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Are you looking for methods to train adults with functional illiteracy? While the result of teaching illiterate adults differs from literate adults, understanding their individual situations and how they differ from one person to another helps when tackling learning difficulties with illiterate adults. Functional illiteracy is assumed to originate from cognitive or linguistic disorders, or is associated with sociocultural disadvantages, but it is neither an issue with psychological nor mental disorders. Adults who are functionally illiterate, have typically had 6-8 years of adequate schooling, have native-like oral language abilities without major difficulty, and an IQ of 70 or greater. On the other hand, they tend to have difficulty engaging in activities where literacy skills are required for effective functioning within their group and community (Réka et al., 2016).Many community-based organizations offer resources and support for these adults, but the overall functional literacy rate has still not improved significantly. Adults tend to dwell on the past and worry about the future, causing their personal attitudes towards learning and the stigma surrounding illiteracy to cause poor retention in adult learning programs. Consequently, illiterate adults face more obstacles while transferring acquired skills from the classroom to real life situations (Munteanu et al., 2014, p. 1455).

No age limit to learning
Some believe that adult learners cannot be taught new things, but this is not the case and the process of helping adult learners develop their literacy skills can be a rewarding experience for teachers as well. Before starting to teach adults with basic literacy skills, teachers must remind themselves that all humans can be innately good learners regardless of age as we are naturally inquisitive and eager to grasp new skills. Older adults can sometimes have a harder time learning new things, but it is not because of their age and is because they make the decision to stop learning without even realizing it (Department for Education, 2018, September). In fact, older learners are often easier to teach than their younger counterparts specifically because they better understand the benefits that come from learning. Once older adults decide to learn, they are not as easily distracted as younger students, including by negative information, and are able to focus for longer periods of time. This ability to concentrate can assist these older adults in learning basic literacy skills and routines more easily (University of Southern California, 2019, August 12).

Assessing our adult learners
Adult learning is not a purely mental activity, because unlike high-school students, adult learners have many factors when making the decision to start their education. Before taking the initiatives to learn, they must assess the dynamics between the benefits and costs of restarting their education. Throughout this contemplation, they consider their purpose to learn, relevance to learn, and the time it will take to connect to their prior experiences. Once adults make the final decision to learn, they put in a great amount of effort and effective co-ordination to succeed (Department for Education, 2018, September, pp.77-82).

Unfortunately learning materials aren’t developed with illiterate adults in mind, so it is important for trainers to understand the social, cultural, and historical context of illiterate adults. Knowledge of the student’s life circumstances will help trainers better arrange an effective learning environment with their difficulties in mind. To maximize the experiences for a class of adult learners with different experiences and backgrounds, trainers need to be aware of the pace and capabilities of each learner as they may vary based on their individual readiness, needs, and abilities to learn (Knowles & Swanson, 2015, pp.188-200). Therefore, before starting and ending each session, trainers should collect feedback from learners to gauge their needs. This will help trainers further plan their learning activities and increase the learners’ motivation, especially for adults learning with functional illiteracy.

Recognizing different challenges
Both old and young adults make eager learners, and while learning techniques are the same regardless of an adult’s age, some adjustments may be required between the two demographics. Trainers must be aware of the differing challenges each adult faces in the education. For example, younger adult learners are energetic enough to perform physically demanding work for extended periods of time. Lifting and transferring for 30 minutes? No problem! But older adult learners with bad joints may not be able to withstand the rigors of such a strenuous training process. Other health issues, while minor, like mild vision impairment or hearing difficulties, can also make it more difficult for older learners to comprehend and follow the instructions. Along with this, adult learners may have personal issues, including feeling lonely or socially disconnected from their family and society (Department for Education, 2018, September, pp.1-11). In this case, it is important for teachers to listen if they are willing to share. Trainers can also develop the class into a support system for one another and connect them to new and interesting things.

Facilitating learning with assistive technology
Currently, assistive technology has been playing an important role in helping functionally illiterate adults use technology with the same results as literate adults. Using technological learning and functional supports to facilitate the needs of functionally illiterate adults, a study from Munteanu et al. examined the effectiveness of the personal mobile device ALEX ©that sports a series of language and workplace support tools. With this assistive technology, the roles of trainers also include organizing and providing such resources and support to learners. With assistive technology, learners have better control of their learning process, increasing their motivation and interest to learn (2014, p.1467). Technology like ALEX © is a valuable tool in facilitating adult learners to work independently and more confidently on their literacy skills. However, such technology shouldn’t be the only solution and is not a replacement for individualized learning support. An effective learning strategy should never make learners feel isolated, thus applying high-tech learning devices should only account for one part of an overall strategy.

The learning process among illiterate adults is non-linear. Learning with functional illiteracy is similar to navigating in a city without a GPS system – learners may become a little lost or confused, occasionally run a red light or stop sign, or even accidently drive the wrong way down a one way street. This is because learning is not simply adding one piece of knowledge to another, and functionally illiterate adults must overcome additional challenges and roadblocks that literate adults do not. Throughout the learning process, they can benefit from trainers assisting them in using what they already known in the new unknown learning environment. With adequate and appropriate practice, illiterate adult learners can gradually optimize their learning and increase skills over time.

Teaching and learning can be fun for trainers and the adult learners, no matter what the respective ages are. Throughout the learning process, time shared will deepen the bond older learners already have with their trainers and the closer the bond, the better time they will have in learning novel activities. Once learners are guided by trainers with sensitivity and a willingness to listen, students can begin to relish their moments of learning. Subsequently, this can cultivate a relationship with education that can ignite a lifetime love for learning(Knowles & Swanson, 2015, pp.221-229).Finally, learning provides mental stimulation for older adults who may be suffering from mental health challenges by keeping their brain active and sharp. Continued learning is always an effective strategy for a meaningful and positive aging experience (Istance, D.,2019,p.11)

References 文献
Department for Education (2018, September). Decisions of adult learners. Kantar Public and Learning and Work Institute. Retrieved from:


Istance, D. (2019, March). Senior’s learning. European journal of education, (54)1, 9-12. doi:10.1111/ejed.12317

Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2015). The Adult Learner. The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (8th ed.). Oxon: Routlege.

Munteanu, C., Molyneaux, H., Maitland, J., McDonald, D., Leung, R., Fournier, H., 7 Lumsden, J. (2014). Hidden in plain sight: low-literacy adults in a developed country overcoming social and educational challenges through mobile learning support tools. Pers UbiquitComput, 18, 1455–1469. doi: 10.1007/s00779-013-0748-x.

Réka, V., Andra, C., Thomas, D., Josef, S., & Hans-Christophh, N. (2016). A review about functional illiteracy: Definition, Cognitive, Linguistic, and numerical aspects. Frontier in Psychology,7, 1617. doi: 10.3389/gpsyg.2016.01617.

University of Southern California. (2019, August 12). Study finds older adults less distracted by negative information: The way our attention is distracted by emotion differs between younger and older adults. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190812130909.htm

Beatrice,香港出生。年少只身去美国学习,美国东伊利诺大学(Eastern Illinois Univeristy)老龄化研究文学硕士。在上海经营过自己设计的服装品牌20年。如今转行从事有关养老培训行业(目标是开办自己品牌的老年日托中心,解决老父母不高兴进养老院,儿女白天上班没有时间照顾的难题)。把国外有关照顾老人痴呆的知识和技术引进国内。非常敬业和有爱心,有持续学习力和创新进取精神。





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