【转载】C++ primer 读书笔记

《C++ Primer》读书笔记

Chapter 1. Getting Started
int value;
while (std::cin >> value){…}
std::cin >> value先从标准输入中读取一个数保存在value中,输入操作符返回其左操作数。while中条件测试std::cin,即测试流的状态。如果流是有效的,那么测试成功。遇到文件结束符或遇到无效输入时,如读取了一个不是整数的值,则istream对象是无效的。windows下Ctrl-Z来输入文件结束符,unix下Ctrl-D
Charpter 2. 变量和基本类型
2.1.1. 整型
8位的unisinged char,其取值范围从0到255。如果赋值超过这个范围的值,那么编译器将会取该值对256求其模后的值。(336存储到unsigned char中,实际赋值位80,336%256 = 80)
对于unsinged char类型来说,负数总是超出其取值范围。同样取模,所以-1存储到unsinged char中,实际值是255)
一般flaot类型用32位表示,double用64位,long double用三个或四个字(96或128位)来表示。类型的取值范围决定了浮点数所含的有效数字位数。float型只能保证6位有效数字,而double型至少可以保证10位有效数字。
2.2 字符面值
t << “Hi” << st/
std::cout << “Hi” << std::endl;
std::cout << “a multi-line /
string literal /
using a backslash”
                   << std::endl;
2.2.3 定义对象
int val(1024); //直接初始化
int val = 1024;   //复制初始化
extern double pi = 3.1415;   // definition
extern int j = 5;   // ok
int main(){
    extern int j = 5;   // error
    return 0;   

int i; 
void main() { }
int i;
void main() {     i = 100; //试图使用B中定义的全局变量 }
int i;
extern int i;
void main() {     i = 100; //试图使用B中定义的全局变量 }
int i;
2.4 Const常量
      // file_1.cc
      // defines and initializes a const that is accessible to other files
      extern const int bufSize = fcn();
      // file_2.cc
      extern const int bufSize; // uses bufSize from file_1
      // uses bufSize defined in file_1
      for (int index = 0; index != bufSize; ++index)
            // ...
2.5 引用
      int ival = 1024;
      int &refVal = ival; // ok: refVal refers to ival
      int &refVal2;       // error: a reference must be initialized
      int &refVal3 = 10;  // error: initializer must be an object
const int ival = 1024;
const int &refval = ival; // ok
int &ref2 = ival;      // error: non const reference to a const object,因为ref2是非const的引用,可以通过ref2对所引用的对象作修改,因此不合法。
int i = 42;
//  legal for const references only
const int &r = 42;
const int &r2 = r + i;
double dval = 3.14;
const int &ri = dval;
int temp = dval;
const int &ri = temp;
2.7 枚举
enum Points {point2d = 2, point2w, point3d = 3, pont3w};
Points pt3d = point3d;     //ok
Points pt2w =3;          // error
pt2w = polygon;         // error
pt2w = pt3d;            // ok
2.9 编写自己的头文件

Chapter 3. Library Type
string s;
cin >> s;


Chapter 4.Arrays and Pointers
4.1.1 数组的定义和初始化
const unsigned buf_size = 512, max_files = 20;
int staff_size = 27;            // nonconst
const unsigned sz = get_size(); // const value not known until run time
char input_buffer[buf_size];     // ok: const variable
string fileTable[max_files + 1]; // ok: constant expression
double salaries[staff_size];     // error: non const variable
int test_scores[get_size()];     // error: non const expression
int vals[sz];                 // error: size not known until run time
int *p = &ia[2]; // ok: p points to the element indexed by
int j = p[1];     // ok: p[1] equivalent to *(p+1), p[1] is the same element as ia[3]
int k = p[-2];    // ok: p[-2] is the same element as ia[0]
4.2.5 指针和const限定符
typedef string *pstring;
const pstring cstr;   != const string *cstr;
              == string *const cstr; == pstring const cstr;
4.3.  C风格字符串
char ca[] = {‘C’, ‘+’, ‘+’};    // not null-terminated
cout << strlen(ca) << endl;   // disaster: ca isn’t null-terminated
2. 初始化动态分配的数组
string *psa = new string[10];    // array of 10 empty strings
int *pia = new int[10];         // array of 10 uninitialized ints
int *pia2 = new int[10];        // array of 10 initialized ints
3. Const对象的动态数组(实际用处不大)
const int *pci_bad = new const int[100]; // error: uninitialized const array
const int *pci_ok = new const int[100](); // ok: value-initialized const array
const string *pcs = new const string[100]; //ok: array of 100 empty strings
char arr[0];    // error: cannot define zero-length array
char *cp = new char[0]; // ok: but cp can’t be dereferenced
string st2(“Hello World”);
char *str = st2;  // compile-time type error
char *str = st2.c_str(); // almost ok, but not quite
const char *str = st2.c_str()  // ok

