



Dropout: Dropout is a radically different technique for regularization. Unlike L1 and L2 regularization, dropout doesn't rely on modifying the cost function. Instead, in dropout we modify the network itself. Let me describe the basic mechanics of how dropout works, before getting into why it works, and what the results are.

Suppose we're trying to train a network:


Dropout 技术:Dropout是一个同正则化完全不同的技术,与L1和L2范式正则化不同。dropout并不会修改代价函数而是修改深度网络本身。在我描述dropout的工作机制和dropout导致何种结果前,让我们假设我们正在训练如下一个网络。





In particular, suppose we have a training input xx and corresponding desired output yy. Ordinarily, we'd train by forward-propagating xxthrough the network, and then backpropagating to determine the contribution to the gradient. With dropout, this process is modified. We start by randomly (and temporarily) deleting half the hidden neurons in the network, while leaving the input and output neurons untouched. After doing this, we'll end up with a network along the following lines. Note that the dropout neurons, i.e., the neurons which have been temporarily deleted, are still ghosted in:







We forward-propagate the input xx through the modified network, and then backpropagate the result, also through the modified network. After doing this over a mini-batch of examples, we update the appropriate weights and biases. We then repeat the process, first restoring the dropout neurons, then choosing a new random subset of hidden neurons to delete, estimating the gradient for a different mini-batch, and updating the weights and biases in the network.






By repeating this process over and over, our network will learn a set of weights and biases. Of course, those weights and biases will have been learnt under conditions in which half the hidden neurons were dropped out. When we actually run the full network that means that twice as many hidden neurons will be active. To compensate for that, we halve the weights outgoing from the hidden neurons.


通过不断的重复处理。我们的网络将会学到一系列的权重和偏置参数。当然这些参数是在一半的隐层神经元被dropped out(临时删除的)情况下学习到的。当我们真正的运行整个神经网络的时候意味着两倍多的隐层神经元将被激活。为了抵消此影响。我将从隐层的权重输出减半。


This dropout procedure may seem strange and ad hoc. Why would we expect it to help with regularization? To explain what's going on, I'd like you to briefly stop thinking about dropout, and instead imagine training neural networks in the standard way (no dropout). In particular, imagine we train several different neural networks, all using the same training data. Of course, the networks may not start out identical, and as a result after training they may sometimes give different results. When that happens we could use some kind of averaging or voting scheme to decide which output to accept. For instance, if we have trained five networks, and three of them are classifying a digit as a "3", then it probably really is a "3". The other two networks are probably just making a mistake. This kind of averaging scheme is often found to be a powerful (though expensive) way of reducing overfitting. The reason is that the different networks may overfit in different ways, and averaging may help eliminate that kind of overfitting.




What's this got to do with dropout? Heuristically, when we dropout different sets of neurons, it's rather like we're training different neural networks. And so the dropout procedure is like averaging the effects of a very large number of different networks. The different networks will overfit in different ways, and so, hopefully, the net effect of dropout will be to reduce overfitting.




A related heuristic explanation for dropout is given in one of the earliest papers to use the technique(**ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey Hinton (2012).): "This technique reduces complex co-adaptations of neurons, since a neuron cannot rely on the presence of particular other neurons. It is, therefore, forced to learn more robust features that are useful in conjunction with many different random subsets of the other neurons." In other words, if we think of our network as a model which is making predictions, then we can think of dropout as a way of making sure that the model is robust to the loss of any individual piece of evidence. In this, it's somewhat similar to L1 and L2 regularization, which tend to reduce weights, and thus make the network more robust to losing any individual connection in the network.


一个相关的早期使用这种技术的论文((**ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey Hinton (2012).))中启发性的dropout解释是:这种技术减少了神经元之间复杂的共适性。因为一个神经元不能依赖其他特定的神经元。因此,不得不去学习随机子集神经元间的鲁棒性的有用连接。换句话说。想象我们的神经元作为要给预测的模型,dropout是一种方式可以确保我们的模型在丢失一个个体线索的情况下保持健壮的模型。在这种情况下,可以说他的作用和L1和L2范式正则化是相同的。都是来减少权重连接,然后增加网络模型在缺失个体连接信息情况下的鲁棒性。


Of course, the true measure of dropout is that it has been very successful in improving the performance of neural networks. The original paper(**Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors by Geoffrey Hinton, Nitish Srivastava, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2012). Note that the paper discusses a number of subtleties that I have glossed over in this brief introduction.) introducing the technique applied it to many different tasks. For us, it's of particular interest that they applied dropout to MNIST digit classification, using a vanilla feedforward neural network along lines similar to those we've been considering. The paper noted that the best result anyone had achieved up to that point using such an architecture was 98.498.4 percent classification accuracy on the test set. They improved that to 98.798.7 percent accuracy using a combination of dropout and a modified form of L2 regularization. Similarly impressive results have been obtained for many other tasks, including problems in image and speech recognition, and natural language processing. Dropout has been especially useful in training large, deep networks, where the problem of overfitting is often acute.









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