
6 篇文章 0 订阅
5 篇文章 0 订阅




  • 继续上一节,配置完环境,测试完代码后,开始搭建框架。
  • 本部分的代码的实际效果见:PHP 短代码测试
测试 – 图片展示栏
  • 考虑到 WordPress 会自动适应界面大小,我对 html 也不熟,所以用 WordPress 创建三个栏目,参考一下它的 html。

    • 报错,下一个。
  • 参考了一些教程,自己写了个,代码见 附录-文中代码 中对应标题。

  • 效果如下,始终三栏,图片自适应窗口大小,但字体大小无自适应:

  • 但后面在改变视窗尺寸的测试中发现,当视窗比较大的时候,右边会出现空缺,而空缺会被下一行的东西补上,很丑,不过不碍事,加点占位符就解决了。

测试 – 图片上传与自动删除
  • 明确功能:

    • 上传两张图片以进行推理。
    • 这要求代码能够哪些图片是一组,除非不考虑并发。
    • 不过我也没做过这方面的,所以我简单的在短代码里面用时间戳来区分同一组图片。
    • 自动删除。
    • 因为区分一组图片时,我是用时间戳来区分,所以自动删除也可以用时间戳来区分。
  • 输出:

    • 1655796204_before.png
      delete 1655796204_before.png
      save as./upload/1655822379_before.png ./upload/1655822379_after.png
  • 思考:

    • 做完之后感觉不用区分,因为一次提交两张图片,可以直接转 base64 传给服务器,没有区分的必要啊。
    • 现在是新的问题了,会跳转到 upload.php 里面去,不能在线刷新。
测试 – 上传与处理
  • 这部分写的脑袋疼,路径太奇怪了,同一个文件居然有两类路径。

    • 虽然代码重写了挺多遍,但最后效果比想象的好。
    • 但这部分的短代码会让编辑页面打不开,不过只要在插件里面暂停掉该短代码就正常了,虽然是bug,但几乎不影响。
  • 实现思路:

    • 原始页面嵌入 iframe。
    • 原始页面上传图片,并 post 到 iframe。
    • iframe 接受图片并处理,展示。
  • 实现效果:

    1. 上传两张图片。
      1. 可同时上传两张。
      2. 可分开上传,并分别展示。
      3. 可覆盖上传。
    2. 直接以base64形式展示,不保存为临时文件。
    3. 展示图片时不刷新,且自适应大小。
  • 结果展示



  1. PHP 菜鸟教程
  2. SM.MS 图床
  3. HTML 中引入 CSS 的方式
  4. css布局篇——双栏布局与三栏布局
  5. iframe
  6. PHP chdir函数:改变当前的目录
  7. [iframe高度自适应的6个方法] – 这篇NB,是我这些参考里面最有用的。
测试 – 图片展示栏
    $img_before = "https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/19/LzhSjbiXxoMcHJk.png";
    $img_after = "https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/19/NTkL7r8ZJo4uPVD.png";
    $img_variation = "https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/19/Dr6HkN8oRC9yI4A.png";
    echo "
    .img_block {
        float: left;
        height: 30%;
        width: 30%;
        margin: 1.6%;
    .img_describe {
        float: left;
        height: 45%;
        width: 45%;
        margin: 2.5%;
        text-align: center;
    <div class=\"box\">
        <div class=\"img_block\">
            <a><img src=\" " . $img_before . "\" ></a>
            <div class=\"img_describe\"> <p> 第一时图像 </p> </div>
            <div class=\"img_describe\"> <p> 上传 </p> </div>
        <div class=\"img_block\">
            <a><img src=\" " . $img_after . "\" ></a>
            <div class=\"img_describe\"> <p> 第二时图像 </p> </div>
            <div class=\"img_describe\"> <p> 上传 </p> </div>
        <div class=\"img_block\">
            <a><img src=\" " . $img_variation . "\" ></a>
            <div class=\"img_describe\"> <p> 变化区域推理 </p> </div>
            <div class=\"img_describe\"> <p> 下载 </p> </div>
测试 – 图片上传与自动删除
  • 短代码
    $workplace = '/external-functions/pdrs/';
    $timestamp = time();
    echo "
    <form action=\"" . $workplace . "upload.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
        <label for=\"file\">文件名:</label>
        <input hidden name=\"timestamp\" value=\"" . $timestamp . "\">
        <input type=\"file\" name=\"file1\" id=\"file1\"><br>
        <input type=\"file\" name=\"file2\" id=\"file2\"><br>
        <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"提交\">
  • 目录树
- pdrs
--- upload.php
--- utils.php
--- upload
  --- 1655820968_before.png
  --- 1655809752_before.png
  --- 1655796204_before.png
  --- 1655822379_before.png
  --- 1655822379_after.png
  • upload.php
# ref: https://www.runoob.com/php/php-file-upload.html
require_once './utils.php';