Chapter 5.Expressions
short short_value = 32767;
short ival = 1;
// this calculation overflows
short_value += ival;
cout << "short_value: " << short_value << endl;

自然计算 :a-b==c.
    int ival = 42;
     double dval = 3.14;
     ival % 12;   //  ok: returns 6
     ival % dval; //  error: floating point operand
21 % 6;   //  ok: result is 3
     21 % 7;   //  ok: result is 0
     -21 % -8; //  ok: result is -5
     21 % -5;  //  machine-dependent: result is 1 or -4
     21 / 6;   //  ok: result is 3
     21 / 7;   //  ok: result is 3
     -21 / -8; //  ok: result is 2
     21 / -5;  //  machine-dependent: result -4 or -5
// oops! this condition does not determine if the 3 values are unequal
     if (i < j < k) { /* ... */ }
  if (i < j && j < k) { /* ... */ }
==位操作符操作的整数的类型可以是有符号的也可以是无符号的。如果操作数是负数,则位操作如何处理其操作数的符号位依赖于机器。为了移植性,强烈建议用unsigned整型操作数。 ==移位操作的右操作数不能是负数并且严格小于左操作数位数的值。否则,操作的效果未定义。


  bitset<30> bitset_quiz1;     //  bitset solution
     unsigned long int_quiz1 = 0; // simulated collection of bits
bitset_quiz1.set(27);   //  indicate student number 27 passed
     int_quiz1 |= 1UL<<27;   //  indicate student number 27 passed
bitset_quiz1.reset(27);   // student number 27 failed
     int_quiz1 &= ~(1UL<<27);  // student number 27 failed
  bool status;
     status = bitset_quiz1[27];       // how did student number 27 do?
     status = int_quiz1 & (1UL<<27);  // how did student number 27 do?
ival = 0;        // result: type int value 0
      ival = 3.14159;  // result: type int value 3
  int ival; int *pval;
     ival = pval = 0; // error: cannot assign the value of a pointer to an int
     string s1, s2;
     s1 = s2 = "OK";  // ok: "OK" converted to string
int i;
if (i = 2) cout << "haha";  //输出“haha“,将2赋给i,然后检验赋值的结果,此时,2为非零值。
if(I = 0) cout << “haha”;  //不会输出“haha”
    sizeof (type name);
     sizeof (expr);
     sizeof expr;
     Sales_item item, *p;
     // three ways to obtain size required to hold an object of type Sales_item
     sizeof(Sales_item); // size required to hold an object of type Sales_item
     sizeof item; // size of item's type, e.g., sizeof(Sales_item)
     sizeof *p;   // size of type to which p points, e.g., sizeof(Sales_item)
// oops! language does not define order of evaluation
     if (ia[index++] < ia[index])
    if (ia[0] < ia[0]) // execution if rhs is evaluated first
     if (ia[0] < ia[1]) // execution if lhs is evaluated first
  if (ia[index] < ia[index + 1]) {
         // do whatever
int *pi = new int;         // pi points to an uninitialized int
     int *pi = new int();       // pi points to an int value-initialized to 0
     int *ip = 0;     delete ip; // ok: always ok to delete a pointer that is equal to 0
==执行语句delete p;p变成dangling pointer,悬垂指针指向曾经存放对象的内存,但该对象已经不存在了。因此,一旦删除了指针所指的对象,立即将指针置为0,这样就非常清楚地表明指针不再指向任何对象。
    // allocate and initialize a const object
     const int *pci = new const int(1024);

