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原创 第十三届蓝桥杯省赛B组C/C++题解


2022-04-09 18:35:11 1598 3

原创 2019CCPC哈尔滨站题解(F、I、J、K)

2019CCPC哈尔滨站题解(F、I、J、K)F - Fixing BannersI - Interesting PermutationJ - Justifying the ConjectureK - Keeping Rabbits

2021-11-25 11:50:23 2978 1

原创 atcoder:arc129(a,b,c),abc228(a,b,c)题解


2021-11-23 20:05:05 672 1

原创 10月8日训练总结

A有一个人买东西付钱只用一元钱和二元钱, 现在他要付 n nn 元, 他使用一元钱的数量和二元钱数量的差值要最小, 问他付 n nn 元使用了多少一元钱和二元钱?每份都使用的 n / 3 n / 3n/3 ,最后只要判断一下剩下的钱是0 , 1 , 2 0, 1, 20,1,2 元的情况即可。代码如下:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;int main(){ s.

2021-10-10 22:50:23 90

原创 10月6日训练总结

A题,分蛋糕,输入蛋糕个数,以及每一个的半径,以及宾客的人数,要求每个宾客得到的蛋糕体积一样,自己也要一块,问最大分到的是多少。思路,对答案二分,检查是否可以成功分那么多快蛋糕。代码如下:#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#define p1 acos(-1.0) using namespace std;double a[10000+

2021-10-10 22:44:27 76

原创 10月4日训练总结

A:题意:输入A,B,C,请输出A-B之间C的倍数(任意一个)代码如下#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;int main(void){ ll a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; ll k=c; for(k;k<=b;k+=c) { if(a<=k&&k

2021-10-10 19:48:27 117

原创 Codeforces Round #739 (Div. 3)题解A-E

A.Dislike of ThreesProblem - A - Codeforces题意:Polycarp不喜欢在十进制表示中可以被3整除的整数或以数3字结尾的整数。Polycarp 也不喜欢同时满足这两个条件的整数。Polycarp 开始写出正数(大于00) 他喜欢的整数:1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,14,16,...1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,14,16,….输出克克- 此序列的第 - 个元素(元素编号从11)。...

2021-09-23 15:48:34 129

原创 H - Kiki & Little Kiki 1 HDU - 2275

Day2—EEvery girl likes shopping,so does dandelion.Now she finds the shop is increasing the price every day because the Spring Festival is coming .She is fond of a shop which is called "memory". Now she wants to know the rank of this shop's price after th

2021-08-31 19:43:58 102

原创 G - 产生冠军 HDU - 2094


2021-08-31 18:59:41 67

原创 F - pairs HDU - 5178

Day2—Fohn hasnnpoints on the X axis, and their coordinates are(x[i],0),(i=0,1,2,…,n−1)(x[i],0),(i=0,1,2,…,n−1). He wants to know how many pairs<a,b><a,b>that|x[b]−x[a]|≤k.(a<b)|x[b]−x[a]|≤k.(a<b)InputThe first line contains a s...

2021-08-31 18:16:03 85

原创 E - Shopping HDU - 2648

Day2—FJohn hasnnpoints on the X axis, and their coordinates are(x[i],0),(i=0,1,2,…,n−1)(x[i],0),(i=0,1,2,…,n−1). He wants to know how many pairs<a,b><a,b>that|x[b]−x[a]|≤k.(a<b)|x[b]−x[a]|≤k.(a<b)InputThe first line contains a ...

2021-08-31 18:11:25 80

原创 D - Let the Balloon Rise HDU - 1004

Day2—DContest time again! How excited it is to see balloons floating around. But to tell you a secret, the judges' favorite time is guessing the most popular problem. When the contest is over, they will count the balloons of each color and find the resul

2021-08-31 16:12:11 72

原创 C - Running Median HDU - 3282

Day2—CFor this problem, you will write a program that reads in a sequence of 32-bit signed integers. After eachodd-indexedvalue is read, output the median (middle value) of the elements received so far.InputThe first line of input contains a single..

2021-08-31 15:28:19 114

原创 B - Stones HDU - 1896

Because of the wrong status of the bicycle, Sempr begin to walk east to west every morning and walk back every evening. Walking may cause a little tired, so Sempr always play some games this time.There are many stones on the road, when he meet a stone, he

2021-08-31 15:20:33 93

原创 A - The Balance of the World

Day2—AThe world should be finely balanced. Positive vs. negative, light vs. shadow, and left vs. right brackets. Your mission is to write a program that judges whether a string is balanced with respect to brackets so that we can observe the balance of th

2021-08-31 13:39:42 95

原创 G - 度度熊学队列 HDU - 6375


2021-08-31 00:28:50 96

原创 F - Buy and Resell

Day1—FThe Power Cube is used as a stash of Exotic Power. There arenncities numbered1,2,…,n1,2,…,nwhere allowed to trade it. The trading price of the Power Cube in theii-th city isaiaidollars per cube. Noswal is a foxy businessman and wants to quie...

2021-08-31 00:11:23 93

原创 E - Potions (Hard Version)

Day1—EThis is the hard version of the problem. The only difference is that in this versionn≤200000n≤200000. You can make hacks only if both versions of the problem are solved.There arennpotions in a line, with potion11on the far left and potionnn...

2021-08-30 17:13:43 254

原创 D - Equal Sums

Day1—DYou are givenkksequences of integers. The length of theii-th sequence equals tonini.You have to choose exactly two sequencesiiandjj(i≠ji≠j) such that you can remove exactly one element in each of them in such a way that the sum of the cha...

2021-08-30 16:30:49 165

原创 C - Shaolin HDU - 4585

Day1—CShaolin temple is very famous for its Kongfu monks.A lot of young men go to Shaolin temple every year, trying to be a monk there. The master of Shaolin evaluates a young man mainly by his talent on understanding the Buddism scripture, but fighting

2021-08-29 23:25:51 87

原创 B - Queue Aizu - ALDS1_3_B

Day1—BThere arenprocesses in a queue. Each process has nameiand timei. The round-robin scheduling handles the processes in order. A round-robin scheduler gives each process aquantum(a time slot) and interrupts the process if it is not completed by t...

2021-08-29 14:53:59 96

原创 A - Stack Aizu - ALDS1_3_A

Day 1—A,Reverse Polish notation is a notation where every operator follows all of its operands. For example, an expression (1+2)*(5+4) in the conventional Polish notation can be represented as 1 2 + 5 4 + * in the Reverse Polish notation. One of advantag

2021-08-29 14:01:35 59



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