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转载 UVALive 7267

Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University is located on a beautiful site near the West Gate of Peking University campus, and its architecture takes the inspiration from buildi...

2016-08-08 08:57:00 129

转载 CodeForces 703B

Little Mishka is a great traveller and she visited many countries. After thinking about where to travel this time, she chose XXX— beautiful, but little-known northern country. Her...

2016-08-05 20:53:00 91

转载 HDU 3232

You live in a village but work in another village. You decided to follow the straight path between your house (A) and the working place (B), but there are several rivers you need to cross. Assum...

2016-08-05 18:32:00 102

转载 HDU 3233

Jiajia downloads a lot, a lot more than you can even imagine. Some say that he starts downloading up to 20,000 files together. If 20,000 files try to share a limited bandwidth then it will be a ...

2016-08-05 17:23:00 235

转载 HDU 4588

One day, Implus gets interested in binary addition and binary carry. He will transfer all decimal digits to binary digits to make the addition. Not as clever as Gauss, to make the addition from a...

2016-07-28 21:52:00 119

转载 HDU 4586

There is a dice with n sides, which are numbered from 1,2,...,n and have the equal possibility to show up when one rolls a dice. Each side has an integer ai on it. Now here is a game that you can...

2016-07-27 20:33:00 59

转载 HDU 3368

Reversi, also called Othello, is a two-sided game. Each of the two sides corresponds to one player; they are referred to here as light and dark after the sides of Othello pieces, but "heads"...

2016-07-27 11:11:00 83

转载 HDU 3361

水题 Since all we know the ASCII code, your job is simple: input numbers and output corresponding messages. Input The first line contains one integer T (1<=T<=1000). The input will...

2016-07-26 17:59:00 91

转载 HDU 3363

Ice-sugar gourd, “bing tang hu lu”, is a popular snack in Beijing of China. It is made of some fruits threaded by a stick. The complicated feeling will be like a both sour and sweet ice when you...

2016-07-26 17:55:00 80



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