  int ia[10];    // array of 10 ints
  int* ip = ia;  // convert ia to pointer to first element
int i;
     const int ci = 0;
     const int &j = i;   // ok: convert non-const to reference to const int
     const int *p = &ci; // ok: convert address of non-const to address of a const
Chapter 6 Statements
== 对于switch中的case标号必须是整型常量表达式:
   // illegal case label values
     case 3.14:  // noninteger
     case ival:  // nonconstant
case true:
          // error: declaration precedes a case label
          string file_name = get_file_name();
     case false:
          // ...
case true:
             // ok: declaration statement within a statement block
             string file_name = get_file_name();
             // ...
         case false:
             // ...
    const int size = 42;
     int val = 0, ia[size];
     // declare 3 variables local to the for loop:
     // ival is an int, pi a pointer to int, and ri a reference to int
     for (int ival = 0, *pi = ia, &ri = val;
           ival != size;
           ++ival, ++pi, ++ri)
                   // ...
Chapter7. Functions
gcd(3.14, 6.29);      // ok: arguments are converted to int
void reset(int *ip)
         *ip = 0; // changes the value of the object to which ip points
         ip = 0;   // changes only the local value of ip; the argument is unchanged
If we want to prevent changes to the value to which the pointer points, then the parameter should be defined as a pointer to const:
     void use_ptr(const int *p)
          // use_ptr may read but not write to *p
此时,既可以将int*也可以用const int*类型的实参调用use_ptr函数。仅能用int*的实参传递给reset函数。(可以将指向const对象的指针初始化为指向非const对象,但不可以让指向非const对象的指针指向const对象)
    void fcn(const int i) { /* fcn can read but not write to i */ }
     void fcn(int i) { /* ... */ }            // error: redefines fcn(int)
// function takes a non-const reference parameter
     int incr(int &val)
         return ++val;
     int main()
         short v1 = 0;
         const int v2 = 42;
         int v3 = incr(v1);   // error: v1 is not an int
         v3 = incr(v2);       // error: v2 is const
         v3 = incr(0);        // error: literals are not lvalues
         v3 = incr(v1 + v2);  // error: addition doesn't yield an lvalue
         int v4 = incr(v3);   // ok: v3 is a non const object type int
== Reference parameters that are not changed should be references to const. Plain, nonconst reference parameters are less flexible. Such parameters may not be initialized by const objects, or by arguments that are literals or expressions that yield rvalues.
    // returns index of first occurrence of c in s or s.size() if c isn't in s
     // Note: s doesn't change, so it should be a reference to const
     string::size_type find_char(string &s, char c)
         string::size_type i = 0;
         while (i != s.size() && s[i] != c)
             ++i;                   // not found, look at next character
         return i;
     if (find_char("Hello World", 'o')) // ...编译失败
     bool is_sentence (const string &s)
          // if there's a period and it's the last character in s
          // then s is a sentence
          return (find_char(s, '.') == s.size() - 1);// 编译错误
// ok: parameter is a reference to an array; size of array is fixed
     void printValues(int (&arr)[10]) { /* ... */ }   //两边的圆括号是必须的。
     int main()
         int i = 0, j[2] = {0, 1};
         int k[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
         printValues(&i); // error: argument is not an array of 10 ints
         printValues(j);  // error: argument is not an array of 10 ints
         printValues(k);  // ok: argument is an array of 10 ints
         return 0;
// first parameter is an array whose elements are arrays of 10 ints
     void printValues(int matrix[][10], int rowSize);
     // first parameter is an array whose elements are arrays of 10 ints
     void printValues(int (matrix*)[10], int rowSize); //注意圆括号