$upload_path = ‘./upload/’;
f i l e s i z e m a x = 1024 ∗ 1024 ∗ 10 ; / / 10 M c h e c k o l d f i l e i n d i r ( file_size_max = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10M check_old_file_in_dir( filesizemax=1024102410;//10Mcheckoldfileindir(upload_path);

// $workplace = ‘/home/ftp/y/yupfyfel/wwwroot/external-functions/pdrs/’;
$tmp_file_path_before = $upload_path . $_POST[“timestamp”] . “_before.png”;
$tmp_file_path_after = $upload_path . P O S T [ " t i m e s t a m p " ] . " a f t e r . p n g " ; m o v e u p l o a d e d f i l e ( _POST["timestamp"] . "_after.png"; move_uploaded_file( POST["timestamp"]."after.png";moveuploadedfile(_FILES[“file1”][“tmp_name”], t m p f i l e p a t h b e f o r e ) ; m o v e u p l o a d e d f i l e ( tmp_file_path_before); move_uploaded_file( tmpfilepathbefore);moveuploadedfile(_FILES[“file2”][“tmp_name”], $tmp_file_path_after);
echo “save as” . $tmp_file_path_before . " " . $tmp_file_path_after;

  • utils.php

function delete_old_file($file_path) {
# file_path: timestamp_filename.png
# if timestamp is ten minutes ago, delete the file
f i l e n a m e = s u b s t r ( file_name = substr( filename=substr(file_path, strrpos($file_path, ‘/’) + 1);
t i m e s t a m p = s u b s t r ( timestamp = substr( timestamp=substr(file_name, 0, strrpos($file_name, ‘_’));
$timestamp_now = time();
$timestamp_ago = t i m e s t a m p n o w − 600 ; i f ( timestamp_now - 600; if ( timestampnow600;if(timestamp < KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … unlink(file_path);
return true;
return false;

function check_old_file_in_dir($dir) {
# dir: ./upload/
f i l e s = s c a n d i r ( files = scandir( files=scandir(dir);
foreach ($files as KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … { if (file != ‘.’ && $file != ‘…’) {
echo KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 9: file . '&̲lt;br&gt;'; …dir . $file)) {
echo 'delete ’ . $file . ‘<br>’;


测试 – 上传与处理
  • 短代码
$workplace = 'external-functions/pdrs/';
require_once 'utils.php';
$action_file = '/external-functions/pdrs/upload.php';

$timestamp = time();
$file_name_before = $timestamp . ‘_before.png’;
$file_name_after = $timestamp . ‘_after.png’;

$html = ’
<iframe id=“result” src=“’ . $action_file . '” name=“result” width=“100%” height=“100%” scrolling=“false”“></iframe>
<script type=“text/javascript”>
// ref: http://caibaojian.com/iframe-adjust-content-height.html
function reinitIframe(){
var iframe = document.getElementById(“result”);
var bHeight = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;
var dHeight = iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
var height = Math.max(bHeight, dHeight);
var bWidth = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth;
var dWidth = iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
var width = Math.max(bWidth, dWidth);
iframe.height = height;
iframe.Width = width;
}catch (ex){}
window.setInterval(“reinitIframe()”, 200);
<div class=“box”>
<form action=”’ . $action_file . ‘" method=“post” target=“result” enctype=“multipart/form-data”>
<label for=“file”>第一时影像:</label>
<input hidden name=“file_name_before” value="’ . $file_name_before . ‘“>
<input type=“file” name=“file_before” id=“file_before”>
<label for=“file”>第二时影像:</label>
<input hidden name=“file_name_after” value=”’ . $file_name_after . '">
<input type=“file” name=“file_after” id=“file_after”>
<input type=“submit” name=“submit” value=“上传”>

echo $html;


