
本文翻译自:How to add screenshot to READMEs in github repository?

Is it possible to place a screenshot in README file in a GitHub repository? 是否可以在GitHub存储库中的README文件中放置屏幕截图? What's the syntax? 语法是什么?




If you use Markdown (README.md): 如果您使用Markdown(README.md):

Provided that you have the image in your repo, you can use a relative URL: 如果您的仓库中有图像,则可以使用相对URL:

![Alt text](/relative/path/to/img.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title")

If you need to embed an image that's hosted elsewhere, you can use a full URL 如果您需要嵌入托管在其他位置的图像,则可以使用完整的URL

![Alt text](http://full/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")

GitHub recommend that you use relative links with the ?raw=true parameter to ensure forked repos point correctly. GitHub建议您使用带有?raw=true参数的相对链接来正确确保forked repos point。

The raw=true parameter is there in order to ensure the image you link to, will be rendered as is. raw=true参数是为了确保您链接的图像,将按原样呈现。 That means that only the image will be linked to, not the whole GitHub interface for that respective file. 这意味着只有图像将链接到,而不是相应文件的整个GitHub接口。 See this comment for more details. 有关详细信息,请参阅此评论

Check out an example: https://raw.github.com/altercation/solarized/master/README.md 查看示例: https//raw.github.com/altercation/solarized/master/README.md

If you use SVGs then you'll need to set the sanitize attribute to true as well: ?raw=true&sanitize=true . 如果您使用SVG,那么您还需要将sanitize属性设置为true?raw=true&sanitize=true (Thanks @EliSherer) (谢谢@EliSherer)

Also, the documentation on relative links in README files: https://help.github.com/articles/relative-links-in-readmes 此外,有关README文件中相对链接的文档: https//help.github.com/articles/relative-links-in-readmes

And of course the markdown docs: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax 当然还有降价文档: http//daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax

Additionally, if you create a new branch screenshots to store the images you can avoid them being in the master working tree 此外,如果您创建新的分支screenshots来存储图像,则可以避免它们位于master工作树中

You can then embed them using: 然后您可以使用以下方法嵌入它们:

![Alt text](/../<branch name>/path/to/image.png?raw=true "Optional Title")


I found that the path to the image in my repo did not suffice, I had to link to the image on the raw.github.com subdomain. 我发现我的raw.github.com的图像路径不够,我不得不链接到raw.github.com子域上的图像。

URL format https://raw.github.com/{USERNAME}/{REPOSITORY}/{BRANCH}/{PATH} 网址格式https://raw.github.com/{USERNAME}/{REPOSITORY}/{BRANCH}/{PATH}

Markdown example ![Settings Window](https://raw.github.com/ryanmaxwell/iArrived/master/Screenshots/Settings.png) Markdown示例![Settings Window](https://raw.github.com/ryanmaxwell/iArrived/master/Screenshots/Settings.png)


One line below should be what you looking for 下面的一行应该是你要找的

if your file is in repository 如果您的文件在存储库中


if your file is in other external url 如果您的文件在其他外部网址中



With the images located in /screen-shots directory. 图像位于/screen-shots目录中。 The outer <div> allows the images to be positioned. 外部<div>允许定位图像。 Padding is achieved using <img width="desired-padding" height="0"> . 使用<img width="desired-padding" height="0">来实现<img width="desired-padding" height="0">

<div align="center">
        <img width="45%" src="screen-shots/about.PNG" alt="About screen" title="About screen"</img>
        <img height="0" width="8px">
        <img width="45%" src="screen-shots/list.PNG" alt="List screen" title="List screen"></img>


Even though there is already an accepted answer I would like to add another way to upload images to readme on GitHub. 即使已经有一个已接受的答案,我想添加另一种方法将图像上传到GitHub上的自述文件。

  • You need to create issue in your repo 您需要在回购中创建问题
  • Drag and drop in the comment area your image 拖放图像的注释区域
  • After link for the image is generated insert it to your readme 生成图像链接后,将其插入自述文件

More details you can find here 您可以在此处找到更多详情





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