==const成员函数改变了隐含的this形参(this本身是const类型)的类型,隐含的this形参将是一个指向对象的const Type* 类型的指针。//哈哈,原来const成员函数中的const是为了调用成员函数的对象本身加const
 // pseudo-code illustration of how the implicit this pointer is used
     // This code is illegal: We may not explicitly define the this pointer ourselves
     // Note that this is a pointer to const because same_isbn is a const member
     bool Sales_item::same_isbn(const Sales_item *const this,
                               const Sales_item &rhs) const
     { return (this->isbn == rhs.isbn); }
// each pair declares the same function
     Record lookup(const Account &acct);
     Record lookup(const Account&); // parameter names are ignored
     typedef Phone Telno;
     Record lookup(const Phone&);
     Record lookup(const Telno&); // Telno and Phone are the same type
     Record lookup(const Phone&, const Name&);
     // default argument doesn't change the number of parameters
     Record lookup(const Phone&, const Name& = "");
     // const is irrelevent for nonreference parameters
     Record lookup(Phone);
     Record lookup(const Phone); // redeclaration
const int a = 5;
int b = 3;
void f(const int i){  cout << i << endl; }
void m(int i){ cout << i << endl; }
int main(){
   f(a);   //ok
   f(b);   //ok
   m(a);  //ok
   m(b);  //ok
   return 0;   
void ff(int);
     void ff(short);
     ff('a');    // char promotes to int, so matches f(int)
extern void manip(long);
     extern void manip(float);
     manip(3.14);  // error: ambiguous call
    Record lookup(Account&);
     Record lookup(const Account&); // new function
     const Account a(0);
     Account b;
     lookup(a);   // calls lookup(const Account&)
     lookup(b);   // calls lookup(Account&)
     f(int *);    
     f(int *const); // redeclaration
    void print(const string &);
     void print(double);   // overloads the print function
     void fooBar(int ival)
         void print(int);   // new scope: hides previous instances of print
         print("Value: ");  // error: print(const string &) is hidden
         print(ival); // ok: print(int) is visible
         print(3.14); // ok: calls print(int); print(double) is hidden
 void useBigger(const string &, const string &,
                    bool(const string &, const string &));
     // equivalent declaration: explicitly define the parameter as a pointer to function
     void useBigger(const string &, const string &,
                    bool (*)(const string &, const string &));
     int (*ff(int))(int*, int);
// PF is a pointer to a function returning an int, taking an int* and an int
     typedef int (*PF)(int*, int);
     PF ff(int);  // ff returns a pointer to function
// func is a function type, not a pointer to function!
     typedef int func(int*, int);
     void f1(func); // ok: f1 has a parameter of function type
     func f2(int);  // error: f2 has a return type of function type
     func *f3(int); // ok: f3 returns a pointer to function type
 Chapter8.The IO Library
Iostream                                   istream reads from a stream
                                         ostream writes to a stream
                                     iostream reads and writes a stream; derived from istream and ostream,
fstream                              ifstream, reads from a file; derived from istream
                                    ofstream writes to a file; derived from ostream
                                    fstream, reads and writes a file; derived from iostream
sstream                             istringstream reads from a string; derived from istream
                                   ostringstream writes to a string; derived from ostream
                                   stringstream reads and writes a string; derived from iostream
    ofstream out1, out2;
    out1 = out2;   // error: cannot assign stream objects
    // print function: parameter is copied
    ofstream print(ofstream);
out2 = print(out2);  // error: cannot copy stream objects
ofstream &print(ofstream&);              // ok: takes a reference, no copy
    while (print(out2)) { /* ... */ } // ok: pass reference to out2
          if (cin)
               // ok to use cin, it is in a valid state
          while (cin >> word)
               // ok: read operation successful ...
cout << "hi!" << flush;      // flushes the buffer; adds no data
    cout << "hi!" << ends;       // inserts a null, then flushes the buffer
    cout << "hi!" << endl;       // inserts a newline, then flushes the buffer
cout << unitbuf << "first" << " second" << nounitbuf;
    cout << "first" << flush << " second" << flush;
==当输入流与输出流绑在一起时,任何读输入流的尝试都将首先刷新其输出流关联的缓冲区。cin >> ival;将导致cout关联的缓冲区被刷新。
●// construct an ifstream and bind it to the file named ifile
    ifstream infile(ifile.c_str());
    // ofstream output file object to write file named ofile
ofstream outfile(ofile.c_str());
●ifstream infile;    // unbound input file stream
ofstream outfile;   // unbound output file stream
infile.open("in");   // open file named "in" in the current directory   
outfile.open("out"); // open file named "out" in the current directory
   // check that the open succeeded
    if (!infile) {
        cerr << "error: unable to open input file: "
             << ifile << endl;
        return -1;
  ifstream infile("in");      // opens file named "in" for reading
     infile.close();             // closes "in"
infile.open("next");        // opens file named "next" for reading

