both the foundation of, and need for, BPEL. The web services orchestration stack is explained, including standards such as WS-Security, WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction, WS-Addressing, and others. The BPEL language itself is explained in detail, with Code snippets and complete examples illustrating both its syntax and typical construction. Having covered BPEL itself, the book then goes on to show BPEL is used in context. by providing an overview of major BPEL4WS servers. It covers the Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 in detail, and shows how to write BPEL4WS solutions using these servers. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From the Publisher
The book blends a broad architectural view with the detailed coverage of syntax and practical implementation required for working with BPEL This book covers the BPEL4WS standard and two BPEL4WS servers — the Oracle BPEL4WS Process Manager and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004. It provides comprehensive coverage of the BPEL4WS syntax and shows how to use BPEL4WS by examples. The book prepares for the coverage of the BPEL4WS standard and servers with a chapter on the web services orchestration stack.

This book aimed at technical architects and developers in the technical design phase of advanced e-business solutions dealing with the issues of orchestration, transactions, coordination, and security. The book presumes knowledge of XML and web services (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI), Web services development (either on J2EE or .NET), and Multi-tier architectures. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


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Business process driven SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)是一种将业务流程驱动的方法应用于服务导向架构,以提高组织的业务效率和灵活性。BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)是一种用于描述和可视化业务流程的标准符号和规范,而BPEL(Business Process Execution Language)是一种用于定义和执行业务流程的语言和技术。 通过使用BPMN和BPEL,可以实现业务流程驱动的SOA。首先,使用BPMN可以绘制和描述组织的业务流程,包括各个环节、流程顺序和参与者。BPMN提供了易于理解和可视化的符号,使业务流程能够被更直观地理解和沟通。其次,通过BPEL,可以将BPMN中描述的业务流程转化为计算机可执行的语言和指令。这样,业务流程可以被自动化执行和管理,各个环节的任务和活动可以被自动触发和协调。 这种基于BPMN和BPEL的业务流程驱动的SOA具有几个优点。首先,它提供了一种直观和可视化的方法,使组织能够更好地理解和管理自己的业务流程。这有助于识别和改进业务流程中的瓶颈和问题,提高业务效率和质量。其次,通过自动化和自动执行业务流程,可以减少人力资源的需求,并提高工作的一致性和准确性。第三,通过将业务流程与服务导向架构相结合,可以更好地实现组织内部和组织间的协同和集成,提升组织的灵活性和响应能力。 总之,基于BPMN和BPEL的业务流程驱动的SOA是一种有效的方法,可以帮助组织改进和优化业务流程,提高组织的业务效率和灵活性。


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