The Shawshank Redemption-18

I miss my friend.
  • Andy crawled to freedom(爬向自由) through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness(污物) I can’t even imagine,or maybe I just don’t want to.

  • Five hundred yards. That’s the length of five football fields. Just shy of(差一点) half a mile.

  • The next morning, right about the time Raquel was spilling her little secret, a man nobody ever laid eyes on before strolled into(闲逛进) the Maine National Bank

  • Until that moment, he didn’t exist. Except on paper.

  • May I help you?

  • He had all the proper ID, driver’s license, birth certificate, Social Security card. And the signature was a spot-on match.

  • I must say I’m sorry to be losing your business(丢掉你的生意) .I hope you’ll enjoy living abroad.

  • Here’s your cashier’s check(银行本票), sir. Will there be anything else?

  • Please. Would you add this to your outgoing mail(外发邮件)?

  • I’d be happy to.

  • Mr. Stevens visited nearly a dozen banks in the Portland area that morning.” “All told, he blew town(很快离开小镇) with better than $370,000 of Warden Norton’s money. Severance pay(赔偿金) for 19 years.

  • Good morning, Portland Daily Bugle.

  • Byron Hadley? You have the right to remain silent(保持沉默). If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against(对你不利) you on the court of law(在法庭上).

  • I wasn’t there to see it, but I hear Byron Hadley started sobbing like a little girl when they took him away. Norton had no intention(没打算) of going that quietly.

  • Samuel Norton. We have a warrant for your arrest(逮捕令). Open up(开门). Norton. Open the door.

  • I’m not sure which key it is.

  • Make it easy on yourself(别为难自己)

  • I like to think the last thing that went through(思考) his head,other than that bullet(子弹), was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him(击败他).”

  • Not long after(不久后) the warden deprived us of his company I got a postcard in the mail.“It was blank, but the postmark said Fort Hancock, Texas.” “Fort Hancock right on the border. That’s where Andy crossed. ” When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down(敞篷车), it always makes me laugh.”

  • Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. I swear ,the stuff he pulled.(他所做的事情)

  • Andy Dufresne who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side. Andy Dufresne, headed for the Pacific.

  • Hadley’s got him by the throat(抓住脖子), right? He says, “I believe this boy’s about to have himself an accident.(给自己找麻烦)

  • My friends could use a couple of beers. And he got it! And he got it!

  • Sometimes it makes me sad though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself(提醒自己) that some birds aren’t meant to(定要) be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.

  • And when they fly away the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice(仅为了自己高兴把他锁起来是罪恶). But still, the place you live in is that much more drab(单调) and empty that they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend.

  1. My dad never lets his emotions get the best of him.(我父亲从来不会被情绪左右。)



  1. It’s a bargain. 这真便宜。

名词“bargain”的意思是 “便宜货”,通常指“物美价廉的商品”。

  1. It’s a steal. 这就像白送的一样便宜。


  1. It’s cheap as chips. It’s as cheap as chips. 这(像薯条一样)便宜极了。

英国人把薯条叫做“chips”。表达“cheap as chips”比喻一件商品的价钱和薯条一样“实惠”。

  1. It’s good value for money. 这真是物有所值。

搭配“good value”或“good value for money”表示一件商品价格合算,也就是指这件商品性价比很高。

  1. It’s a snip. 这真便宜呀!

英国人在口语会话中把“便宜货”称作“a snip”,这个词语暗指一件商品的价格比预想的便宜。

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