ifstream input;
    vector<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
    //   for each file in the vector
    while (it != files.end()) {
        input.open(it->c_str());  // open the file
        // if the file is ok, read and "process" the input
        if (!input)
            break;                    // error: bail out!
        while(input >> s) // do the work on this file
        input.close();        // close file when we're done with it
        input.clear();        // reset state to ok
        ++it;                 // increment iterator to get next file
== stringstream的特定操作:
stringstream strm;
 Creates an unbound stringstream.
stringstream strm(s);
 Creates a stringstream that holds a copy of the string s.
 Returns a copy of the string that strm holds.
 Copies the string s into strm. Returns void.
string line, word;      // will hold a line and word from input, respectively
    while (getline(cin, line))   {            // read a line from the input into line
       // do per-line processing
       istringstream stream(line);            // bind to stream to the line we read
       while (stream >> word){          // read a word from line
           // do per-word processing
int val1 = 512, val2 = 1024;
    ostringstream format_message;
    // ok: converts values to a string representation
    format_message << "val1: " << val1 << "/n"
                   << "val2: " << val2 << "/n";
其内容为:val1: 512/nval2: 1024
// str member obtains the string associated with a stringstream
   istringstream input_istring(format_message.str());
   string dump; // place to dump the labels from the formatted message
   // extracts the stored ascii values, converting back to arithmetic types
   input_istring >> dump >> val1 >> dump >> val2;
   cout << val1 << " " << val2 << endl;  // prints 512 1024
Chapter 9.Sequential Containers
C<T> c;----------------------------------------Create an empty container named c. C is a container name, such as vector,
                                  and T is the element type, such as int or string. Valid for all containers.

C c(c2);--------------------------------------------Create c as a copy of container c2; c and c2 must be the same container
                                     type and hold values of the same type. Valid for all containers.
C c(b, e); -----------------------------------Create c with a copy of the elements from the range denoted by iterators b and e.
                                                     Valid for all containers.
C c(n, t);-----------------------------------------Create c with n elements, each with value t, which must be a value of the
                               element type of C or a type convertible to that type.Sequential containers only.

