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原创 3 Packages Comparison: LFC, CSP and QFN
LFC (Low Profile Fine-pitch Chip Carrier), CSP (Chip Scale Package), and QFN (Quad Flat No-leads) are all types of integrated circuit packaging technologies, each with its own characteristics and applications. Here are the key differences between them:LFC
2024-04-04 00:17:46 388 1
原创 Review of CMRR
Input CM variations disturb the bias pionts, alternating the small-signal gain and possibly limiting the output voltage swings. More troublesome is the variation of the diff output as a result of a change in Vin,cm, since the circuit is not fully symmetric
2024-01-18 05:45:58 376 1
原创 拉氏变换应用
由系统函数零、极点分别决定时域特性(一)零、极点分布与波形特征的对应的零、极点:典型情况极点分布与原函数波形对应关系极点位于s平面坐标原点,冲激响应为阶跃函数 极点位于s平面实轴上,冲激响应具有指数形式,正为指数增长,负为指数衰减 虚轴上共轭极点给出等幅振荡 极点落在s平面左平面内共轭极点对应衰减震荡(左平面衰减,共轭极点振荡)多重极点典型情况(一般几重极点就乘上t的几次方)位于s平面坐标原点的二阶或三阶极点分别给出时间函数为t或他(1/2)t^2 实轴上二阶极点给出t与指数函数的
2022-05-11 05:48:41 1790
原创 PSS and PNoise
1. PSS: periodic steady-stateUsing Harmonic balance (in the frequency domain): 1)simulating weak non-linear circuits; 2) handling frequency dependent componentsor shooting (in the time domain): highly non-linear circuits with sharply rising and falling
2022-04-24 12:01:30 3067 1
原创 Jitter
1. Period Jitterfile:///Users/ssong/Downloads/AN10007-Jitter-and-measurement%20(3).pdf1.1 Period jitter is the deviation in cycle time of a clock signal with respect to the ideal period over a number of randomly selected cycles.Period jitter is...
2022-04-20 01:15:03 703
原创 Convolution
概率论中,两个统计独立变量X与Y的和的概率密度函数(PDF) 是X与Y的概率密度函数的卷积。如何通俗易懂地解释卷积? - 知乎卷积,这个堪称神解释 - 知乎
2022-04-13 05:13:37 199
原创 Power consumption (Low power design)
2022-02-20 23:50:22 228
原创 Dennard scaling
Dennard提出,晶体管的尺寸在每一代技术中都缩小了30% (0.7倍),因此它们的面积A减少了50%。这意味着电路减少了30% (0.7倍)的延迟,因此增加了约40% (1.4倍)的工作频率。最后,为了保持电场恒定,电压降低了30%,能量降低了65%,功率降低了50%。因此,在每一代技术中,晶体管密度增加一倍,电路速度提高40%,功耗(晶体管数量增加一倍)保持不变(https://www.ithome.com/0/451/930.htm)。1 Dennard et al. Design of...
2022-02-20 07:59:24 301
原创 Resistor Tempco
TSMCPpoly (Neg tempco)typ: 39.96K ohm-40C: 41.04K ohm, +2.7%125C: 38.84K ohm, -2.8%Rmetal (Pos tempco)typ: 5 ohm-40C: 4.192 ohm, -16.16%125C: 6.222 ohm, +24.44%
2022-02-11 03:23:03 271
原创 Latch-up
Latch up 最易产生在易受外部干扰的I/O电路处, 也偶尔发生在内部电路。1. 原理Latch up 是指cmos晶片中, 在电源power VDD和地线GND(VSS)之间由于寄生的PNP和NPN双极性BJT相互影响而产生的一低阻抗通路, 它的存在会使VDD和GND之间产生大电流。Latch-up发生的条件:(i)当两个BJT都导通,在VDD和GND之间产生低阻抗通路;(ii) 两个晶体管反馈回路(feedback loop)增益的乘积大于1;PNP为一垂直式PNP
2022-01-14 12:50:02 3012
原创 RHP-Zero
2022-01-02 07:36:36 1124
原创 Pole location vs. Tran behavior
https://web.mit.edu/2.14/www/Handouts/PoleZero.pdfThe location of the poles in the s-plane therefore define the n components in the homogeneous response as described below:1. A real pole pi = −σ in the left-half of the s-plane defines an exponentially
2021-12-29 01:58:06 334
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