  • 目录树
- pdrs
--- upload.php
--- utils.php
  • upload.php
# ref: https://www.runoob.com/php/php-file-upload.html
require_once './utils.php';
$upload_path = 'upload/';
$img_before = "https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/19/LzhSjbiXxoMcHJk.png";
$img_after = "https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/19/NTkL7r8ZJo4uPVD.png";
$img_variation = "https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/19/Dr6HkN8oRC9yI4A.png";

$file_before = $_FILES[“file_before”];
$file_after = $_FILES[“file_after”];

if (check_file($file_before)){
    # save img
    // $file_path_before = $upload_path . $_POST['file_name_before'];
    // move_uploaded_file($file_before["tmp_name"], $file_path_before);
    # img to base64
    $img_before = img_to_base64($file_before["tmp_name"]);

if (check_file($file_after)){
    # save img
    // $file_path_after = $upload_path . $_POST['file_name_after'];
    // move_uploaded_file($file_after["tmp_name"], $file_path_after);
    # img to base64
    $img_after = img_to_base64($file_after["tmp_name"]);


$html = ’
.img_block {
float: left;
min-height: 32%;
max-height: 32%;
min-width: 32%;
max-width: 32%;
margin: 0.6%;
.img_block img {
min-height: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
min-width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
<div class=“box”>
<div class=“img_block”>
<a><img src=“’ . $img_before . '” ></a>
<div class=“img_block”>
<a><img src=“’ . $img_after . '” ></a>
<div class=“img_block”>
<a><img src=“’ . $img_variation . '” ></a>
echo $html;

  • utils.php

global variables

$file_size_max = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // 2M

function print_file_in_dir($dir) {
# dir: ./upload/
f i l e s = s c a n d i r ( files = scandir( files=scandir(dir);
foreach ($files as KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … { if (file != ‘.’ && $file != ‘…’) {
echo(“file:” . $dir . ‘/’ . $file . “<br>”);

function delete_old_file($file_path) {
# file_path: timestamp_filename.png
# if timestamp is ten minutes ago, delete the file
f i l e n a m e = s u b s t r ( file_name = substr( filename=substr(file_path, strrpos($file_path, ‘/’) + 1);
t i m e s t a m p = s u b s t r ( timestamp = substr( timestamp=substr(file_name, 0, strrpos($file_name, ‘_’));
$timestamp_now = time();
$timestamp_ago = t i m e s t a m p n o w − 600 ; i f ( timestamp_now - 600; if ( timestampnow600;if(timestamp < KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … unlink(file_path);
return true;
return false;

function check_old_file_in_dir($dir) {
# dir: ./upload/
f i l e s = s c a n d i r ( files = scandir( files=scandir(dir);
foreach ($files as KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … { if (file != ‘.’ && KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …elete_old_file(dir . $file);

function test_input($data){
# copy from: https://www.runoob.com/php/php-form-validation.html
d a t a = t r i m ( data = trim( data=trim(data);
d a t a = s t r i p s l a s h e s ( data = stripslashes( data=stripslashes(data);
d a t a = h t m l s p e c i a l c h a r s ( data = htmlspecialchars( data=htmlspecialchars(data);
return $data;

function check_file($_file) {
# check file type, size. Allow type: png, jpg, jpeg
# $_file: $_FILES[“file”]
$file_type = $_file[“type”];
$file_size = f i l e [ " s i z e " ] ; i f ( _file["size"]; if ( file["size"];if(file_type != “image/png” && $file_type != “image/jpg” && $file_type != “image/jpeg” || $file_size > $GLOBALS[‘file_size_max’]) {
echo "文件类型或大小不符合要求: " . $file_type . " " . $file_size;
return false;
return true;

function img_to_base64(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got '#' at position 18: …le_path) { #̲ file_path: ./u…fp = fopen($file_path, “r”)) {
c o n t e n t = f r e a d ( content = fread( content=fread(fp, filesize( f i l e p a t h ) ) ; f c l o s e ( file_path)); fclose( filepath));fclose(fp);
f i l e b a s e 64 = ′ d a t a : i m a g e / p n g ; b a s e 64 , ′ . b a s e 6 4 e n c o d e ( file_base64 = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode( filebase64=data:image/png;base64,.base64encode(content);

    return $file_base64;
return false;


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