C c(n);   ------------------------------------------------------------Create c with n value-initialized elements.
                                                       Sequential containers only.
      // initialize slist with copy of each element of svec
     list<string> slist(svec.begin(), svec.end());
     // find midpoint in the vector
     vector<string>::iterator mid = svec.begin() + svec.size()/2;
     // initialize front with first half of svec: The elements up to but not including *mid
     deque<string> front(svec.begin(), mid);
     // initialize back with second half of svec: The elements *mid through end of svec
     deque<string> back(mid, svec.end());
     char *words[] = {"stately", "plump", "buck", "mulligan"};
     // calculate how many elements in words
     size_t words_size = sizeof(words)/sizeof(char *);
     // use entire array to initialize words2
     list<string> words2(words, words + words_size);
==只有vector和deque容器的跌代器,支持算术运算(加和减)、关系运算(<=, <…)。
     vector<int>::iterator iter = vec.begin() + vec.size()/2;
     // copy elements from vec into ilist
     list<int> ilist(vec.begin(), vec.end());
     ilist.begin() + ilist.size()/2; // error: no addition on list iterators
   vector<int>::iterator first = v.begin(), last = v.end(); // cache end iterator
     // diaster: behavior of this loop is undefined
     while (first != last) {
         // do some processing
         // insert new value and reassign first, which otherwise would be invalid
         first = v.insert(first, 42);
         ++first;  // advance first just past the element we added
     // safer: recalculate end on each trip whenever the loop adds/erases elements
     while (first != v.end()) {
         // do some processing
         first = v.insert(first, 42); // insert new value
         ++first; // advance first just past the element we added
     c1 = c2; // replace contents of c1 with a copy of elements in c2    
     // equivalent operation using erase and insert    
     c1.erase(c1.begin(), c1.end()); // delete all elements in c1    
     c1.insert(c1.begin(), c2.begin(), c2.end()); // insert c2
     // empty stack implemented on top of vector    
        stack< string, vector<string> > str_stk;     
     // str_stk2 is implemented on top of vector and holds a copy of svec    
       stack<string, vector<string> > str_stk2(svec);
Chapter 10.Associative Containers
     typedef pair<string, string> Author;    
     Author proust("Marcel", "Proust");    
     Author joyce("James", "Joyce");
     // count number of times each word occurs in the input    
      map<string, int> word_count; // empty map from string to int
// get an iterator to an element in word_count
     map<string, int>::iterator map_it = word_count.begin();
     // *map_it is a reference to a pair<const string, int> object
     cout << map_it->first;                  // prints the key for this element
     cout << " " << map_it->second;          // prints the value of the element
     map_it->first = "new key";              // error: key is const
     ++map_it->second;     // ok: we can change value through an iterator
    map <string, int> word_count; // empty map
     // insert default initialzed element with key Anna; then assign 1 to its value
     word_count["Anna"] = 1;
     cout << word_count["Anna"]; // fetch element indexed by Anna; prints 1
     ++word_count["Anna"];       // fetch the element and add one to it
     cout << word_count["Anna"]; // fetch the element and print it; prints 2
// set_it refers to the element with key == 1
     set<int>::iterator set_it = iset.find(1);
     *set_it = 11;               // error: keys in a set are read-only
     cout << *set_it << endl;    // ok: can read the key
1. 列出程序所涉及的操作
2. 建立所需要的数据结构
3. 实现这些行为
Chapter 11.Generic Algorithms
    vector<int> vec; // empty vector
     // disaster: attempts to write to 10 (nonexistent) elements in vec
     fill_n(vec.begin(), 10, 0);
     vector<int> vec; // empty vector
     // ok: back_inserter creates an insert iterator that adds elements to vec
     fill_n (back_inserter(vec), 10, 0); // appends 10 elements to vec
     vector<int> ivec; // empty vector
     // copy elements from ilst into ivec
     copy (ilst.begin(), ilst.end(), back_inserter(ivec));
     // replace any element with value of 0 by 42
     replace(ilst.begin(), ilst.end(), 0, 42);
      // create empty vector to hold the replacement
     vector<int> ivec;
     // use back_inserter to grow destination as needed
     replace_copy (ilst.begin(), ilst.end(),
                  back_inserter(ivec), 0, 42);
   // sort words alphabetically so we can find the duplicates
     sort(words.begin(), words.end());
     /* eliminate duplicate words:
      * unique reorders words so that each word appears once in the
      *    front portion of words and returns an iterator one past the unique range;
      * erase uses a vector operation to remove the nonunique elements
     vector<string>::iterator end_unique =
                    unique(words.begin(), words.end());
     words.erase(end_unique, words.end());
   istream_iterator<int> in_iter(cin); // read ints from cin
     istream_iterator<int> eof; // istream "end" iterator
     // read until end of file, storing what was read in vec
     while (in_iter != eof)
             // increment advances the stream to the next value
             // dereference reads next value from the istream
     istream_iterator<int> in_iter(cin); // read ints from cin
     istream_iterator<int> eof;      // istream "end" iterator
     vector<int> vec(in_iter, eof);  // construct vec from an iterator range
// write one string per line to the standard output
     ostream_iterator<string> out_iter(cout, "/n");
     // read strings from standard input and the end iterator
     istream_iterator<string> in_iter(cin), eof;
     // read until eof and write what was read to the standard output
     while (in_iter != eof)
         // write value of in_iter to standard output
         // and then increment the iterator to get the next value from cin
        *out_iter++ = *in_iter++;
Input iterator (istream_iterator)                  Read, but not write; increment only
Output iterator (ostream_iterator)                Write, but not read; increment only
Forward iterator                              Read and write; increment only
Bidirectional iterator (map,set,list)               Read and write; increment and decrement
Random access iterator(string, vector,deque)       Read and write; full iterator arithmetic
    alg (beg, end, other parms);
     alg (beg, end, dest, other parms);//算法假定无论需要写入多少元素都是安全,如使用插入跌代器或者ostream_iterator
     alg (beg, end, beg2, other parms); //假定以beg2开始的范围至少与beg和end指定的范围一样大
     alg (beg, end, beg2, end2, other parms);
Chapter 12.Classes
    Screen myScreen;
     // this code fails if display is a const member function
     // display return a const reference; we cannot call set on a const
class Screen {
         typedef std::string::size_type index;
         index get_cursor() const;
     inline Screen::index Screen::get_cursor() const
         return cursor;
==构造函数分两个阶段执行:1.初始化阶段;2.普通的计算阶段。计算阶段由构造函数函数体内的所有语句组成。 不管成员是否在构造函数初始化列表中显式初始化,类类型的数据成员总是在初始化阶段初始化(作隐式的初始化)。 因为内置类型的成员不进行隐式初始化,所以对这些成员是进行初始化还是赋值是无关紧要的。 除了两个例外(const或引用类型成员),对非类类型的数据成员进行赋值或使用初始化式在结果和性能上都是等价的。因为可以初始化const对象或引用类型的对象,但不能对他们赋值。在开始执行构造函数的函数体之前,要完成初始化。 必须对任何const或引用类型成员以及没有默认构造函数的类类型的任何成员使用初始化式。(因为类类型的数据成员总是在初始化阶段初始化。)
Sales_item(const std::string &book):
               isbn(book), units_sold(0), revenue(0.0) { }
     Sales_item(): units_sold(0), revenue(0.0) { }
  class Account {
         // interface functions here
         void applyint() { amount += amount * interestRate; }
         static double rate() { return interestRate; }
         static void rate(double); // sets a new rate
         std::string owner;
         double amount;
         static double interestRate;
         static double initRate();
  // define and initialize static class member
     double Account::interestRate = initRate(); //等同于:而不用管是否是private的double Account::interestRate = Account::initRate();
==只要初始化是一个常量表达式,整型const static数据成员就可以在类的定义体中进行初始化
class Account {
         static double rate() { return interestRate; }
         static void rate(double);  // sets a new rate
         static const int period = 30; // interest posted every 30 days
         double daily_tbl[period]; // ok: period is constant expression
注意:When a const static data member is initialized in the class body, the data member must still be defined outside the class definition    
// definition of static member with no initializer;
     // the initial value is specified inside the class definition
     const int Account::period; //此时已不必再指定初始值
class Bar {
         // ...
         static Bar mem1; // ok
         Bar *mem2;       // ok
         Bar mem3;        // error
class Screen {
         // bkground refers to the static member
         // declared later in the class definition
         Screen& clear(char = bkground);
         static const char bkground = '#';
Chapter 13.Copy Control
// default string constructor and five string copy constructors invoked
     vector<string> svec(5);
Chapter 14.Overloaded Operations and Convertions
// general skeleton of the overloaded output operator
     ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const ClassType &object)
         // any special logic to prepare object
         // actual output of members
         os << // ...
         // return ostream object
         return os;
  istream& operator>>(istream& in, Sales_item& s)
         double price;
         in >> s.isbn >> s.units_sold >> price;
         // check that the inputs succeeded
         if (in)
            s.revenue = s.units_sold * price;
            s = Sales_item(); // input failed: reset object to default state
         return in;
// prefix: return reference to incremented/decremented object
     CheckedPtr& CheckedPtr::operator++()
         if (curr == end)
             throw out_of_range
                   ("increment past the end of CheckedPtr");
         ++curr;                // advance current state
         return *this;
     // postfix: increment/decrement object but return unchanged value
     CheckedPtr CheckedPtr::operator++(int)
         // no check needed here, the call to prefix increment will do the check
         CheckedPtr ret(*this);        // save current value
         ++*this;                      // advance one element, checking the increment
         return ret;                   // return saved state
struct absInt {
         int operator() (int val) { //函数调用操作符
             return val < 0 ? -val : val;
(bind1st,bind2nd) count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind2nd(less_equal<int>(), 10));
count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), not1(bind2nd(less_equal<int>(), 10)));
operator type() const;
==SmallInt si; //存在对si进行int型和double型的转换操作
void extended_compute(long double);
extended_compute(si); // error:ambiguous. //因为对si的转换操作可以使用任一转换函数,但其后跟上一个标准转换来获得long double。(int 转换为long double,double转换为long double都可以)
Chapter 15.Object-Oriented Programming
   void Bulk_item::memfcn(const Bulk_item &d, const Item_base &b)
         // attempt to use protected member
         double ret = price;   // ok: uses this->price
         ret = d.price; // ok: uses price from a Bulk_item object
         ret = b.price; // error: no access to price from an Item_base

==虚函数中的默认实参是在编译时确定的,所以在一个调用省略了具有默认值的实参,则所有值由调用该函数的静态类型决定,与对象的动态类型无关。 ==接口继承与实现继承:public派生类继承基类的接口,它具有与基类相同的接口。使用private或protected派生的类不继承基类的接口,相反,这些派生通常被称为实现继承。派生类在实现中使用被继承类但继承基类的部分并未成为其接口的一部分。
  class Base {
         std::size_t size() const { return n; }
         std::size_t n;
     class Derived : private Base { . . . };
     class Derived : private Base {
        // maintain access levels for members related to the size of the object
        using Base::size;
         using Base::n;
         // ...
struct Base {
         static void statmem(); // public by default
     struct Derived : Base {
         void f(const Derived&);
     void Derived::f(const Derived &derived_obj)
        Base::statmem();      // ok: Base defines statmem
        Derived::statmem();   // ok: Derived in herits statmem
        // ok: derived objects can be used to access static from base
        derived_obj.statmem();     // accessed through Derived object
        statmem();                 // accessed through this class

  class Base { /* ... */ };
     class Derived: public Base {
         // Base::Base(const Base&) not invoked automatically
         Derived(const Derived& d):
              Base(d) /* other member initialization */ { /*... */ }
  // probably incorrect definition of the Derived copy constructor
     Derived(const Derived& d) /* derived member initizations */
                                   {/* ... */ }
// Base::operator=(const Base&) not invoked automatically
     Derived &Derived::operator=(const Derived &rhs)
        if (this != &rhs) {
            Base::operator=(rhs); // assigns the base part
            // do whatever needed to clean up the old value in the derived part
            // assign the members from the derived
        return *this;
class Disc_item : public Item_base {
         std::pair<size_t, double> discount_policy() const
             { return std::make_pair(quantity, discount); }
         // other members as before
     Bulk_item bulk;
     Bulk_item *bulkP = &bulk;  // ok: static and dynamic types are the same
     Item_base *itemP = &bulk;  // ok: static and dynamic types differ
     bulkP->discount_policy();  // ok: bulkP has type Bulk_item*
     itemP->discount_policy();  // error: itemP has type Item_base*//discount_policy在基类中没有定义






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